Does He know?

Sophiet, Farah and even Gal stood watching from the door entrance, their eyes all cast upon the Queen who had her entire body flushed against a man.

The man was none other than Prince Jodiah Ezriel, a distant cousin of Ygrette who also resides in the palace. He was in charge of relief distribution across the villages where displaced wolves live together.

Although the Lycan gene may have skipped him, the Alpha was stronger than many and would be able to hold his ground against any force.

But despite his many positive qualities, Jodiah wasn't really a favorite to she-wolves; most especially the ones who serve in the palace. He was known to have prying fingers and a knack to subdue unsuspecting women in dark corners.

"Ahh what a lovely eye color you have there…" a voice boomed from the head hooded over her.

It wasn't the King's voice although she may very well have mistook him for the lycan due to the shared face similarities.

She was still in shock and her mind a mess until she saw the shocking image in the balls of his eyes. It was a reflection of her own of which the serpent shined through.

He had seen her.

Someone had caught her.

The frazzled Queen immediately tried to remove herself from his embrace but the man held on tightly to her waist, refusing to let go.

"I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Jodiah and a dear relative to the ruler of the realm. It is my honor to meet you…and your pretty eyes, Queen Melima…"

His voice sounded manipulative and full of tricks and that was when the serpent in her chose to go back to where it came from; at that moment after putting her in trouble.

Verona used all of her strength to force the hand holding her away. Then once she had attained relative composure her glare met the slimy fellow. She always thought serpents trumped every other creature in the ways of being cunny and slimy, but not while this man exists. The man with almost the face of Razhal.

She never knew a wolf could be like this and it showed how much she would want to avoid any encounter with him.

"Yes of course considering the circumstances that led to our marriage. It is indeed possible for me not to have met the rest of the family. well…my apologies on that regard…"

"oh no. you've done nothing to be sorry for…I just…would like to properly meet and speak with you, if and only if your grace could manage that…?"

He wanted to speak to her…what for? To make threats?

"I never mentioned I did anything to be sorry for Prince…Jodiah, I had simply blamed it on the circumstances that made it so. As regards meeting you, I don't really think I can make time…or better still get any time. Asundi here has planned a lot of lessons for me…" she gestured towards the veiled woman.

"And it pains me to decline your kind offer"

The words came out strong and strict but the Alpha burst into laughter. His eyes crinkled and his lips were open like the jaws of some beast with sinister intent. Looking at him properly she easily differentiated between the two in very clear ways. Although she may not have seen Razhal laughing, only witnessed a few smiles and maybe a grin…but he wasn't this eerie.

The king was a cruel man with a mean streak; a killer and harbinger of doom, but all that was public knowledge. But this fellow, who poses to be kind and speaks in polite tones was worse than him.

She knew this to be true as she had met quite a handful of them during her years being an Omega. They were the most dangerous and should be avoided.

When the man was done laughing he took two steps to stand directly in front of her face, then leaned to whisper into her ears. "I will be seeing you again. Make sure you bring your 'pretty eyes' along"

Nobody else heard it besides her and when the girls noticed the uncanny behavior of the man they rushed forward to stand around her, causing the man to back away. His eyes roamed around the four of them together and a knowing smile lurked creased his mouth.

"Very well then. I will hearken to your request and wait upon a better time. Once again congratulations on joining the family."

He walked away leaving behind a smoke of uncertainty. The four women looked at themselves as if trying to mentally communicate but Verona shook her head.

"Later" she whispered.

They made to walk back into the room but was accosted by Asundi who had waited patiently for the exchange to be over. She had almost forgotten the offending woman despite all her efforts to not get caught, which was indeed funny because she ended up getting caught by someone worse.

"Your Highness your presence is required in the dining room"

"Whatever for?" The Queen asked in acute curiosity.

"You will find out later." Was the reply she got and it was spoken very rudely.

"Then I must change and make myself presentable…" she said and made to walk into her room but a guard had positioned himself there barring her from entry.

"How dare you do this to the Queen!" Gal said loudly and briskly walked up to the guard.

"You shouldn't keep royalty waiting your higness. If your presence is required then you must respond in haste. I take full blame for not teaching you this…but all the same I also realize sometimes it's not the ship that is faulty but the…vessel it carries."

Farah flashed her teeth as she also stepped up to the brash she-wolf "Do not cross a line Asundi"

A flint of anger crossed the woman's features but she managed to rein it in. Verona keenly watched her think of a reply, she could almost hear her slow and useless mind moving with consideration, but alas she said nothing.

Taking that as defeat Verona bypassed the woman and the guard made way for her to enter her chamber along with her maids. She was done dwindling and letting time pass while her revenge takes a slow pace. Anyone could command her but not that woman.

The Queen realized her hate for the glorified queen maker was tethering towards a dark point and if she kept up with her antics then her hands may be forced to unfold.

Once they were inside, the Varleh link was set loose. The three serpents had a lot of questions for her that it may take a while to answer in great detail. So as they helped her change out of her dress and into another she began the tale.

"I found a clue to who was responsible for the heads on a stake. Don't ask me how because it would be a long story I can't afford to tell from the start…"

"Go on" Farah said while unbuttoning her blouse.

"He promised to lead me to their ring leader on the day of their next meeting which would be two nights from today."

"how were you able to fashion out this promise from him…?" Sophiet asked with a raised eyebrow even though her mouth did not move.

"Like is said, no long details child" she reprimanded before continuing.

"I called upon my serpent in order to 'fashion out the promise' but when it was time to withdraw the creature refused. It was on my haste to enter my quarters that I came upon Asundi heading to my room at the same time, only for me to come barraging into that cursed fellow…"

"You mean the Prince right…?"

"Of course it's him, who else would there be…but something else happened"

Silence eluded the room but in mind and reality, but just as the final hook on the dress was almost done Gal screamed out loudly causing Sophiet to prick her thumb with the needle she had used to stitch a part of the dress in place.

They all turned to her with a startled look. Whatever was wrong with the usually brooding woman.


At her words the attention shifted back to Verona who took a short while before nodding.