The Perfumed Mistress

After such nerve wrecking moment Verona wanted to run after Casper who was headed out through the exit flanked by some wolves, but she was held back by Beta Oberion with words that the king wanted to see her.

Upon entering his room she was taken aback by the soft ambience. It was serene and decorated with cool color tones, a contrast to the man that dwelled therein.

The King wore a robe but hadn't bothered to tie the slash. She had witnessed so much nudity in few hours more than she'd seen all her lifetime.

The doors opened again and three she-wolves walked in bearing bowls of assorted food. Their dress were far from a covering as it left nothing to the imagination.

If not for their Beta status she may have called them whores for that was how they seemed to her.Verona scrambled back against the wall to make room for them.

They were a novelty to her; this type of dressing and behavior was foreign and not what she expected when coming here.

The first girl filled up his wine cup from the ceramic jug she carried, while the other two arranged the palate of food on a center table.

They spoke some foreign words to him and pointed towards her direction, but she knew nothing of their meanings.

Razhal replied them in the same words before they left them alone."You were frazzled back there. Having to answer questions that may seem rather accusatory?"

"It was only but a few questions. I momentarily let it affect me more than it should." Came her ardent reply.

"Hmm…then i guess you may require rest after such a tumultuous experience?" There was a brief pause as he raked his gaze down the length of her body slowly, with purpose, and lifted his cup to his mouth.

His eyes never leaving hers as if trapping her within its darkness.

"May I enter, your highness?" a small voice cut him off from outside, startling the redhead Luna. The voice was female and by the glimmer in his eyes she knew he was about to show her another side to him.

He granted permission and a young fair woman entered the room. She was indeed beautiful and like the three servants she was also draped in an attire that barely covered her body.

The female moved fluidly towards Razhal and could barely reach his chest.Verona noticed the gold tribal markings embellished on her smooth pale skin and also the multiple gold anklets on her feet that jingled with every movement she made.

The woman had dark curly hair and there was a generous amount of black Uri lining her eyes giving her the look of an enchanting seductress.

She stood before him with her head bowed all the while the Luna couldn't help but be curious of what was happening. But her ardent curiosity turned into disgust when she saw the look on his face, filled with desire, lust and surprisingly…respect.

Suddenly Farah's teachings came to her.

She had almost missed it, the position such an exotic woman held in the palace.

Razhal was known to be promiscuous on rare days when he wasn't cutting people to pieces.This was one of his pleasure slaves trained particularly for the act such purpose.

She was told he had them tucked somewhere in the palace away from wandering eyes, like some hidden treasure and most even considered it a myth. But here she was seeing one with her own eyes.

The king leaned down and without any warning captured her lips in a crushing kiss causing the slave's leg to wobble letting a throaty moan escape.

He wound a hand around her to offer balance and pulled her flush against his chest.It was as if he forgot about her presence in the room or maybe he knew and simply did not care enough to spare her such obscurity.

Razhal loosened the dress on her body and it fell to the floor eliciting a gasp from their audience.

Verona almost laughed at the naïve plans she had made with the sisters on how she wanted to get close to him. To use her womanly charms to seduce him while getting all the information she may need, but now it turns out he does not need her and hadn't even shown such interest.

She watched her hope for vengeance getting washed away with the woman's moans serving as accompaniment.

Why would he want her submission when there were numerous consorts ready to serve his needs?

Her hopelessness kept growing when she watched him touch his mouth to the girl's chest causing her to moan very loudly and the redhead got taken with fury.

"Please stop!"

she commanded them, her voice piercing the silent air of the room.

There was only but a dreadful moment then his eyes raised up with fury way bigger than her own.The slave girl's eyes widened in shock but beheld something else. It was pity.

She was now breathing hard and starred back at him with unhidden shock and surprise.

"Your highness" she whispered. "i was just uhmm…"

The look he was giving her aroused Goosebumps allover her skin but still, her head snapped up again with a proud tilt of her chin that clearly showed she would not apologize.

"You shouldn't be doing this right in front of me." Her eyes went to the girl who now had her gaze cast onto the floors.

"Surely you cannot expect me to…to stand here while you and…this is madness" she finally blurted out the words and the Lycan took grab of a flower vase nearby and hurled it over her head, nearly missing her by an inch.

"I cannot. Me?" he repeated incredulously like he couldn't believe it. "You dare command me on what I can and can't do?"She kept silent.

"You deem yourself so important? Think I would break my word over you…how dare you runt?"

Now that was the true monster she'd always heard of. The man who does as he pleases and may never be questioned, but how could she help it now? Her resentment was bubbling onto the surface.

"No your highness. I humbly request for you to permit me---"King Razhal was beyond shocked to be met with such insolence. Her tone held entitlement in its depths like she had the right to ask him of anything.

"So you think you are too modest to witness such a thing? Even a northern bitch now make 'humble' requests aye!!" his words were spoken in mockery like she was unworthy to make such utterances.

Just like how she had always been told to know her place, from her parents down to everybody else she'd met throughout her growing years.She was sick of it, mission be dammed.

"What you are doing is unreasonable…barbaric even. You are---" He was in front of her right before her next words could be completed.

The King held her neck and squeezed tightly, so much so Verona thought her last days were here.

"Should I show you the true meaning of barbarism…?" his voice were now lower than it was but it still did not stop the next words that left her mouth.

"I shall not be here while you fuck some perfumed whore!"Verona/Melima flinched as the girl in question gasped. Suddenly the scales fell away from her eyes when she realized what she had done and said.She had insulted his chosen consort and invariably he will take it as an insult to him.

Razhal couldn't remember the last time a breathing creature ever spoke to him in such brash manner, not to talk of a lowly wretch of a woman. He had failed to notice it but his blood was boiling of fury…yes, and something else.

"Wear your garment!" he ordered the bewildered young woman who obeyed immediately.

Then he turned towards the struggling redhead and gave her a look which conveyed she had brought this upon herself before dragging her out of the room.