Chapter 13 Anya


the sweet ringing tone came from the cell phone.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a pleasant and familiar voice came from there: "Hello, hello, who is this?"

It was Anya, the stewardess Zhou Xing met on the flight.

"Zhou Xing."

On the other end of the phone, Anya was silent for a moment, and then said in a stiff tone: "Mr. Zhou, what's the matter?"

Even if Zhou Xing was not very good at analyzing girls' psychology, he could clearly hear it.

Anya is angry.

He touched his nose, there was nothing he could do about it.

Xiao Lanlan's sudden appearance caused Zhou Xing to forget about this and let others go.

He said he wanted to treat her to dinner... but it took a whole day before he called her.

"Isn't this what we agreed on the plane? You'll take me to have a good tour of Shanghai, and I'll treat you to dinner."

Zhou Xing said with a smile.

"I think Mr. Zhou doesn't need a tour guide. After all, it's been so long since he arrived in Shanghai. In one day, he's almost familiar with it. I almost have to fly back to Jiangcheng."

Anya can feel it through the phone. The tone of deep resentment: "So I don't have much time, let's talk about it later.""Isn't it because I have something to deal with in Shanghai? I'm too busy..."

Zhou Xing explained: "Now I just had some free time, and I thought about treating you to dinner, but I contacted you right away, so I haven't eaten anything at this point."


Anya was a little shaken by Zhou Xing's words.

"Of course it's true."

Zhou Xing smiled slightly, not giving Anya a chance to refuse: "Where do you live now, I will pick you up."

"Forget it."

Anya seemed hesitant: "I live with my colleagues., are ready to go downstairs for dinner."

She was a little moved, but was confused.

Agreeing too easily...will Zhou Xing misunderstand that she is a casual woman?

"Give me your address. Just treat this meal as an apology."

Zhou Xing's words easily broke down Anya's psychological defense.

"Okay then, I'll send you the address."

Anya's voice became much lower.

"Okay, I'll call you when I arrive."

Zhou Xing hung up the phone.

The address was quickly on his phone.He took a look.

All Seasons Hotel.

A four star hotel.

Although it is not as luxurious as the Ritz-Carlton where Zhou Xing lives, it is still pretty good.

The airline's accommodation arrangements are quite good.

Inside the hotel.

Anya put down the phone, bit her lip, and rubbed her hair in frustration.

She still couldn't hold on.

Zhou Xing was the first person she gave her contact information. On the day after arriving in Shanghai, she was still full of expectations.

Even after arriving at the hotel, I started to wash up.

Wearing exquisite makeup.

As a result, she waited until ten o'clock in the evening and failed to receive a call from Zhou Xing.

This made her furious.

It seems that what Zhou Xing said on the plane was just a lie.

After arriving in Shanghai, he completely forgot about her.

When I learned it was Zhou Xing's call just now, I felt happy again.The anger of being let go was resolved by Zhou Xing's few words.

While secretly cursing himself for not living up to expectations, he hurriedly got up, sat in front of the mirror, and began to sort out his makeup.

When her colleagues in the same room saw Anya's scene, they couldn't help but wonder: "Anya, we're about to go down for dinner. What are you doing with makeup here?" The

eyebrow pencil on Anya's hand stagnated, and she hesitated for a long time before she could say anything. In one sentence, it was the roots of his ears that turned red first.

"You don't have an appointment, right?"

The colleague seemed to have discovered some shocking secret, and asked with bright eyes: "Are you with your boyfriend?"


Anya was made blushing. She said shyly, "Just...just a normal friend!"

"Male or female?"


Anya's voice became less confident.

"We all made an appointment to go out for dinner together, but you betrayed us at this time and said you were not your boyfriend!"

The colleague looked unbelieving.

"Not a boyfriend, really just an ordinary friend!"Anya stamped her foot.

"How did you meet? Is he handsome? What does his family do? He must be very rich. Otherwise, how could he pick the most beautiful little flower of our crew and introduce him to us? I also Quite curious."

