From a Lie to an Ally

The hand holding her neck was strong and hungry for her blood, an extension of the man who owned it. Blood was fast draining from her face and soon white dots began to form in her sight.

Verona struggled to pull the hand away but it was like moving a boulder. it made her wonder if she would be killed so easily in the palace while her servants stood beyond the door. why haven't Farah noticed, or any of them?

"Let…me. Let---me go and I will explain. It---wasn't me, I swear—on my life" speaking became a chore but she still managed to. Jorah was acting upon his rage and would kill her before he even realizes.

"Speak! Tell me what happened to my daughter and why you now go by her name. Speak now!"

Verona wanted to tell him, in fact she would have already told him, but how could she do that when his hand was trying to kill her.

This situation continued until when she could no longer bear it. The fiery redhead brought up her knees and with all her might thrust it straight at the man's balls.

The pain was enough to make him leave her while she ran to the opposite side of the table while using it as a divide. She had her hands on her throat which has been reddened by the tightness of his hands. The Queen was panting for breath, so bad that she almost got lightheaded.

"You need to calm down and stop acting like a mindless cursed rogue. I have done nothing to your daughter and neither did she die by my hands."

Her mouth may have spoken the lie, but in her mind she apologized to him, for the loss of his child...who indeed died by her hands. At the moment she needed an ally who can fight this fight with her. His rage and anger was her main target, and she wanted it all directed to the King. "I am sorry Oberion, and please don't ever forgive me. I will be sure to pay for my sins later…when judgment has been served." She prayed silently in her heart.

"So who did…tell me who spilled her blood? Give me a bloody name"

The man had recovered very quickly and now faced her holding onto the edge of his side of the table.

"Of course you already know who did…there is only one person your daughter's sickly presence would have seemed like an insult…the one who doesn't tolerate weakness and flaws?"

"You mean Razhal?"

"Shhh bring down your voice" she hushed him with a finger across her lips and indicated towards the two doors.

Upon her confirmation the Alpha hung his head low and after a short while she saw droplets of tears on the table. Her heart squeezed at the sight but she bit the inside of her cheek for strength.

"Yes I was here to take your daughter's place. I would have managed to convince her and safely brought her back to you. The palace was no place for her soft soul, according to all I've heard of her" she smiled tentatively as if making it seem like she had fond memories of the girl, all a part of the plan to sound convincing.

And it seemed to be working because the fellows' attention was all trained on her. Jorah had made the mistake of not coming for his daughter's wedding and now she must use that to her whole advantage.

 "I had gone into the bridal quarters, only to see a giant step out of the room. He smelled of wine and there was a stagger to his steps like someone who was drunk." Verona took up an act that may look like she was remembering something sad and painful.

"He walked out of the room and I immediately stepped in only to see…"

Suddenly the man raised his hand to hush her "Stop!"

He said it in a low voice that somehow made her think he may have not been convinced by her wild tale. She was almost looking to the door in case she needed to run for her life.

"Please stop. I…I…do not need to hear that"

It was now she knew that her assumption was wrong. He was just unable to listen to all of it, because his mind couldn't take it.

"I have failed my child. She saw me as the only reason to live, but what did I do…? I sent my own child off into the gallows. It maybe Razhal who did the deed but it was me who declared her fate. Melima died because of me…oh how broken she must have felt…"

As Gorah was crying the redhead simply watched in silence. It was appropriate to give him some time to mourn her death. At least the girl deserved the tears of her father. If he had been here to bid her farewell then maybe she could have been forced to choose a different route.

She had known the northern Alpha was a strict leader who believed emotional attachment to children was a sign of weakness. Sophiet had infiltrated his pack and watched his interactions with the sickly girl who was left abandoned in her small cottage. Melima had lived an invisible life where she was ignored, pitied and relegated, a complete damsel and a helpless dreamer.

The petite girl found her mate but the illness scared the boy away. He rejected her brashly and chose to leave the pack when her father confronted him. Jorah was right to take the blame for her death for being negligent of his only child.

That kind of life wasn't worth it, hence the reason she didn't think much after killing her. It would hasten her rebirth into another life where she would get the love of her parents and that of her soul mate.

When his walls were down as he cried, she slowly walked round the table and placed a calming hand on his back, rubbing slow circular motions to sooth his grieving heart. She did not need to do it for long because his cry abruptly ceased and he wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his garment.

"Yes, you shouldn't mourn for long, especially when you know who was responsible for her death. Melima needs to be avenged. That should become the goal you must strive to achieve…"

The Alpha turned to look at her. "And why do you care too much? For you to want to take her place means you also harbor a motive, not to also mention the fact he earlier looked surprised when he realized you weren't my daughter. If he killed her as you said, then why couldn't he remember?"

Verona smiled before walking away from him. "You forgot I mentioned he was drunk Oberion…? Do you think a Lycan able to intoxicate himself would remember all he did under the influence of wine hmm?"

When she was at the main entrance she turned to him still smiling. "And as regards my motive. Let's just say I am here for the same purpose. The King killed my father and I would want nothing but his destruction"