
"Now, show her what it means to be Queen. I'll very much like to begin your assessment myself rather entrust it to Asundi, who the way, loosing her touch in deciphering these things. For the sake of my son and the throne, i do not really want a repeat of the past mistake" She had her eyes cast on the redhead as she said concluded, making sure no one second guesses who she's talking about.

Moved by either anger for being unjustly insulted or maybe it's the unhidden prejudice evident in the lycan woman's tone, either of the two, Millicent was affected beyond doubt. And it was this grievance that led her to dump it all on the woman on her knees.

She gave Verona no warning before stepping down hard on her already hurting ankle, eliciting a loud scream from her. Like someone possessed by an vengeful ghost, the beauty kept her face without either an expression or emotion as her leg just moved on it's own.