

Chapter 1762: If He Does Not Die, There Will Be Clan Extermination

A single sentence jolted everyone awake. Lin Moyu, the top ranked on the must-kill lists of all clans.

The divine lords present were all too familiar with Lin Moyu's name - how could they not know the top ranked on their own clan's must-kill list?

"Lin Moyu..."

Even the lone Buddha clansman, the Buddha Pagoda, showed surprise as he lightly uttered Lin Moyu's name. 

There were many records about Lin Moyu in the Buddha clan as well.

The ancient Buddhas had issued an edict regarding this person Lin Moyu - to prioritize recruiting and guiding him into the Buddha clan if possible. If not, then try their best to kill him and prevent his growth. If even killing was impossible, then at least avoid offending him.

Regardless, the Buddha clan had never openly offended any other clan and maintained decent relations with all clans on the surface. As for what they did in secret, that was another matter.

Now it seemed recruiting Lin Moyu was highly unlikely, as the gaze he shot earlier contained killing intent.

"Strange..." The Buddha Pagoda was puzzled, as the Buddha clan did not seem to have offended Lin Moyu, so why did he harbor such intense killing intent towards them?

Before the demon clan divine lord's voice faded, Lin Moyu's finger had already pointed again.

The two remaining golden eagle divine lords were terrified out of their wits and turned to flee, not at all behaving like peak divine lords should.

But it was too late.


Amidst the explosion, the third peak divine lord died.

The last remaining golden eagle peak divine lord was completely scared witless and tried desperately to escape outwards.

"Useless, you can't escape!"

Just tens of thousands of miles away, the starry sky was densely packed with skeletal warriors. 

From the very start, over a hundred million skeletal warriors had surrounded this area.

Though the golden eagle peak divine lord was powerful, breaking through the encirclement would take at least a few seconds.

Those few seconds would decide his life or death.

If spatial lockdown was not in effect, he might have had a chance to escape.

The golden eagle clan's spatial traversal was hard to block.

But now that chance was gone. Under spatial lockdown, even spatial traversal was restricted - it was like being trapped in a cocoon.

"Get out of my way!"

"Quickly disable the spatial lockdown!"

The first shout was directed at the skeletal warriors, just instinctively roaring even if they couldn't understand.

The second was aimed at the demon clan, as they were enforcing the spatial lockdown.

Amidst panicked roars, he charged into the skeletal warrior encirclement, desperately trying to break through.

Brilliant golden light shone as he used his law river to forcibly blast open a path.

Golden feathers shot out, killing over ten thousand skeletal warriors.


The fourth explosion arrived right on time - Lin Moyu gave him no chance to escape.

With just four gestures, he instantly killed four peak divine lords, terrifying the golden eagle divine lord who tried but failed to flee.

Lin Moyu brought terror to everyone present.

For a mere Celestial King to scare divine lords witless - who would believe it if told?

But it was reality. When Lin Moyu looked over with that demonic smile, everyone's hearts skipped a beat.

The six demon clan peak divine lords made a snap decision. "Buddha Pagoda, you control the formation. We will kill this brat!"

As the Buddha Pagoda wavered over how to deal with Lin Moyu, the demon clan made the decision for him.

He knew he had no choice now but to kill Lin Moyu.

"Amitabha!" He chanted the Buddha's name, his body shining brilliantly as he transformed into a giant Buddha statue.

His Buddha chants echoed through the starry void as a Buddha pagoda appeared above his head.

The pagoda emanated golden starlight, forming a curtain of light that enveloped the Buddha statue and formation.

Only then did Lin Moyu notice there was also a Buddha pagoda inside the formation, identical to the outer one.

The two pagodas resonated with each other, interconnected.

Though the principle was unclear, it was evident the pagoda played a role in imprisoning Zhu Qiwu.

"The Buddha clan, truly repulsive!"

Lin Moyu spoke softly as he swung the Golden Sword through the air towards the Buddha Pagoda.

Against the miles-high Buddha statue in the starry void, there was no need to lock on and aim.

The Golden Sword manifested a giant sword shadow that fell upon the statue.

Golden light exploded, yet the statue remained completely unmoved by this strike.

The golden curtain of light shed by the pagoda had blocked the Golden Sword.

Lin Moyu's brow furrowed slightly. "A transcendent realm artifact."

This artifact's power was internalized rather than externalizing, so Lin Moyu had not detected it earlier.

Only when the Golden Sword clashed against it did he sense the power of rules.

Fundamentally, the Golden Sword was not a true transcendent artifact.

But this Buddha pagoda seemed to be a genuine transcendent artifact.

It was understandable that the Golden Sword could not damage it.

Currently, the Buddha Pagoda had not attacked Lin Moyu. Bone Hell Realm had not completed marking him, so Lin Moyu could not lock onto the Pagoda to use Body Explosion.

Suddenly, a peculiar force erupted and Lin Moyu felt his body weighed down, as if an additional lock was placed on him.

In the starry void, all the skeletal warriors vanished collectively. 

It seemed Lin Moyu had lost contact with his spells.

Body Explosion could not be used, all his spells were sealed.

Looking up, a massive formation had appeared in the starry sky.

"The Spell-Sealing Formation!"

Lin Moyu murmured softly. This was the demon clan's signature formation specifically used against human cultivators.

Among the myriad races of the great world, humans could be considered the most mediocre in aptitude - lacking in physical, spiritual, or special abilities. 

Their only advantage was an extremely strong learning ability.

Given enough time, humans could master all sorts of spells that gave other races headaches.

So the demon clan invented the Spell-Sealing Formation to restrict all spells below the Divine Lord realm.

For Divine Lords with their law rivers, the formation's effect would be greatly reduced.

Only at the higher Divine Lord realms of touching the power of rules would the formation become almost ineffective.

They saw through Lin Moyu's realm - as just a Celestial King, no matter how bizarre and powerful his spells, the Spell-Sealing Formation could restrict and nullify them.

As peak divine lords, their spells already contained a sliver of the power of rules, rendering the formation useless against them.

What they did not expect was that when the formation activated, Lin Moyu's skeletal army also vanished.

This both shocked and delighted them.

The shocking part was that the supposed millions of skeletal puppets were actually spells.

Spells were far more terrifying than puppets. No matter how many puppets at the second tier of Divine Lord, they were still just that realm.

Spells were different - they would grow according to their master's cultivation.

If Lin Moyu reached the higher realms of Divine Lord, just how powerful would his skeletal army become?

The mere thought chilled the divine lords to the bone. 

By then, the catastrophe that could exterminate their clans might well arrive.

The delightful part was that for now, Lin Moyu was restricted by them, unable to escape.

"This brat absolutely cannot be allowed to live."

"Kill him, spare no cost in killing him."

"Kill him while he's still weak, or all clans will suffer." 

"He's even more terrifying than Xiao Zhantian."

Everyone had the same thought, their killing intent multiplying.

The demon clan's Bewitching Demon divine lord spoke in a deep voice, "Lin Moyu, give up your resistance. Resisting will only bring you more pain, surrender for happiness."

His voice carried thick bewitching power, trying to drag Lin Moyu's soul into endless darkness.

But it had no effect at all.

A transcendent soul could easily ignore such a level of bewitchment.