

**Chapter 1432: Did I Allow You to Die?**

The three God Sovereigns felt a sense of impending doom, their powerful souls sending out warnings of danger. Lin Moyu's soul lock had taken hold of them.

"Not good!"

The three simultaneously realized the danger and felt Lin Moyu's soul lock. They reacted quickly, surrounding themselves with the Law Star River. Under the protection of the Law Star River, a God King realm cultivator couldn't possibly lock onto their souls. God King realm cultivators couldn't enter the Law Star River, so there was no question of locking onto them.

However, even after entering the Law Star River, the sense of danger persisted, and the soul lock remained.

"What the hell!"

The three panicked, having never encountered such a situation before. Suddenly, each of them heard a loud noise. The noise came from their own bodies, and before they could check the source, their consciousness fell into boundless darkness.


"How did we die?"

Their final thoughts were useless questions, never to be answered.

Previously, outside the Yellow Sand Desert, Lin Moyu had obtained three pieces of God Sovereign flesh. These were from the Nightmare God Sovereign, the Flame Demon God Sovereign, and the Stone Demon God Sovereign. Using these three pieces of flesh as explosive materials, and leveraging the Bone Hell's mark, he firmly locked onto the three God Sovereigns before him. Each of them experienced the effect of a corpse explosion. The effect was excellent; none of them could withstand the corpse explosion and were killed on the spot.

A moment ago, the God Sovereigns were full of life, but now they were three mangled corpses floating in the silent void.

"No loss!"

Lin Moyu smiled, satisfied with the one-for-one exchange. The effect was very good, not a losing deal at all.

Finks and the others were already pale with fear. The God Sovereigns were dead, and these were God Sovereigns, three of them. Even if they were low-level God Sovereigns, they were still God Sovereigns. Lin Moyu was only at the third stage of the God King realm. No matter what methods he used, he shouldn't be able to defeat a God Sovereign. They were truly terrified.

They didn't even have the thought of escaping. The starry sky was sealed, teleportation tools couldn't be used, and they were trapped. With Lin Moyu's speed, he could kill them all.

Finks suddenly realized something, "Lin Moyu, you released the news on purpose."

Lin Moyu smiled, "This way, I can catch you all in one go. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to find you one by one."

Because it was too troublesome, he released the news to lure them in. Everyone was on each other's kill list, and Lin Moyu's approach was understandable. Finks laughed, a chilling laugh, "Lin Moyu, we lost this time, but you can't kill me!" His aura surged, and his body suddenly swelled, clearly about to self-destruct.

"Did I allow you to die?" A cold voice rang out, followed by a flash of red light above his head, and a curse descended. The Undead Eye also focused on him. The soul pain was unbearable, his mind went blank, and Finks' self-destruction was forcibly interrupted. The dual soul attack couldn't kill Finks, but it could interrupt his spell.

Here, Lin Moyu controlled life and death. Without his permission, even suicide was impossible. Moreover, even if they died, they might not escape Lin Moyu's control.

Everyone was in despair.

Finks, enduring the pain, gave a final roar, "Scatter and escape, whoever can escape, do it!"

His words were meant for the remaining three-clan coalition. Although the coalition had collapsed, over eight thousand people were still alive. If they scattered, Lin Moyu couldn't catch them all. Lin Moyu chuckled, pressing his palm down, and the Bone Hell appeared, covering a hundred thousand kilometers of void. Behind him, flames and starlight flickered, and the Flame Lich and Starlight Lich appeared. They were responsible for mopping up any stragglers. With the Light Speed Lich's extreme speed, none would escape. The God Sovereigns were dead, and dealing with these people didn't require Lin Moyu's full strength. He didn't even deploy the Undead Legion or the Buddha Lich. Many of the demons were avatars. After their death, they would carry information back to their main bodies. Lin Moyu couldn't reveal all his strength. In the previous battle in the Yellow Sand Desert, Lin Moyu had already exposed a lot of information. However, the demons also knew that Lin Moyu's strength was not on par with a God Sovereign. So, they sent God Sovereigns this time, thinking it was a sure win, but they were completely overturned.

This showed the importance of keeping some cards hidden.

In the Bone Hell, slaves roamed, and gray spirits launched fierce attacks on the three-clan coalition. The entire hell was filled with flames, with gray undead flames flying everywhere. The undead flames had astonishing corrosive power, similar to the death power of the Undead Law. The coalition struggled in the Bone Hell, stepping towards death. Those who died in the Bone Hell had their souls captured by the real hell, becoming eternal slaves. Even if they died in the Bone Hell, they would be resurrected in the real hell and reappear in the Bone Hell. The Bone Hell was like a projection of the real hell in the physical world, terrifying beyond measure.

Lin Moyu no longer needed to manage the battle. The God Kings in the coalition were dying, one by one becoming slaves and attacking their former comrades.

"What is this? Why can they revive after death?"

"Why do they attack us after reviving? What kind of spell is this?"

"I've never seen such a spell, it's too terrifying!"

Screams echoed from the Bone Hell.

Finks' face was pale; he realized his fate. He tried to escape the Bone Hell, but with the Starlight Lich present, and under the influence of illusions, he had no chance. He couldn't even self-destruct; his life and death were not his own.

"Lin Moyu, I curse you to die a horrible death, worse than mine!"

Finks uttered the most vicious curse.

Lin Moyu smiled, indifferent, "You're not the first to curse me, and you won't be the last." Finks roared in anger, making his final struggle.

As the battle progressed, it became faster and faster, and after half an hour, it was over.

In the Bone Hell, a new army appeared, composed of demons, Golden Eagles, and the Silver Snake lineage of the Three Silver Clan. They looked alive, still full of vigor. But they had lost all color, from head to toe, inside and out, they were all gray. The power of hell had reconstructed their bodies, identical to their living forms. Lin Moyu tried to have them form battle formations, but it failed. They retained many of their spells, realms, and powers from life, but not the ability to form battle formations. Strictly speaking, they were already dead, no longer living beings.

Lin Moyu speculated that they belonged to the hell army. If they were to form a battle formation, it would be a hell formation.

Did hell formations exist?

Lin Moyu had no doubt about this; formations must exist, he just hadn't mastered them yet.

He put away the Bone Hell and looked at the silent void, where three God Sovereign corpses floated.

Lin Moyu flicked his thoughts, sending out two clusters of undead flames, enveloping the Demon God Sovereign and the Golden Eagle God Sovereign.

"Let the dogs bite each other."

With a slight smile, Lin Moyu's killing intent was evident.