

**Chapter 1274: Ambush in the Tomb**

The connection with the golden-armored demon was lost, and the link between them was severed. Lin Moyu's first reaction was that the golden-armored demon had died.

But upon further thought, it didn't make sense. Even if the golden-armored demon was killed instantly, Lin Moyu should have sensed the attack coming.

Yet, the golden-armored demon disappeared abruptly, without any warning.

While Lin Moyu was puzzled, the golden-armored demon suddenly reappeared in his senses.

"Not dead!"

The golden-armored demon was indeed not dead, but the connection between them had become very weak.

It seemed as if they were not in the same space-time.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Moyu understood what was happening.

The next moment, the poison god race member started running wildly, his eight limbs creating countless afterimages on the ground as he rushed forward rapidly.

His speed was much faster than the golden-armored demon, and in an instant, he reached the critical point and disappeared just like the golden-armored demon.

Lin Moyu was not in a hurry. He waited quietly for a few seconds, and the poison god race member reappeared in his senses.

He and the golden-armored demon were in the same space, not far from each other.

"It seems that as long as the speed is sufficient, one can pass this test."

Lin Moyu gave the order, and his mount transformed into a golden stream of light, rushing forward quickly.

The speed of the golden eagle race was indeed very fast, reaching the critical point almost in the blink of an eye.


It was as if a bubble had burst. The golden eagle race member turned into a phantom and disappeared before Lin Moyu's eyes, while Lin Moyu himself seemed to hit an invisible wall and was heavily bounced back.

Lin Moyu fell to the ground, emitting a white light.

The skeletons bore the brunt of the impact.

Lin Moyu clearly felt an invisible law invading his body at the moment of impact.

"They really left no loopholes!"

Lin Moyu didn't expect the rules here to be so strict that he couldn't use the speed of the golden eagle race to pass the test.

"It seems I can only rely on myself."

This test was not difficult, but it required one's own strength. Only by reaching the critical speed with one's own power could one pass.

That's why the golden eagle race member passed, but Lin Moyu was blocked by the rules.

Lin Moyu got up, took a deep breath, and suddenly exerted force with his legs, shooting forward like an arrow.

His speed was not slow. Even with just the physical body of a peak true god, it was enough for him to pass this test.

Lin Moyu's speed increased rapidly, and after a few seconds, he reached the critical point.

The bubble burst before his eyes, and Lin Moyu felt himself entering another world.

The connection with the resurrected beings in his soul became extremely clear, and he easily sensed their positions, not far from him.

With a thought, the three resurrected beings immediately came over.

Lin Moyu observed the space around him.

From now on, he had truly entered the interior of the tomb.

The interior of the tomb was not as dark as he had imagined. Instead, it was quite bright.

All the light sources came from the white bones embedded in the surrounding walls, filling every gap.

They shone like night pearls, illuminating the entire tomb.

It was a semi-circular space with a very high ceiling, at least a kilometer high.

From its shape and the appearance of the ancient tomb seen from the outside, Lin Moyu judged that he had walked through a long passage and entered the interior of the tomb.

Around him were ten identical stone doors, each 500 meters high, uniform in size and material, made of the same black stone as the tomb.

The black stone doors contrasted sharply with the glowing white bones, creating an eerie atmosphere.

The ten stone doors represented ten directions or ten secret chambers.

Seven of the stone doors were open, while the other three were closed.

With Lin Moyu's abilities, he had no way to deal with the closed stone doors.

The stone doors were not opened recently; they had been like this since the ancient tomb first appeared ten thousand years ago.

Over the millennia, countless people had entered to explore, taking everything they could.

If the stones could be taken, they would have been moved long ago.

If there was anything valuable left in the tomb, it would be behind the three closed doors.

"Have you been here before?" Lin Moyu asked the three resurrected beings.

They shook their heads. The golden eagle race member said, "Our clan records state that everything here has been taken, so there's no need to enter."

The poison god race member and the golden-armored demon gave similar answers.

The records Lin Moyu had seen also indicated that each secret chamber contained a tomb with a coffin.

"These should be the tomb owner's relatives, buried together."

"But the coffins are all empty, and the people inside are missing."

If that was the case, there was indeed no need to enter.

Lin Moyu looked ahead, where a dark passage led deeper into the tomb.

According to the mission information, after passing through this passage, there would be a dry fountain.

In the fountain pool, there were many stones.

These stones were tainted by the laws of death, and bringing back one would complete the mission and earn a reward.

This task seemed very easy, but it was not.

Out of ten people who took this task, less than half completed it.

The difficulty lay in the second passage ahead.

The golden-armored demon entered the passage first. It was dark and unlit.

However, the passage was not long, and the golden-armored demon quickly reached the end.

Nothing happened during the entire process.

It wasn't until he left the passage that a barrage of attacks fell on him.

The golden-armored demon didn't even have time to react and was killed instantly.

"An ambush?"

Lin Moyu was puzzled. According to the information from the golden-armored demon before his death, there was an ambush at the other end of the passage.

"This is different from the records."

"The records say the second test is in the second passage."

"Why did the golden-armored demon pass through the passage unscathed but get ambushed after leaving it?"

Lin Moyu was very confused and didn't know what had happened.

Unlike skeletons, he couldn't connect to the resurrected beings' vision and could only judge based on the information they transmitted.

Losing a resurrected being didn't bother Lin Moyu.

Immediately, the poison god race member entered the passage.

Under Lin Moyu's command, he increased his speed to the limit and rushed through the passage in just a few dozen seconds.

Like the golden-armored demon, he was not attacked in the passage.

It wasn't until he left the passage that a barrage of attacks fell on him.

As expected, the poison god race member was killed instantly.

Lin Moyu frowned. With a thought, the golden eagle race member turned into a golden light and shot into the passage.

The golden eagle race member's speed far exceeded that of the golden-armored demon and the poison god race member, passing through the passage in less than twenty seconds.

Again, a barrage of attacks fell, but the golden eagle race member was too fast and dodged most of them.

However, he seemed to hit something and was forcibly stopped.

Another round of dense attacks followed, and the golden eagle race member met the same fate.

On the other side of the passage, Lin Moyu gathered more information.

"There should be someone ambushing on the other side."

"And there are quite a few of them. Who are they? What do they want?"

"Why did the second passage lose its function?"

As he pondered, a hundred skeleton god generals appeared around Lin Moyu, surrounding him as they entered the second passage together.