Chapter 1 Rebirth, system activation

Chapter 1 Rebirth



Dawn breaks in the sky, and the morning dew is still there.

Zhou Xing stood on the balcony, feeling the breeze blowing on his face in the morning, but his brows were slightly wrinkled and his expression was blank.He was born again.

Back to the summer vacation of my senior year of high school.What he couldn't figure out was...there was no difference between this world and his memory, but why his family had undergone earth- shaking changes.His father, Zhou Jianping, who made a living by selling fish, quickly became a leader in heavy industry.Starting from scratch, Jianghan Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. was createdThe company has actually paid 100 billion in capital.

It includes steel, metallurgy, machinery, energy...It is a well-deserved steel giant in the real industry.Although Zhou Jianping is not famous, he has never been on the Forbes list.But his net worth is conservatively estimated at more than 300 billion.Far more than the nominal richest man.The capital chain is even more embarrassing for many Internet tycoons.

Her mother, Zhang Lanfang, who runs a canteen on weekdays, has become an elite lawyer with a high reputation in the country.

He is also the founder of JunHe Law Firm, one of the top law firms in China.

They were supposed to be crowded into an old shabby house of less than 100 square meters in the old city.Zhou Xing fell into silence as he looked at the lake view villa covering an area of two acres in front of him.

An outdoor heated swimming pool, a yard of over a thousand square meters, and an independent garage that can hold more than a dozen cars.These are all luxurious facilities that Zhou Xing could not have imagined in his previous life.His bedroom alone has an area of over 100 square meters, which is larger than the entire home in his previous life.The room is equipped with a cloakroom and separate bathroom.

The floor was covered with expensive woolen blankets.You can see imported big- name furniture that Zhou Xing can't name everywhere.

The ultimate in luxury.The life trajectory of my parents has undergone a huge deviation.

The only thing that hasn't changed is his college entrance examination results.Still relying on his outstanding appearance, he passed the art exam and was admitted to theShanghai Conservatory of Music.Such a family background may not be considered a thing on the Internet.But in reality...he seemed to have reached the pinnacle of his life.

Looking at the whole country, his status is one of the best.He is the top rich second generation!"What exactly happened?

What exactly happened? Could it be that my rebirth caused the butterfly effect?"Zhou Xing was puzzled.Even though no one wants to have a wealthy family, for Zhou Xing, who has been accustomed to ordinary families for more than 20 years.For a while.

Some are difficult to digest.God is fair.He gains wealth...and loses his worries at the same time!

"The detection host background has been optimized."

"The life optimization system has been activated."

"The system is committed to helping the host continuously improve itself and optimize its life path until perfection is its own responsibility!" "

At this time.

Zhou Xing's thoughts were interrupted by bursts of cold, emotionless mechanical sounds that suddenly sounded in his mind.

He raised his head, and a light blue light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

[Host: Zhou Xing]

[Age: 18]

[Height: 185]

[Appearance: 83]

[Physique: 80]

[Durability: 99]

Skills: Elementary Driving Skills]

Zhou Xing's brows relaxed, all doubts suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly became enlightened.It turns out... all of this was done by the system.The system is the initiator.Zhou Xing stared at the attribute panel and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The data is easy to understand and not difficult to understand.It should be a 100-point system... At present, it seems that his attributes are still very good, and each item is well ahead of the passing line.It's the 'durability' that makes Zhou Xing understandable.He thought for a moment, his expression changed, and he suddenly realized that he had never had a girlfriend before he was eighteen.The weapon has not been opened yet, so there is no reason to wear it.Zhou Xing's eyes were a little complicated.

In his previous life, when he was in college, he also dated several girlfriends, but they all had beginnings and no endings.

He comes from an ordinary family, even if he has outstanding appearance, it will not help him.The feeling was not so obvious when I was in Jiangcheng.It wasn't until he entered university and met classmates from all over the world that he saw the differences in society.For the first time, I understood that the gap between people can be so big.

Like a chasm!Especially art schools like Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

There are countless handsome men and beautiful women, and the rich second generation emerges in endlessly.Zhou Xing's tuition for one year may not be enough for them to spend one night in a nightclub.The feeling of inferiority grows and grows uncontrollably.As a result, during his four years in college, he was a marginal figure in the school and was inconspicuous.

After graduating from college, Zhou Xing just wanted to make money.However, I wasted several years and gained nothing.

Approaching 30 he was no longer young, and his heart was already numb, so he reluctantly got a girlfriend.This is the opportunity to unsheath the weapon and upgrade it to fight monsters.

But the cruelty of society gave him another heavy blow.

Facing the sky-high price of gifts, houses, cars.these completely crushed Zhou Xing's last trace of dignity.Zhou Xing had to accept that he was just an ordinary person whose livelihood was in question.

And some people were born in Rome.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down at him, he looked like an ant.

Zhou Xing shook his head and smiled a little.

I never thought that one day I would become them.Rebirth is the pinnacle!Lost the goal of struggle.People will eventually become what they hate.He also doesn't know what it will be like when those people who once despised him meet again.

"It should be interesting, right?"

Zhou Xing chuckled, dismissed those not-so- good memories, and tried to communicate with the system.In his opinion, his current life is perfect enough.

How else can it be optimized?


Zhou Xing called several times, but his voice fell silent and he didn't get any response.

Just when he was almost ready to give up, the voice in his head sounded again.

"The novice rewards have been loaded and are being sent."

"The rewards have been sent."

"The host should treat the novice rewards carefully. The system will make a judgment based on the host's behavior according to the method you use."

"Three months later, the system Automatically upgrade to provide the host with the most suitable life."The words trailed off.The system returned to silence again.

"Novice reward?"

Zhou Xing's eyes were bright, shining with expectation.He has already experienced the system's capabilities.Not only was his rebirth his own handiwork, but it also made him the top second- generation rich man.

Presumably, the novice reward is not a special thing.Zhou Xing waited patiently.

After a long time, he lost his temper.

what happened!Where have the newbie rewards gone?He didn't feel that his body was strengthened. A sliding shovel was enough to defeat the large golden gradient layer and become a little superman beyond the limits of human beings.The brain has not been developed to its extreme, and it has skills such as 'photographic memory'.

Zhou Xing was dumbfounded.

Could it be that something went wrong in the system and it went down?As a result, his novice reward was swallowed.Zhou Xing was a little anxious."Buzzing..."The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated twice.He subconsciously took out his phone and took a look.It's a text message.

[Your account 2963 was credited with 3472,5000,00 Chinese currency at 06:59 on August 3rd. {China Merchants Bank}] 3.4725 billion.According to the exchange rate.Exactly five hundred million dollars!