
Chapter 27

Eyram had a couple of emergencies when her shift was almost over, so she was quite late that day, completing her last surgery close to six o'clock in the evening.

When she was about to leave the office, she saw several missed calls, and Tony was in there, about six times. Her heart missed a beat as she sat staring at his name, wondering for the umpteenth time how something so horrible could have happened.

One call was from her mother, and two from her father.

She called home and was informed that the mechanic had finished working on her car, but Tony had called earlier to inform them that he would pick up Eyram, and so they just wanted to let her know.

When the call was over, and she was contemplating calling Tony, his call came through.

"Hello, Tony," she said after a deep breath. "Let me be frank with you. You're beginning to piss me off."

There was a stunned silence at the end of the line.

"Hello?" she queried with a scowl.

When he spoke, she could feel his sudden pain.

"Maybe I was wrong about this," he said softly. "Look, told your folks I'll take you home. I've been waiting for you since three o'clock. I was informed you were in the theatre. Now, before you insult me again, just come out, okay? I'll drop you off at home, and that's it. I won't speak to you again if that's what you want."

Somehow, that was not exactly what she had expected to hear, and she was appalled at the way his words made her feel suddenly defensive, and oddly disappointed. She was supposed to have been relieved – elated, even – so why the sudden despondency?


"Yeah, will be with you in a jiffy."

Minutes later, she sat beside him and strapped in.

He drove carefully out of the car park and joined the busy main road. For several minutes none of them spoke, and she soon began to find the silence between them quite oppressive.

"Sorry for my behaviour this morning," she said at last without looking at him. "I guess it was rude, and I do apologize. But, Tony, I wish our relationship would be like how it has always been. This is a complication I'm not willing to deal with."

He looked at her, and she wondered if there was a tinge of sadness on his face.

"You made your point, Eyram," he said gently. "I get it, and I'm cool with it."

She breathed a little easier.

"Thank you," she said.

As they approached Eden Fairies, a popular restaurant, he looked at her quickly.

"I am hungry, Eyram," he said gently. "Mind if I pass through the restaurant for a bite?"

She turned and looked at him quickly, somehow feeling a little uneasy with his sudden lukewarm attitude towards her. She nodded.

"Okay, no problem, Tony."

"Eaten?" he asked. "You look hungry."

She chuckled.

"Famished, actually," she said. "Wanted to make it home though, and eat mom's food."

"Well, lemme get you something for starters then," he said with a smile.

"Don't tempt me," she said with a little shudder. "Been trying to cut down on binging on junk. I've been putting on a bit of weight recently."

He looked directly into her eyes.

"I only see a beautiful woman, Eyram," he said softly, and as she looked away quickly. "A woman that has suddenly grown in my heart, and just wouldn't let me have a moment of peace."

 Eyram was aware that quite suddenly they were back on that treacherous map once again, and her heart began its erratic and alarming cadence once more.

"Tony, please, I beg of you," she said, and her voice was both confused and unsteady.

He smiled nicely at her and slid his right hand gently to cover her left hand lying between them, and his strong fingers curled rather alarmingly across her, intertwining and holding on tight.

The physical contact made her gasp, and to her horror, her fingers curled around his and held on.

They were silent, holding hands, and he turned to the right and joined the trail of cars queuing at the drive-through. He ordered noodles and beef sauce with wine and looked questioningly at her. Heaving a little sigh, and craving a favourite she had avoided for a long time, she ordered a double burger with chocolate crushed on ice and vanilla.

To her surprise, Tony opted for lakeside delivery instead of waiting at the special reserved area for cars. He took the beautiful, winding trail to the lakeside where some couples were already sitting at the little white tables around the serene lake watching the swans and ducks gliding on the lake.

Tony parked, and Eyram quickly unbuckled her belt and got out. He smiled and shook his head a few times as he got down and shut the door, locked it, and followed her through the cemented paths of the luxurious and beautiful green grass.

She chose a spot near the lake and sat down, and looked at him with an almost sullen expression when he sat down opposite her.

"Why do I get the distinct impression that ending up here is not quite by accident?" she asked levelly.

"It crossed my mind," he said with a little smile. "Then it uncrossed my mind when you started talking about getting pissed off. Then it crossed my mind again when I saw the Eden Fairies sign. And oh, that contract I told you about? The bid to build the new KOE Art Pavillion?"

"Mm-hm," she said, nodding. "You counted yourself out, said the competition was too stiff, especially from the Korean company!"

"Presto!" he said with a broad grin. "And you told me never to write myself off, that I can compete with the best? Well, I received good news today!"

"You got it?" she asked with wide, happy eyes.

He nodded with a laugh.

"No, not quite. Three were shortlisted from a total of twenty. And I made the cut!" Tony said, utterly elated. "Wanted you to be the first to know that, Eyram."

"I knew you would be among the best, and I know you are going to win it," she said, happy for him. "You are very talented, Tony. And you're going to make it big."

"Thank you," he said, and for a moment she thought tears swam in his eyes. "This will look great on my resume even if I don't get the nod. Quite humbling, you know."

"And you're going to get the bid, I know," she said kindly, her animosity towards him suddenly forgotten.

The air of gloom dissipated because he was happy and on his very good behaviour. When their orders arrived, they ate with delight, and as they sauntered back to the car, he reached out and took her hand.

Eyram stiffened, but then she relaxed again, noting that even before she introduced him to Effe, he used to love holding her hands as they walked. They spoke of broad subjects until he dropped her off at home.

Ivy Kedem wanted him to come in for dinner, but he told her he was too full, and that he would just pop in and say hello to Ken Kedem. Eyram thanked him for bringing her home, and congratulated him once more and said goodnight because she was headed straight to the shower.

Once in her room, she took off her clothes quickly, separated them quickly, and was heading naked to the bathroom when a knock sounded on her door. She quickly covered herself with her towel, knowing it was her father; he was the one who still knocked when entering her room.

She opened the door, with only the towel around her, and there he stood.

"Tony!" she cried with some level of alarm. "Thought you left!"