Second day of work


Before I knew it I was in tears, I didn't even notice that I was weeping too loud because before I knew it my boss walked out if the room but said no word. So, I continued to cry, I don't know why but I just felt hurt by his words. I know it was just my second day and I wasn't expecting to be his favorite but I just wanted him to understand some situations.

I didn't have a car for goodness' sake, I relied on Ubers along with taxis to get to work and I stayed a bit far. I really tried to calm myself down but I couldn't, maybe it's because I always expected people to be nice to me as I'm always nice to them but it never turns out that way. I always meet the exact opposite people compared to me. And it tires me a lot

I then continued with work and my heart sank when I heated the door open, it was my boss and I quickly checked the time and noticed that it was nearly his coffee time so I rushed out without talking to him. I wasn't allowed to do so anyway. I rushed the coffee shop because I had spare money especially for him today, I didn't want to risk walking back to my place.

It only took me ten minutes to come back with the coffee and as I arrived at the office, there he was on his chair, half asleep. I went to put the coffee on the table and woke him up gently because I didn't want to loose my job. As I was about to go to the door he stopped me and told me that he wanted to buy lunch but was too bored to go on his own.

By this I believe he wanted me to get the food for him, so I asked him what he wanted to have and he would buy it for me and I immediately regret saying that. The response was very sour compared to lemons. He told me that I wouldn't be able to afford what he eats and that shocked me.

Simply because on my first day I was head over heels with this man but now, I hated him so much and if I had money I would simply resign right away, I was entity disgusted by him. How dare he remind me about being poor or having no money, he didn't even know who I was for heaven's sake. But I won't talk about that.

I then turned around and didn't look at him directly because I was protecting my job, and the told me to get his belongings to his car, he gave me the key and I packed all his files, and off to the car I went. On my way I kept wondering why the other people he had before me left after a month, maybe it's the way he talks to people. It is very annoying and makes it seem like he is full of himself. And we hate it.

As I got to his car, I opened it and placed the bag in it and then I turned to go back inside only to meet up with my boss and he asked me where I was going and I told him that I was returning his keys but he told me that I had to come with him. I was hesitating at first because he would soon insult me about money again, but I ended up doing as he said because I was still protecting the job.

I went to sit at the back seat though, I couldn't stand being with him at the front so, off to the back I went and I gave him his key of course. And off we went. I didn't know where we were going, maybe I was being kidnapped who knows. No body spoke in the car, I wasn't allowed to speak so I wouldn't dare, hence we were quiet until we arrived at a very fancy restaurant .

What was he thinking, I was low in budget already and now he wanted to eat at a place where even raw water is expensive. Well after arriving at that place, we both got out of the car and in we went. Trust me, I wasn't in the mood to buy anything or else I wouldn't have money for my ride to work. We were then taken to the best seat in the house and there we were given minus. All the prices were very high if you ask me, so I told my] boss that I was not hungry.

To be honest, the moment I told him that I thought he was going to tell me that he would pay but to my surprise, he ordered his own food, and I was just there watching him eat. I was very hungry if you ask. But it's fine. Finally, his food came, and I watched him eat, and as he was halfway to the end a lady walked towards our table.

She seemed rich, she was wearing diamonds man, whoa some people are living life, maybe just a bit of showing off. People don't have to know that you have money, just keep it to yourself or you will get robbed. She went on to give my boss a kiss and that's when I realized that it was his girlfriend. I didn't know what to do at that instant, should I get up and give them space or should I wait for my boss to give me the order.

But honestly speaking, any sane person would know that they were supposed to get up and give them space so I got up.

 At that moment

Sam-Where do you think you are going!

Given- I thought it would be wise to give you too space, so I was just moving to another table.

Sam- How dare you kid, have I not told you to wait for my word before you do anything around me, does she annoy you to the point where you decide to get up and leave her on the spot!!!?, ANSWER ME!

May- Sam, let the poor guy be, he cares so much about other peoples privacy more than you do, 

Sam- You know what, I am very annoyed by this moment, find your way out of my face and out of my place, you're done for the day."

Yep, that's what my boss said to me in front of his lady along with almost fifty people watching. If I haven't told you, it was nearly raining outside, I didn't have enough money to get to my place. The money would only take me halfway and then I would have to walk. Thankfully tomorrow was the weekend so I wouldn't have to go to work still tired. I requested an Uber at the restaurant after two minutes it came.

Just after getting in the Uber it began to rain, I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to call anyone. I hated the idea of being a burden towards other people. Thirty minutes later, my ride was over, I was now halfway from where I stayed and I had to walk. I was on the side of the road, I didn't have an umbrella so I was getting soaked. Thankfully my phone was waterproof, so, I was safe.

I kept walking and there I saw that familiar black Mercedes , it was my boss, he slowed down and as I was thinking that I was safe he just looked at me and drove off. Just like that, was this person even human, he was acting like he didn't care, I was his personal assistant for goodness sake. I was in need this time but he just felt like doing that. I'm still shocked.

