What a shame

A blurr scenery came into her mind again where a man with large scar on his face with blue eyes holding a knife and a gun in other hand was looking at Rosie and dead bodies covered with blood was laying near his foot ! Some of them were still breathing but he mercilessly stabbed them even kids and children continuously till they stopped breathing! His face was covered with splashes of blood! And she was crying non stop.

Rosie lost consciousness once again!!

Mira stopped Alphonso!

Mira :- Go and take Rosie Alphonso! She need urgent treatment!

Alphonso stopped and went towards Rosie and picked her up into his arms. He laid down Rosie in his car's back seat and started driving and called Nisha to bring doctor!

He was driving and was looking at Rosie , he was still so furious!

His car was going like a speed of rocket!

He reached at home and brought Rosie inside and laid her on the bed!

Doctor checked her and stitched her wound and gave her injection!

He applied drip to her pulse.

Nisha :- Doctor! Will she be okay.

Doctor:- That child is hurt badly. Only god know what bad had happened with her that she is this much hurt...! She need complete 2 weeks bed rest!

Alphonso thanked him and took Rosie's medicines.

Nisha :- Did Edward do this this to her...???

Nisha was shaking like a leaf at that moment!

Alphonso calmed her down:- It's okay Nisha! She is safe now. You should go and sleep. It's getting late now!

Nisha :- But what if she needs me.

Alphonso:- Don't worry. I am here with her!

Nisha nodded and left!

Alphonso then called Jennie.

Alphonso:- Doctor Said that she requires proper 2 weeks complete bed rest!

Jennie :- Okay!

Alphonso:- Jennie! I want Rosie to be here until she got fine.

Jennie :- Huh...? But you don't have to...

Alphonso:- No let her, she will be safe here. I will be near her if ever she needs me so let her be here!

Jennie looked at other .

Mrs Shilpi nodded at her.

Jennie:- Okay , take good care of her.

Alphonso:- Don't worry, i would.

Alphonso then hanged up the call and sat besides Rosie. Alphonso gently touch Rosie's hand and looked at her with the eyes full of affection, mercy , guilty and regret.

Alphonso:- I am sorry Rosie, that my own brother did this to you!

***Next morning***

Rosie woke up and saw Alphonso besides her bed.

Rosie :- Huh? Alphonso! This is... Alphonso's house. Wait but why I am not in my house?

Rosie saw Alphonso grabbed her hand.

Rosie in a low voice:- He must be really worried about me and I am sure he will blame himself for my condition!

Rosie :- It's shame that our relationship is fake, but I wish I could tell you that I have really fall for you!

Rosie gently stroke his hand on his face and kissed his forehead.

Alphonso fliched and woke up!

Rosie startled and blushed ( ohh I hope he didn't saw what I did right now) .

Alphonso woke up and rub his hair , his face was showing that how much he was tired and did not even get sufficient sleep!

Alphonso saw that Rosie was awake.

Alphonso:- Rosie....

(To be continued.....)