Wolves Headed for the Gallows

"The King and every other person that's worth anything here is away tending to a matter outside the borders. Whatever you want to do, now should be your only chance." She lied smoothly as her eyes levelled them with a piercing gaze.


Lady Soma grunted loudly and a chuckle came out randomly. "You want to help us, how are we to know what you are saying is the truth, hmm?"


"Well, you don't." Verona shrugged flippantly and the gesture aroused a snarl from the female at which the redhead showed no expression of apology. "Didn't you all make up your mind to perish here when you decided to infiltrate Razhal's home? Or do I detect fear and a sense of hesitation when now faced with the real thing? Is that why you are here worrying if my words are true or not…?"


"I don't trust---"


"She is right." Gorah said and every other person stilled to listen.