

 **Chapter 1498: Hope Given, Now It's Time to Take It Back**

After killing the leader-level giant beast, Lin Moyu obtained a white jade token, directly increasing his score by 2,000 points.

Although 2,000 points were not much, it was a crucial step for Dongfang Ze.

He verified his idea and confirmed that his plan was feasible.

The white jade token turned into white light in his hand and dissipated, converting into points. Dongfang Ze eagerly opened the task leaderboard.

1. Lin Moyu, 28,882 points.

2. Lin Mohan, 9,021 points.

3. Dongfang Ze, 5,612 points.

4. Zhuang Bi, 3,421 points.

Although his score was still incomparable to Lin Moyu's, not even close to a fraction, the gap had indeed narrowed.

Since the last time he checked the leaderboard, Lin Moyu's score had increased by 500 points, and Lin Mohan's score had increased by 400 points.

However, his own score had increased by 2,300 points.

As long as he killed a few more leader-level giant beasts, he had hope of catching up to Lin Mohan.

If he could kill a boss-level giant beast, he could directly surpass Lin Moyu and become first.

"Yes, that's it."

"As long as I find a boss-level giant beast, I can become first."

"A boss-level giant beast is at least at the fifth rank of the God King Realm, possibly even reaching the sixth rank. With the realm suppression, very few people can defeat a boss-level giant beast."

"I can mobilize part of the power of the Law Star River. With some effort, I can kill a boss-level giant beast."

Dongfang Ze's eyes burned with the fire of conviction. He seemed to see hope, the possibility of surpassing Lin Moyu.

But soon, a bucket of cold water was poured over his head.

Lin Moyu's score suddenly increased by 1,000 points.

Dongfang Ze was stunned, taking a full three seconds to react, "He also killed a leader-level giant beast..."

Then Lin Moyu's score changed again, increasing by another 1,000 points.

Lin Moyu directly broke through the 30,000-point mark, reaching 30,882 points.

Not only had he killed a leader-level giant beast, but he had also obtained a white jade token. The two score changes were like two heavy punches to Dongfang Ze's head. His entire being felt cold, and the little joy he had vanished completely.

The gap between their scores had not only not narrowed but had widened again.

At this moment, Lin Mohan's score also changed, increasing by 1,000 points. Needless to say, she had also killed a leader-level giant beast.

Given Lin Mohan's demonstrated combat power, killing a leader-level giant beast was not difficult. Dongfang Ze snapped out of his daze, his slightly lost gaze reigniting with determination.

"I still have a chance. He can kill a leader-level giant beast, but that doesn't mean he can kill a boss-level giant beast."

"Even if he can kill a boss-level giant beast, it will come down to who kills more."

"One boss-level giant beast is worth 100,000 points. As long as I kill a few more, I can surpass him in points."

"And there's the purple jade token. With some luck, one boss-level giant beast could be worth 200,000 points."

Dongfang Ze kept comforting himself, regaining his confidence.

Far away, Lin Moyu had no idea what Dongfang Ze was thinking.

After killing the leader-level giant beast, he summoned the Undead Eye again for a search.

He still didn't find any boss-level giant beasts, but he did find a few more leader-level giant beasts.

Besides the leader-level giant beasts, Lin Moyu also saw a few soul flames belonging to cultivators. They had already surpassed him on the path, moving ahead of him.

Lin Moyu knew he wasn't slow; it could only mean they were moving faster.

Moving fast must have a purpose.

"From Fire Seed Island to leaving the Ring Mountain Continent, the straight-line distance is over 400,000 kilometers."

"In the first 100,000 kilometers, there are only ordinary and elite giant beasts."

"From 100,000 kilometers onward, leader-level giant beasts start to appear."

"Boss-level giant beasts should appear in the final stretch, and their numbers won't be many."

"Judging by the points, the strength of boss-level giant beasts should be around the fifth to sixth rank of the God King Realm."

"If someone specifically targets boss-level giant beasts, they might really surpass me."

Killing a boss-level giant beast guarantees 100,000 points, and with some luck, it could be 200,000 points.

That's equivalent to killing 200,000 ordinary giant beasts.

Lin Moyu opened the task leaderboard and saw that Dongfang Ze's score had suddenly increased significantly, understanding what he had done.

This also confirmed his own guess.

Not only Dongfang Ze, but others might also choose to do the same.

Especially those Little God Sovereigns, they all had trump cards. If they used their trump cards, they could definitely kill boss-level giant beasts.

Moreover, these people would not be content to let him take first place. They would definitely find ways to surpass him, either by killing boss-level giant beasts or obtaining purple jade tokens.

Purple jade tokens were too rare, hidden somewhere on the vast continent.

Killing boss-level giant beasts was more reliable and also had a chance of obtaining purple jade tokens.

Lin Moyu believed that as long as they weren't foolish, they would definitely choose to kill boss-level giant beasts.

This was the only chance to surpass him.

"It's about time. Hope has been given, now it's time to take it back."

Lin Moyu slowly raised his head, looking at the formation above.

His gaze seemed to penetrate the formation, seeing the starry sky beyond the Ring Mountain Continent.

Lin Lao, who was observing Lin Moyu from the palace, suddenly froze, "He noticed us."

The Sacred Lord Hao shook his head, "He didn't notice us, but he sensed our observation. Don't forget, he also has a fifth-grade purple jade soul."

Madam Yu nodded, "A fifth-grade purple jade soul is extremely sensitive. Our observation would indeed be noticed."

Lin Lao's pupils suddenly contracted, "What is he going to do?"

Madam Yu looked over, her beautiful face showing a complex expression, "Sacred Lord, do you know what he's planning?"

The Sacred Lord Hao chuckled, "This kid is too cunning. He's planning to crush everyone's hope."

"He must have known the task rules long ago. He was just taking it easy before, giving others a bit of hope."

"Now, he's going to take that hope back."

Madam Yu was quick-witted and immediately understood, "But doing this will offend people, won't it?"

The Sacred Lord Hao shook his head, "When your strength is so great that others can't even be jealous, it doesn't count as offending people."

Lin Lao agreed with the Sacred Lord Hao, "Indeed, a truly powerful person doesn't need to care about others' opinions."

The Sacred Lord Hao continued, "Besides, it's good to temper their arrogance. Normally, they are all proud and don't accept anyone. This time, let them know there's always someone better."

Lin Moyu indeed sensed the observation from the Sacred Lord Hao and the others. His soul was too sensitive, and no observation could escape his notice.

However, he didn't find it strange. He had long known that people would be watching this task.

After all, it gathered the fire seeds of the human race. Any accident would be unacceptable.

"Since you want to watch, I'll give you a good show."

Lin Moyu didn't deliberately hide his strength. Some things couldn't be hidden even if he wanted to, so he might as well display them openly.

A large number of Skeleton God Warriors appeared around him, rushing in all directions.

The Skeleton God Warriors split into two groups, one half charging into the mountains and forests, the other half leaping into the ocean, starting to slaughter ordinary and elite giant beasts.

At the same time, tens of thousands of Skeleton God Generals charged out, targeting leader-level and even boss-level giant beasts.

Even though his own realm was suppressed to the first rank of the God King Realm, the Skeleton God Generals still possessed combat strength equivalent to the eighth rank of the God King Realm.

Dealing with leader-level and boss-level giant beasts was a matter of minutes.