The Return

As soon as the demon king had said, "This is not how I wish my life would have ended," he fell to the ground. A man with blood streaming from his arm appeared exhausted and prepared to collapse. Just as he was about to do so, someone descended from above, grabbed him, and uttered the words, "Kim Woobin. You have fought for this world as a hero, and now I will grant you the wish you have been asking for the last twenty years: I will send you back to Earth equipped with the abilities you have acquired here. Kim Woobin was suddenly engulfed in a brilliant light, making him unconscious with a smile on his face. 

In addition to feeling unconscious and surrounded by bright light, Kim Woobin also noticed that after a while all sounds had vanished and all he could see was bright light. Suddenly, he heard beeping sounds, the kind you typically hear in a hospital. When Kim Woobin finally opened his eyes, he was lying on a hospital bed. His body was rigid and he was unable to move it much.

Abruptly, the machine beside him began to beep loudly. This caused someone to rush into the room, and it was the nurse. She saw Kim Woobin and quickly ran back outside, only to reappear later with a tall, thin man who was wearing a coat, glasses, and had a slim face. Kim instantly recognised this man. The tall man asked, "Do you know me?" Kim Woobin smiled in response, "Who would forget your slim face you bastard ?"

"As sharp as ever," the man remarked. "How many years have I been in a coma?" Kim woobin asked. The nurse appeared a little taken aback. "So you've already concluded that you were in a coma for years," Dr. Jung said. "Let's just say I've had a very long dream," Kim woobin laughed. "I will inform your mother and the squad" stated Dr. Jung. Kim said, "doctor can you just tell my mother and not the squad for now, you can inform the sqaud about it later when i leave." . Dr. Jung gave a nod, instructing Kim Woobin to take rest while he went to inform his mother.

The following day, Woobin's mother arrived, and once Woobin was declared healthy, the two of them traveled to their hometown of Damyang together. "Home sweet home," Woobin cried out. His mother worriedly inquired, "Are you sure you are feeling fine? We could have stayed a few more days at the hospital." "Yes, Mom, I am perfectly well. Also, I've been lying in that bed for the past five years, so it's time for me to return home," Woobin stated, receiving a nod from his mother. 

Woobin began to wonder if he was dreaming or if everything was actually happening. Had his soul truly traveled to a different world? He was thinking about whether it was a dream or not until he saw the street he knew so well from growing up there. Kim and his parents owned the cafe, which they had been operating since his father passed away too soon but left behind life insurance money that helped Kim's mother and Kim run the cafe until Kim was drafted into the army. Their home was attached to the cafe. Woobin's eyes began to well up with tears as soon as he spotted the cafe, instantly disappearing every thought that he had. 

"Welcome home, Kim Woobin!" was uttered with a smile by Kim's mother as she opened the cafe's entrance and went inside. After wiping the tears from his eyes, Kim Woobin went inside.