

Chapter 1748: Gazing at Death

Although Lin Moyu's words sounded somewhat unbelievable, Yu Chengfeng and the others still followed his instructions.

Lin Moyu did not know what Madam Yu had said to them, but it could be seen from this that Madam Yu's position in the Yu Family was unshakable. 

The execution ability and unity of the Yu Family members were also extremely astonishing.

Only if each major family and every member of the human race was like this could the human race rise to the top again from the ruins.

The formation stopped, and the Celestial Venerables converged all of their aura.

At this moment, their aura was almost completely gone, their hearts no longer beat, and their blood no longer flowed, as if they were all dead people.

The battleship instantly became a ghost ship, devoid of any vitality.

It was like an abandoned piece of garbage, drifting in the starry void.

There were countless such pieces of garbage in the dark void.

Time passed minute by minute, but Lin Moyu still stared outside the battleship, saying nothing.

As Celestial Venerables, Yu Chengfeng and the others had lived for thousands of years, and patience was something they had in abundance. They were not in a hurry and did not ask any questions.

After more than ten minutes, one of the Celestial Venerables seemed to have noticed something, and his eyes flickered with an unusual light.

The blood that had stopped flowing seemed to have stirred again. Yu Chengfeng immediately looked over, and that Celestial Venerable immediately converged his aura again.

Outside the battleship, huge figures flew past one by one.

Their forms varied, with the smallest being thousands of meters long and the largest tens of thousands of meters, or even hundreds of thousands of meters long.

Each of them was a celestial beast of the starry void, and the number was astonishingly large. Just within the range of vision, there were thousands of them, and there were probably tens of thousands more that could not be seen.

The weakest among them was at the first level of the Celestial Venerable realm, while the strongest had already reached the higher levels of the Celestial Venerable realm.

Thousands of celestial beasts at the Celestial Venerable realm, like a formidable army, were flying through the starry void.

They passed by about 1,000 kilometers away from the battleship and did not seem to have noticed the existence of the battleship, disappearing into the darkness.

Yu Chengfeng looked in the direction where the celestial beasts had gone, and then suddenly realized something.

If he had not changed direction earlier, they would have collided directly with these celestial beasts.

Facing thousands of celestial beasts at the Celestial Venerable realm, he was not confident that he could escape.

Even if he could escape, the other Celestial Venerables of the Yu Family would most likely die.

The Celestial Venerables exchanged glances, and they seemed to have understood why Lin Moyu had done this.

After waiting a few more minutes, the celestial beasts had completely moved away, and Lin Moyu finally spoke, "Thank you, seniors, for your cooperation."

Seeing Lin Moyu say this, Yu Chengfeng and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Chengfeng looked puzzled, "Mr. Lin, what is going on?"

Lin Moyu said, "Someone has controlled the celestial beasts with the power of darkness and wants to wipe out all the Celestial Venerables in the gushing grounds."

Yu Chengfeng's expression changed slightly, "Does Mr. Lin mean all the gushing grounds?"

Lin Moyu nodded slightly, confirming Yu Chengfeng's words.

There were human Celestial Venerables present in each of the gushing grounds.

If these celestial beasts wiped out all the Celestial Venerables in the gushing grounds, many people would die.

Yu Chengfeng felt anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Lin Moyu said, "We can only hope that they are lucky enough to survive."

Yu Chengfeng sighed, they were lucky enough to escape, but it was almost impossible for them to go and rescue others.

Here, the human network could not reach, and even if they notified the human network, by the time the experts from the other shore arrived, it would probably be too late.

Just as Lin Moyu said, they could only rely on luck.

If they were lucky enough, there might be a chance of survival.

But such a chance was extremely slim.

Yu Chengfeng's expression was grave, "Mr. Lin, you previously seemed to have summoned tens of thousands of puppets at the Celestial Venerable realm. With those puppets, we should be able to fight against the celestial beasts, right? We don't necessarily have to flee."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "The reason I chose to retreat was not because of these celestial beasts, but because of the one controlling the celestial beasts."

Yu Chengfeng's expression became even graver, he had already guessed that the one controlling the celestial beasts was an existence at the same level as his own ancient ancestor, and provoking such an existence would mean certain death.

So Lin Moyu chose to flee, without daring to linger for a moment.

Yu Chengfeng sighed slightly, "It's a pity about those puppets at the Celestial Venerable realm, they will all be wasted."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can escape." Lin Moyu did not seem to mind at all, but he did not explain that they were not puppets, but his summons.

Suddenly, Lin Moyu felt a sense of unease in his heart, and his body stiffened, feeling as if he was being watched.

The myriad-colored water in his eyes flickered, and the effect of the myriad-colored water was still ongoing. His gaze pierced through the battleship, through the void, and looked towards the distant place.

In the center of the dark void, that terrifying celestial beast from the other shore was now looking at him.

Its sharp head, its huge black jade-like eyes, emitting a horrifying red glow, with countless blood lines intertwined within.

Lin Moyu was extremely familiar with those blood lines, they were the blood lines of the Black Blood Great Realm, exuding a lethal force.

Separated by an infinite distance, they gazed at each other across the void.

Lin Moyu could even see his own reflection in its black jade-like eyes.

"When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

For some inexplicable reason, this sentence surfaced in Lin Moyu's mind.

Immediately after, he saw the blood in its eyes pulsate, converging into a terrifying word.


His mind buzzed, and his soul world crackled with lightning, as a terrifying attack, spanning tens of thousands of light-years, descended upon him.

The attack from the other shore was extremely formidable, like the ancient Buddha's palm strike back then.

The ancient Buddha's palm strike still left traces, but this attack was formless and intangible, impossible to grasp.

Lin Moyu was greatly alarmed, for he was a soul at the other shore realm, yet the opponent's attack was powerful enough to threaten him to this extent.

A drop of myriad-colored water flew out from the ancient well of the ancestral water, exploding in his soul world like a refreshing rain.

His soul world immediately stabilized.

Myriad colors rose in his soul world, a kaleidoscope of colors, blocking the formless attack.

Lin Moyu felt that after this strike, the connection between the opponent and himself was weakening. Separated by such a vast distance, even beings at the other shore realm could not attack him at will.

The image of the celestial beast quickly became blurred and was about to disappear.

At the very last moment, its eyes flickered with red light again, and its mouth opened slightly, as if letting out a roar.

Lin Moyu had a bad feeling and shouted urgently, "Be careful!"

Yu Chengfeng also sensed that something was amiss and shouted, "Be careful, defend!"

In an instant, the battleship's defenses were fully activated, shining brilliantly in the starry void.

Suddenly, a huge claw appeared in front of the battleship, striking down heavily upon it.


The battleship's defenses were torn apart like paper, instantly shattering.

Yu Chengfeng and the others were thrown out of the battleship in a wretched state, flying hundreds of millions of kilometers before finally stabilizing. Fortunately, the battleship had taken the brunt of the attack, so they did not die.

Yu Chengfeng was a little shaken, "This is the power of the other shore realm, too terrifying."

Several streaks of white light flew towards them and landed on their bodies!