

 **Chapter 1764: Is He the Illegitimate Child of the Holy Sovereign?** 

"Wancai Water!" 

All the Divine Sovereigns' eyes narrowed sharply. 

At their level, it was impossible not to know about Wancai Water. 

Using Wancai Water to enhance an attack, combined with the power of the ancient talisman jade fragment, the power of this punch was unimaginable. 

The Blackstone Clan Divine Sovereign's body exploded on the spot, the stones of his body emitting a harsh grinding noise. 

Without a second thought, he tried to escape immediately, even abandoning his severed hand. 

Let alone sealing Zhu Qiwu now, survival was the priority, nothing else mattered. 

His instinct told him that if he was hit by this punch, he would surely die! 

Lin Moryu shook his head, "You can't escape!" 

The ancient talisman giant fist glowed, emitting a terrifying suction that firmly grasped the Blackstone Clan Divine Sovereign. 

Not only did the Blackstone Clan Divine Sovereign fail to escape, but he was also involuntarily pulled closer to the fist. 

Lin Moryu no longer looked at him; the Blackstone Clan Divine Sovereign was doomed. 

With the blessing of Wancai Water, this punch from the ancient talisman jade fragment had surpassed the peak Divine Sovereign level. 

Even if it wasn't at the Transcendence Realm, it wasn't far off. 

"Hurry, kill Lin Moryu!" 

"Don't hold back, kill him with full force!" 

The Demon Clan Divine Sovereign roared, his attacks becoming more frenzied. 

But under the protection of the Golden Sword, they couldn't defeat Lin Moryu in a short time. 

The Blackstone Clan Divine Sovereign's screams echoed in his ears as his body turned to dust under the ancient talisman giant fist. 

With his death, countless black mists flew out of Zhu Qiwu. 

The barely stabilized barrier started to tremble violently again. 

The Tower Buddha gave his all to guard the barrier. 

The tower above his head scattered starlight, and the tower within the barrier also scattered starlight, enveloping Zhu Qiwu. 

From his expression, it was clear that it was difficult for him alone to trap Zhu Qiwu. 

Lin Moryu also knew that if he delayed a bit longer, Zhu Qiwu could break free. 

It was a race against time; the Demon Clan Divine Sovereigns had to kill Lin Moryu as quickly as possible, or else they would be the ones to die once Zhu Qiwu broke free. 

The Abyssal Dragon Demon roared, producing a fierce dragon cry, and spat out a large amount of black blood. 

The black blood gathered in the starry sky, emitting a pungent blood smell. 

"With my blood, I summon the Ancestor!" 

A huge voice rang out as the blood exploded into a blood rain. 

In the blood rain, a giant dragon eye appeared, followed by the whole dragon body. 

It wasn't the true body, but a projection. 

A projection of the Transcendence Realm. 

Lin Moryu saw that it was an old acquaintance. 

The one who came was none other than the Abyssal Dragon Demon whose avatar he had killed. 

"It's you!" The dragon demon projection roared at Lin Moryu. 

Lin Moryu smiled slightly, "Long time no see!" 

Enemies meeting again, the dragon demon projection roared, "I will eat you!" 

He opened his bloody mouth and rushed at Lin Moryu. 

Lin Moryu completely ignored him, trusting that the Golden Sword could protect him. 

He locked onto the real body of the Abyssal Dragon Demon, and a Soul Shooting Bow appeared above his head. 

His soul infused into it, forming a purple soul arrow. 

With his Divine Sovereign level five cultivation, even with his Transcendence Realm soul, this arrow could at most deal with a Divine Sovereign level six. 

But this arrow was just the foundation; Lin Moryu added five drops of Wancai Water into it. 

The soul arrow was instantly dyed with various colors, becoming dazzling. 

Then he enhanced the soul arrow with the power of faith. 

Though his faith power was low, any enhancement was better than none. 

