When Twinkle said that!! Sahil looked at her!
He saw a cute hairband she was holding!
Sahil:- hmm this is looking good! Why don't put it yourself in my hairs!?
Then her purposely sat on his knees and looked at her!?
Sahil:- what happened, hurry and put that on!?
Twinkle:- Uhhh.... Oh .... Okay .
The she put that hairband in his hairs while her face was getting red hot!
And Sahil was secretly giggling at her red hot face and cuteness!
Twinkle to herself ( wow his hairs are so silky and shinny, even like him his hairs are also perfect)
Twinkle:- here it's done!
She said while snatching her eye gaze from his!
Sahil:- wow this is looking good! Your choice is very nice twinkle!
While they were speaking to each other, both Rosie and Alphonso approached them! Rosie:- hey guys? Are done let's take a group picture! Come!
Alphonso:- Yeah we were waiting for you!
Twinkle:- Oh yeah!! Lets.. go!
Then they all stood close.
Alphonso was on left hand side besides Rosie and Sahil was in right hand side to twinkle and rosie and twinkle stood in middle!
They all smiles and clicked their pictures!
Rosie while checking their pictures:- Hm! The pic has come out nice!
Alphonso:- yeah!!
Then they all got their pictures!
Rosie :- So what now??
Alphonso:- There is a group game !! Wanted to play it?
Twinkle:- group game? When ch game is it!?
Sahil:- In that game twi participants will make on team and their main goal is too other will a toy gun the one who got hit by ball would be out!
Rosie:- Wow I wanna play it!
Twinkle:- yeah me too!!
Alphonso:- okay so let's gave our name to teacher!
They went to teacher to gave their name , the teacher asked them to make team of two members!
Alphonso:- We have to make a team!
Twinkle:- yeah!
Alphonso:- okay so me and Sahil will be in one team and Rosie and twinkle would be in one team!
Twinkle:- Okay!
Whereas as Rosie looked at him! And gave him glares!
Alphonso came closer to her and whispered:- what happened!?
Rosie :- Make team of twinkle and Sahil together!.
Alphonso:- what why?
Rosie :- Dummy ! Dont you get it? Sahil is interested in Twinkle!
Alphonso:- what really!? How do you know!?
Rosie:- I know because I am good observer than you!
Alphonso:- okok come!
Alphonso and Rosie then went to Sahil and Alphonso!
Rosie :- We have decided that me and Alphonso woul be in one team and twinkle and Sahil would be in one team!
Twinkle got shocked and said :- but why?
Rosie:- oh come on! It would be good for us! Sahil and Alphonso both are good in this game so it would be easy for us too if our team member know how to play it?
Twinkle:- oh..... okay!
Rosie:- it is Okay with you sahil? Right?
Sahil looked at her and gave her smile:- yup why not!
Alphonso whispered to Rosie :- So you were right!
Rosie :- see I told you na!
( to be continued.....)