Our first date

Rosie dressed for her first date with Alphonso.

She wore a black fitting dress with loose hairs. Her hairs were straight, she was looking so hot that day. She took permission from Ms shilpi and went out near garden where she told Alphonso to meet. Alphonso arrived there with his black car and stepped out of it , he wore a black suit, and shoe which were very expensive. He stepped out of his car and stood there for Rosie, when they looked at each other, they were fall for each other so hardly that they couldn't resist to broke their deep eye contact. Rosie was looking at him and admired his personality and broke eye contact and came towards him, Alphonso opened the car door for her and held her hand gently, then she sit in front seat. Alphonso then also sat at driving seat and started driving to XXXX restaurant. 

Rosie in her mind ( he is looking exceptional hot today, anyone can easily fall for him, even I fall for him today . I even could feel how loud my heart beat is beating that even Alphonso could hear it. Ohhh I am trying so hard to not fall for him, but this is so difficult for not falling for him, he is just too handsome. I have to pull myself together)

Alphonso broke the silent atmosphere and speak:- You are looking so hot today! Rosie. I admired that you put many efforts to look hot today for me ( while giving a smirk)

Rosie :- ahem! Yeah I like to dress neatly. Well but today I have to admired that you are also looking so hot.

Alphonse:- Wow * chuckles* thanks my princess. That meant a lot to me !

Rosie looked at him confused manner :- Why are you being so informal today? 

Alphonso :- Oh come on today is our date, I have to act like this.

Rosie :- Oh really ok suit yourself then!

They reached at their destiny!

They walked out of car and Alphonso came near Rosie.

Alphonse:- Can i  hold you hand, my princess?

Rosie in her mind ( Hahaha what is this with Jerk huh I am trying so hard to control my laughter)

Rosie :- Haha you are really a different person today! Is this because we are at public places huh?

She then give her hand to Alphonso, then they went inside restaurant everyone in the restaurant were looking at them. They all were admiring their beauty and how they both look good together!

Alphonso:- I hope you are not nervous to see these much people, Rosie are you?

Then he looked at Rosie, Rosie was looking quite nervous, Rosie didn't like to go in such a crowdy place, she always felt numb in very crowded place.

But Rosie pulled herself together and talk confidentally :- No! Of course not. 

Alphonse:- Hm! Good then. Now let's go to our table.

They walked towards their table and sat down their. But Rosie could feel many eyes that were glancing towards her that was making her more nervous! 

They both ordered their dish and Rosie started eating hurriedly in order to leave this place fastly!

Alphonse looked at her and said:- Hey hey slow down! What happened? Why are you eating so quickly, it will chocked you!

Rosie :- I... Just wanted to leave this place Alphonso hurriedly!

Alphonso looked at her surprisingly:- What? But why dint you like this place 

Rosie :- *sigh* No its not like this place jis so good but it is very crowded, I don't like these types of places much!

Alphonse:- So? Didn't you told me earlier!

Rosie :- I didn't have a hint that this place would be this crowded, this is actually my first time comming here!

Alphonso:- So where do you wanted to go!

Rosie :- Eat the food first then I will take you to my favourite place ( she said while giving him a smile)

Alphonso nodded then started eating his food. When they both finished to eat , Rosie grabbed Alphonso hand and went outside, She started going toward a danse forest!

Alphonso:- where are you going, this dense forest does not seems safe.

Rosie :- Don't worry :- Just come with me .

They then reached near to a beautiful waterfall , long beautiful trees were also there, they could hear very beautiful voices of many animals there. It was evening as sun was setting and it was a little bit dark, that was making the scene more beautiful.

Alphonso:- Wow! What a beautiful place . 

Rosie :- You liked it na? I liked it too! ( while giving a bright smile).

Alphonso:- How do you know this place.

Rosie :- I know this place since I was child, actually that was one day when I was extremely sad and devastated and was wandering around forest when I see this place, and since than this is my favourite place to hangout, bout you what ? Very few people know about this place because everyone thought that this forest has many dangerous animals so no one dared to come here.

Alphonso:- Hmm so you are nature lover.

Rosie :- yup and who would resist this kind of beauty!

Alphonso:- Wow this place is so peaceful.

They then sat on  long stone and were looking at waterfall.

Rosie suddenly feel something on her hand, actually Alphonso was grabbing her hand gently, and looked at her eyes Rosie's heart was beating so fast day moment, she could see the face of Alphonso which was work of art. Alphonso then placed his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes to feel that moment! 

Alphonso:- I am very happy to have a lover like you, Rosie. 

Rosie :- Me too ( she lied)

Alphonso:- When everything was going wrong with me then you stepped in my life. At first I found you quite annoying personality and even now you are. But you make my life colourful! 

Rosie :- Ha... Me too I thought of you as some kind of thug, but you are a warm hearted person.

Alphonso:- yeah this i s beautiful my Nisha and you. I hope you will never leave me Rosie! ( he said those words with all his feelings)

Ands somehow Rosie was feeling guilty in her heart that she was just using it!

Rosie :- Yeah Alphonso, I will never leave you!

( to be continued)