First Mistake

She had thought her omega status and all its limiting weak attributes would be gone and forgotten when she joined the Mudine ancient sect and got changed into a serpent but that seemed not to be the case. 

She was nowhere near the full strength of a Lycan, not even close.

Verona was ill-fated to have been paired to an Omega wolf by the goddess; and one so weak she couldn't even show any presence nor lend her any abilities.

The creature was always just there in her subconscious like a spectator, never once revealing her form or speaking a word. It had been a solemn goodbye for the both of them which was necessary for the task ahead. As far as she was concerned the wolf was useless to her hence the reason why she severed all connection and ties.

"Wake up!" a small voice slipped through her mind. It sounded like a dream and for a moment she almost believed it so until it came again.

This time it was a command.

"Wake up"

The Luna shut out of her bed and despite the aching muscles she stood straight facing the owner of the voice. He was able to command her from deep within her sleep. Leaving her no option nor time to even refuse, it just took charge of her body and submits it to his will.

She couldn't begin to fathom how that could be. Alpha commands were binding but definitely didn't have to be so powerful. It must be because of his Bloodline and the fact he was also King. Both ways that command was lethal and she couldn't help but think of the many lives he must have taken from just uttering mere words.

"Why were you spying around even after the curfew had been announced?" his tone was smaller than that of a regular male. She hadn't noticed it before but Razhal spoke softly and in no haste.

She wanted to spit on his face but judging from his tensed muscles it would only bring her demise closer.

"Sorry your highness. I may have lost my way"

The dark haired giant smiled at her answer and took steps towards the wide windows. Verona thought the room unfamiliar and strange which led her to think it to be his chambers.

"You must truly be the runt of the lither as they say. With such contrasting skin I am sure you must have given your parents quite a scare…"

It took her a moment to realize he was insulting her skin color. The pig indeed had no decency, blessed Lycans be dammed. They were far from blessed, just a hoard of power crazed beasts plundering the realm and taking as they went. They had no honor and disrespected friendships.

Razhal had plunged the shifter world into an endless season of war and domination, all for his own imminent satisfaction.

"Surely my comment must have hit a sore spot…yes?" his voice turned even huskier like he was reciting an enchantment.

"Not at all. Words from people who know nothing about my life can never hurt me." She replied through gritted teeth.

"So in essence my words mean nothing to you then…?"The King began to pour some wine into a cup while waiting for her answer.

"If the shoe fits. Your grace" her own voice came out boldly but her courage fled almost immediately when he stopped pouring the wine but the bottle still hovered over the glass.

"i—i—am so sor—"

He burst out laughing at the look of apprehension in her face. Razhal found the young woman interesting, especially when it was apparent she bore deep hatred towards him and was only here to save her people.

"You are sure full of all kinds of fun. I only hope your fire doesn't die early enough Melima. For it would be a great shame."

He poured another glass and passed it to her and she took it with shaking fingers."Thank you your grace."

Razhal was dangerous. His soft voice only served as deception to fools who may think that was all to him. The beast had a plethora of tales and books highlighting his conquests, some served as historical teachings while most was used to scare young children.

A theory formed as she took a sip of the sour wine. If she acted hard, then he would likely act the same. So she would try to be softer, making herself appear naïve and simple…like the woman Omar had fallen for.

Her chosen mate Omar had been a man, and men readily saw what they longed to see in a woman. This…fine beast…before her was no man, and she wasn't sure her skill was sharp enough to trick a Lycan. Or particularly, this Lycan.

"You may leave, but don't go around sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Asundi may have to answer a few questions…if you should be caught loitering around in strange places…hmm?"

She didn't understand the reference to the woman but wasn't about to make him explain.

Verona waited to be permitted to leave.He turned around after a while and his head tilted to the side, expectant.

"I understand my King" and without waiting around she found the door and was out like the wind.

The young Luna thought she could catch her breath but as her foot took a left turn she came face to face with Casper.

A little 'oof' left her lips and she starred at the young man who also starred right back at her.

"Cas—ca—casper…?" she stammered out but there was no look of recognition on his face. He stood there just like a man who had been accosted by some mad woman.

"Mistaken identity your highness. I am not who you seek"He passed right by her and the guards let him into the King's room without questions.

Verona was transfixed at first but she willed her legs to move. The young woman found a spot someplace away from the wing and placed her ears on the wall, but the words she heard immediately forced her away and she stumbled towards the direction of her room.The words were clear and it would only be some time before their cover is blown.

Dakota's body had been discovered at a stream far from the palace. Rumors say she had been struck by a snake.

On the way to her room she came upon Asundi who stood sternly waiting for her with two servants.

"Your highness I have been told you went on some sojourn around the palace…against the curfew rules"

But Verona was still reeling from shock and hadn't heard her at first causing the woman's face to contort in a frown.

"Please behave with grace in the palace or…"

"I would very much love to be alone Asundi. A headache seems to be making its way towards me and I crave the peace only a bed could give. Should you reprimand me another time then…thank you"

The young Luna left the woman standing there stunned to her bones. Barely a week after marriage and she dares to speak to her in such surly tone.

Asundi tightened her jaws and went the other way.

The moment she got into the safety of her bedroom Verona rushed Gal and slammed the unsuspecting woman onto a wooden cupboard. Her painful hiss filled the room of which the redhead did the same.

It was like a den of snakes with so much hissing."You said you've taken care of it!"

"And I did. The soul of the She-wolf should have already crossed the great beyond by now" The dark haired serpent hissed aggressively at the other.

"It's not her soul I speak of but her body. What did you do with the body Gal?"

"What does it matter what happened to the body. I tossed the mess into the river as food for the fishes. Anything wrong with that!"

Verona whose anger was already nearing combustion pulled the woman close and slammed her again onto the same area.

"Now listen here you slithering vermin. They bring out that body to the palace and see those bite marks…then we are done for. Who doesn't know of the bite from a Mudine, or are you too far up into yourself not to know that? I won't have you ruin this for me…I will never let any of you rotten snakes ruin this for me!!!"

Verona wasn't aware of the tears that was now trickling down her face and also the wound from her earlier encounter from the cellar had now reopened oozing out blood. She was frustrated and broken.

"It's alright Verona. I assure you that corpse will never make it into the palace…it is a promise. Now please let her go, we are sisters remember? This is a joint fight and we have to stick together" Farah tried comforting her and was joined by Sophiet.

Upon realizing what she was doing she instantly left the fellow who backed away from her.

A knock resounded on the door. It was a warrior with an order from the King.

Everyone's breath seized as they watched the door like it suddenly developed horns. Maybe this was it for them.