I continued walking, shocked and annoyed, I didn't know what I have done that actually made him hate me this much, I was hungry, tired and soaked from the rain. And my boss still didn't care even after chasing me away. WOW. As I was walking another car pulled over near me and they asked me where I was going and I told them. I was hesitating at first but ended up trusting them because they kept on telling me that they worked at the same company I worked at.

I got in their car and they drove me to my place, I was very grateful, I thanked them and then I ran inside. I ran to the bathroom and took a hot shower because I didn't want to catch a cold. AS I was done with my shower I got a call from my best friend and she told me that she was coming over tonight. I wouldn't say no because she was bringing food, and she was also going to cook. I knew nothing about cooking.

I then went on to wear my comfy clothes and went to rest on my couch, as I was resting, I got a text from my boss and he told me that I left my backpack in his car and he wanted it gone or else he would throw it away. I told him that I didn't know how to get it and he told me that he would give me a call tomorrow and I should be at the side of the road so that I could get it.

He hanged up before I could even respond, I just wanted to know at what time so that I would be awake. After that horror call there was a knock on the door and as I went to check, it was my best friend. She was pretty as always, not pretty actually, she was very cute. I rushed to give her a big hug and before she had the chance to speak I grabbed the bowls of food away from her because I was very hungry.

I went to sit on the couch and began to eat, she came to join me and then asked me all about my new job and my new boss. And I began telling her how good looking I found my boss on y first day, I told her how captivated by him I was until now. At least I had someone to vent on, I began to tell her how rude he was. How he would just pass me by the side of the road even if its raining.

This lady was my biggest supported, I wouldn't be alive if not for her, she kept me motivated to stay strong. Even when I had nobody on my side, she was always there for me. So, I am very grateful for her presence in my life. After complaining about my boss we watched a movie and then it was time for bed because I was very tired. She went to the guest room and I went to my room where I took a nap.

Before the earliest chicken could even wake me, I was woken by a call from my boss, he didn't even say anything. I ran out, still wearing my pajamas. I had to no time to change, I ran to the main road and an hour later, someone decided to come. So, this means that he just wanted me to go out that early while he wasn't out yep. Wow, some people are just very full of themselves.

The moment his car arrived I noticed that he wasn't alone, he was with this other guy who seemed to talk none stop, as the car approached I went closer hoping that my boss would stop and hand me the back because my laptop was in there. But no, he threw the bag at mw when the car was still moving, I tried to catch the back but the throw was very high and my back hit the concrete and my laptop shattered into pieces. All I know is that he saw what he had done but didn't stop to apologize. 

That laptop was two times costly than his, it took me a year to buy it and he just broke it like that. He was paying for this one. I took the back and went back to my place, and there I found Viki already done making breakfast. She asked me where I came from and I told her that I had to pick up my backpack from my boss but he broke my laptop, I showed her the laptop and that's when she told me that my boss really had to pay for that. His behavior was getting out of hand.

We then had breakfast and as we were done I went to freshen up because we had to go to the mall. As I was done getting ready we both went to the mall. It wasn't that far compared to where I stayed so we walked. It was really just a matter of saving money, I was running out of cash so I wouldn't want to risk it. By the time we arrived, it was already the hottest hours of the day, we went to a clothing store, the moment I walked in I saw familiar designs, only my boss made those.

I was about to walk out when I saw a very familiar face approaching us, it was the guy my boss was with in the morning. 

 At that moment

Viki-Why does it seem like you want to leave friend?

Given-I'll tell you when we are out of here, (and that man walked towards us)

Harry- Oh, no my people, you can't just walk out, I'll show you around.

Given- No need sir, we were just on our way,

Viki- Just give me ten minutes Given, I'll be back, I want to check the dresses, they look pretty( and she left)

Harry- Oh wait, you look very familiar, are you not Sam's kid

Given- I'm very old to be his son,

Harry- No, I mean like, his boyfeiend or something.

Given- Are you out of your mind sir, why would he break his boyfriends laptop then, I am his personal assistant and he sees me like trash, 

Harry- I am very sorry for misunderstanding, about your laptop, I don't think he knows, he is a good person, he wont do such a thing.

Given- So, you are telling me that he lifted my backpack and didn't realize that there was something fragile in the backpack.

Harry- You have a point there, how about I pay for the laptop, give me your contact and I'll transfer you the money.

Said the hot guy that was standing right in front of me. I gave him my contact and he asked me how much the laptop was and I told him that it would be wise if the person who broke it pays for it, and then he began telling me that I seemed like an honest and hardworking person. Well, I was, and I believe I just needed someone to tell me that. Why was he friends with my boss and didn't influence my boss with his behavior at all.

Before you all misunderstand me calling the guy hot, he seems to be happily married. He was wearing a diamond ring which seemed costly. Before my friend came back, I told him how pretty his ring was and he told me that his husband was the one who chose it for him, and I got shocked for a bit. I thought he had a wife but no, I just wanted to see him and his husband now, they would be very cute together.