The Unfortunate Tragedy

Inanna Bessa was born as the youngest and 2nd daughter of her two siblings in the Duke's household. A loving family of five.

The Duke Bessa's household was widely known for possessing the greatest and strongest knights of the Amerta Empire.

Being the 1st in the empire, whereas the imperial knights being 2nd along with two other households.

Of course, the emperor wasn't fond of the fact of his imperial knights placing second in strength and ability. It angered him.

Which is why the emperor made a marriage proposal between the Duke Bessa's youngest daughter and his only son, the Crown Prince, Kavin Castes.

In the beginning, the emperor only cared about the power he would posses once the marriage between both families occurred, but soon was pleased with another factor.

The minute the emperor saw the young girl who'd marry his son, he grinned wickedly at the worthy and beautiful jewel they'd posses in their hands.

The Imperial Family lineage had never looked so great until now because it held the key to bare future powerful emperors.

Inanna's beauty was impeccable compared to all the other ladies in the empire, along with her married older sister.

The young men would ask for her hand in marriage whenever they could. Greedy to be wedded to a beautiful woman with elegance and power. Knowing very thoroughly she was engaged.

However, one day she suddenly stopped receiving marriage proposals. Unknowingly, because of the two overprotective men in her family.

Moreover, because her lavender orbs already set their gaze upon a young man, she fell in love with at a young age.

The Crown Prince, Kavin Castes.

Unlike the youngest daughter of the dukedom, the crown prince lived a harsh life growing up in the palace. Having no one to be by his side and show him loyalty.

The crown prince lost his mother, a mistress, at a young age. Poisoned to death because of the pure jealousy of the empress, who loved the emperor, who did not return her feelings.

The emperor solely lusted for his mistress, but no love either. Merely viewed her as a pleasuring doll and carrier for his bloodline. Something the outraging empress wasn't able to do and conceive.

However, everything changed for the crown prince when he met Emery Ariadne at the capital's debut ball held for the young noble ladies who are coming of age.

The two young lads were fifteen at the time. Whereas Inanna was thirteen and wasn't able to attend the event that'd change her life forever.

Inanna, a month before the debut ball, that year she met a young man with golden orbs like the sun and silver hair like the moon introduced by her older brother, Agnes.

The crown prince, hidden in a hooded disguise, was seeking coverage by his older friend from an assassination attempt from an enemy.

Yet, the beautiful young girl was oblivious to it all.

At that moment, she fell in love at first sight. Feeling emotions her sister Judith felt when she fell in love with her fiancé.

Emotions which made her feel more warmth than her family's own love. The start of an obsession and covet.

As a result, Inanna eventually came to find out the handsome young man from then was the Crown Prince of the Amerta Empire.

A fact she kept to herself for the sake of his safety and affection.

Unfortunately, the Duke Bessa's household met with tragedy, taking their lives away and leaving the youngest daughter alive.

A devastation to the empire losing their noblest and strongest household during the time of a war taking place.

Four years later, the empire overcame the hardships and won the war. The crown prince leading the troops and recognized as the reason for the Amerta Empire's victory.

When the empire's troops returned, there were rumors of the two most beautiful and unmarried ladies heard from everywhere.

Lady Innana Bessa from the fallen Duke Bessa Household and fiancée of the crown prince, along with Lady Emery Ariadne from the uprising Marquis Household.

Questioning if perhaps the crown prince would accept his bride-to-be. Or abandon his fiancée for his beloved lady.

Unfortunately, Inanna presence solely left unwanted and lonely. Merely abandoned into hearing the speculations of the crown prince rejecting her for his true love.

Angered, Inanna lost herself in pure jealousy and tormented the kind woman Kavin cared for.

Inanna only wanted to be loved by the man of her dreams. The one who'd save her from despair. Exactly like it had been for her older sister.

A knight in shining armor with a white horse. Ready to save her from the cruel world. Dying beside her even with having the highest chance of survival for himself.

A man who is loving like her older brother. Strong like her father. Protective like her mother, but understanding like her sister.

That was all she wanted. All she ever prayed for when her family was assassinated by the hidden enemy of their family.

When she met him, he was everything she ever wished for. Everything her family wanted for her. A gentleman with a good heart and high status.

However, Kavin is only kind towards his most trusted and beloved. Cruel to everyone else around him, including herself.

Yet for her, he was still beautiful.

* * *

(The Imperial Palace)

"K-Kavin... why have you.... I don't understand..?"

Inanna uttered in confusion.

Blood began flowing slowly from her abdomen. Wetting the beautiful tailored white dress she wore before the wedding ceremony had started.

It wasn't supposed to end this way. It was supposed to be a joyful day with him and plenty more to follow.

They both agreed for the marriage to proceed and not be broken-off even after Emery's death.

'What went wrong?' Inanna thought.

"Lady Bessa, you have met your doom. The same way your family did. Although, you deserve a far crueler death."

Shivers filled her body as she heard Kavin's cold words and his intimidating aura.