The Law Star River poured down, integrating a lot of law power into the soul arrow. 

The soul arrow's gray and white colors flashed, becoming sharper. 

The space around the soul arrow began to collapse, and wisps of rule power started to emanate. 

"Wancai Water again." 

"And not just one drop, but five drops." 

"Where did he get so much Wancai Water? The old guys from the human race are too generous to him." 

"Is he the illegitimate child of the Holy Sovereign?" 

The Abyssal Dragon Demon grew fearful; this arrow was dangerous. 


The soul arrow shot towards the Abyssal Dragon Demon. 

The middle head of the Three-headed Snake Demon emitted a dim light, hitting the soul arrow first. 

In the midst of its scream, the Three-headed Snake Demon retreated, almost exploding its scales. 

The middle head spat blood into the sky. 

But because of this obstruction, the soul arrow's power was reduced by at least thirty percent. 

The Abyssal Dragon Demon, alarmed, spat out a gray clock to block the soul arrow. 

The clock rang in the starry sky, finally stopping the soul arrow. 

The Abyssal Dragon Demon felt slightly relieved; he couldn't imagine how Lin Moryu could launch such a terrifying attack. 

That arrow could have seriously injured or even killed him. 

The dragon demon projection roared, "I will eat you!" 

He opened his dragon mouth, generating immense suction to swallow Lin Moryu. 

As a Transcendence Realm Abyssal Dragon Demon projection, he could also manipulate rule power. 

Lin Moryu snorted, and the Golden Sword shone brightly, slashing at the dragon demon projection. 

Five more drops of Wancai Water flew out, landing on the Golden Sword. 

A giant golden sword appeared in the starry sky, burning with golden flames, slashing towards the dragon demon projection. 

"The Holy Sovereign's golden rule." 

"How can you have the Holy Sovereign's treasure?" 

The dragon demon projection was struck by the golden sword, igniting instantly and turning to ashes in the golden flames. 

"Wancai Water again, where did you get so much Wancai Water?" The Abyssal Dragon Demon screamed, his summoned ancestor's projection was easily destroyed. 

Even though it was just a Transcendence Realm projection, its true power was stronger than his. 

Lin Moryu smiled coldly and didn't answer. 

After continuous attacks, his soul power was exhausted; he shouted softly, and his aura rose to Divine Sovereign level six. 

His soul collapsed instantly. 

All the Divine Sovereigns were stunned; did Lin Moryu just commit suicide? 

His soul collapsed, completely dead. 

But in an instant, their expressions changed. 

A purple light flashed, and Lin Moryu was reborn, then his origin spell activated, and his aura soared. 

A second later, Lin Moryu was back at his peak, returning to Divine Sovereign level five with abundant soul power and strong aura. 

"What trick is this!" 

"What did he do!" 

They couldn't understand; what happened before them was beyond their comprehension. 

Why was Lin Moryu's secret method so powerful, why could he revive, and how did he transform from a Divine King to a Divine Sovereign without any cost? 

Lin Moryu's fierce attacks were the only answer. 

The Soul Shooting Bow again had a purple soul arrow, with ten drops of Wancai Water added. 

He infused all his remaining faith power into it. 

The soul arrow shone with purple light, naturally generating rule power, and the space around it began to collapse. 

The soul arrow emitted a terrifying aura that made the peak Divine Sovereigns tremble. 

"Wancai Water again, why do you have so much Wancai Water." 

Several Divine Sovereigns screamed. 

Even they rarely obtained a drop of Wancai Water, but Lin Moryu had it in abundance. 

Is he really the illegitimate child of the Holy Sovereign? 

Even the Holy Sovereign wouldn't use it so lavishly. 

They were already thinking of retreating. 

The third head of the Three-headed Snake Demon automatically detached, transforming into lightning and flying towards Lin Moryu. 

A black rule star river appeared on the snake head, and then it exploded, collapsing the starry sky and forming a black hole.