It's been a while since she felt it again. The strong power of his. The power used against his enemies on the battlefield.

Inanna was bewildered by how fast his attitude shifted towards her.

Kavin became friendly after the funeral of Emery when Inanna stayed by his side and hardly leaving him to mourn alone.

Resulting to her slightly gaining his trust whenever she comforted him. Something he didn't experience growing up in the palace.

Now, all of her efforts appeared to be in vain.

'Don't tell me he found out. H-how??'

Seeing her startled expression, Kavin smirked and chuckled with madness.

The two imperial knights behind him in the bridal room heard it and shivered at the menacing sound of it.

Finishing up his alerting laugh, Kavin confronted Inanna with a ferocious grin.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did you seriously believe I'd ever believe your cheap lies and comfort?..."

Pausing at her wavering body, he chose on far more cruel words any women in love would vastly cry to.

Words that'd hurt her feelings. Not caring if she was his late friend's little sister.

"... Tell me, did you really believe I'd ever come to marry you? Or even come to love you? Impossible. You were merely a tool to fool my idiotic and greedy father."

Tears instantly filled her rosy cheeks as she stared at her fiancé with her lavender eyes in complete shock and betrayal.

Her wedding dress turning the shade of her hair. Big waves and red hair like her father, the deceased Duke.

"Kavin.. w-what are you talking about?"

Inanna stammered with a shaky voice.

A sword was then rapidly aimed towards her pale neck. The cold metal touching the soft skin, clean from any type of scarring.

"Don't you dare lie. You took her from me... like that ruthless woman did to my innocent mother."

Kavin's voice was harsh and cold. His gaze being invaded with so much wrath. Everything directed at her alone.

Inanna detested that expression of his. It was the only look he ever gave her. Never a gentle and affectionate gaze as it was for that woman.

"Why is it always her and not me...? W-why can't you love me back..??"

Inanna couldn't help to question in a whisper like manner. The sadness clearly evident in her voice, yet still audible for Kavin's ears to hear.

At first, Inanna felt joy in poisoning Emery, but then felt an immense amount of guilt at seeing Kavin's reaction to the shattering news.

It was heartbreaking.

She never wanted to witness him cry like that ever again. She deeply regretted her sinful actions in taking her away from him.

An inhuman behavior Inanna's family warned her not to do, no matter what.

'I regret it deeply, my dearest family. I've humiliated and dishonored the family's name far enough.'

"Ha... I suppose there's no reason to keep you alive any longer. You're only wasting my time for the rebellion."

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the temple and a garden not far from where the room they stood in is located.

Inanna, not being able to keep the strength in her legs, fell onto her knees and collided with the hard floor.

She slowly started losing her conscious from the vast amount of blood loss, but managed to keep her eye contact with those stunning golden orbs of his.

The bright eyes she was enamored since the beginning.

"Tsk. Such a shame. You should've listened when I demanded you to get lost and leave us alone. Yet, you didn't."

It was then, the crown prince walked closer to the kneeled Inanna who was holding her abdomen and thrashed his sword towards her front leaving a huge cut.


More blood splattered everywhere on the marbled floor.

"I hate you. Words can't even express how much I do. I hate you saying my name, but I loved it when it came to her. I should've killed you then. Being the biggest mistake I ever made."


Her heart shattered as always, but she continued having hope that perhaps deep down he didn't mean it.

'Please... I.... I really love you, Kavin. So please take it back...'

However, his next words solely ended any last hope of hers on him possibly having slight fondness for her.

"I never cared for you. Much less loved you. Nor will I ever come to love you. Not even in another life. A villainess as yourself isn't worth receiving such an emotion as love."

Those were Kavin's last words before he left the bridal room with his two knights to proceed with the rebellion.

In the end, Inanna was left alone like always. Sunken by the fact that no one in the empire cared or loved her.

They all detest her because of her past wicked actions. Especially after the poisoning towards the beloved lady of the empire. It was bound to happen.

"Ha... ahahahaha!"

Suddenly, Inanna began laughing hysterically as her upper body collapsed on the floor and cried with so much sorrow.

Her life began flashing before her eyes and soon reminiscing every single joyous moments with her family.

The ones who were there for her even at her worst and best points in life. The ones who genuinely loved her at any cost.

"Mom..... dad..... brother..... sister.... I'm sorry.... for being... horrible..."

Inanna uttered as the blood expanded further from her body.

Soon, Inanna's eyes slowly started to lose focus and slightly closed. A sign of her death awaiting her.

Screams and disaster was perceived throughout the walls of the imperial palace. Fire burning everything down as she died.

A rebellion in which hadn't taken place since almost a hundred years ago. A venomous act or thought forbidden in the empire for good.

'If I could go back, I wish to never disappoint them and solely love them. No one else, but my family.'

Those were Inanna's last thoughts prior to her death. Before, her second chance in life to remake for her first life's past malicious actions that costed her own existence's end.