The colleague simply ignored Anya's words, the spirit of gossip burning.

"Oh, Tingting!"

Anya's face was already rosy: "If you keep doing this, I will ignore you!"

The colleague rolled his eyes and did not continue to ask.

Then she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the group: "Big news, Anya is actually in love. Her boyfriend will come to pick her up later. Do you want to go down and get to know her later and see how tall her boyfriend is?" How's it going?"

This piece of news was like a depth bomb.

Countless messages immediately popped up in the quiet group, all of them saying that they wanted to go downstairs together to see what the boy they thought was the most beautiful would look like.

Anya didn't know it, she just put on her makeup silently.

At this time.

The phone rings.

Anya saw that it was Zhou Xing's phone number and quickly answered the call.

"Hello?""I'm already downstairs, you can just come down."

"Oh, okay, I'll be down right away."

Anya hung up the phone, only to find a girl named Tingting sneaking around with her ears pricked up. listen.

After being discovered by Anya, she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she laughed and said, "Is this the boyfriend you're going out with on a date?"

"It's just a simple dinner, and he's not your boyfriend either."

Anya said again reiterate.

"I'm not my boyfriend. Why are we going out to eat? We go out alone!"

Tingting asked.

Anya was speechless and couldn't answer for a while.

There was no way she could tell what happened on the plane, otherwise she would be laughed at by them for a long time.

His face turned red again.

"Let's go, come downstairs quickly, don't keep people waiting."

Tingting didn't give Anya a chance to defend herself, and pushed her to leave the room.

"You want to go down too?"

Anya asked in surprise.

"Oh, I'll just go down and take a look. It's okay. I'll just check it for you!"

Tingting said.Anya was also a little anxious at this time. She couldn't keep Zhou Xing waiting for too long. She had no choice but to agree to Tingting.

"You can go down, but you can't talk nonsense. He and I really have nothing to do with each other."

Anya warned again.

"Okay, okay, I understand, get down quickly."

Tingting pushed Anya.

Anya could only walk towards the elevator, but found that several colleagues were standing there, chattering.

When they saw Anya arriving, their eyes instantly lit up and they gathered around.

Anya wouldn't know what was going on at this time.

He turned towards Tingting and glared at her angrily.

Tingting knew she was in the wrong and stuck out her tongue without saying anything.

A group of colleagues were muttering about going down together, and Anya couldn't stop them, so she could only sigh.

Accept your fate!

Standing in the elevator with a blank expression.

I prayed silently in my heart, hoping that these guys would stop talking nonsense later.

Otherwise, she would die of embarrassment and would probably have to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

"Ding."The elevator successfully reached the first floor.

Tingting stretched her neck and looked around: "Anya, where are you? Why didn't I see it?"

Anya also frowned, looking for Zhou Xing.

"Anya, this way!"

Zhou Xing's voice came from the door.

Everyone looked up and suddenly there was an uproar.

His eyes were full of shock.

I saw Zhou Xing, who was 1.85 meters tall, standing at the door, wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

Looks simple and clean.

Young and handsome with a sunny appearance.

He stood out from the crowd, forcing people to notice him.

The most important thing is that he is standing in front of a brand new Lamborghini bull.

It gives people an extremely strong visual impact.

"Lamborghini, a car of this brand costs at least several million, right?"

"More than that, this seems to be a big one, with a starting price of at least six million!"

"It doesn't matter that he looks so handsome, and he is so rich.


"Anya, where did you find a boyfriend with such good conditions? I'm really jealous."After a short silence.

The colleagues looked excited and kept looking at Zhou Xing and the big bull.

Anya also didn't expect that Zhou Xing would come in a Lamborghini.

Although a little embarrassed.

But looking at the envious eyes of my colleagues, I couldn't help but feel happy inside.

It greatly satisfies vanity.

She came to Zhou Xing and said shyly: "These are my colleagues. They all said they want to come down to see you. I can't stop you no matter what. There is nothing I can do." "

It's okay."

Zhou Xing just said She smiled, turned around and greeted them: "Hello, my name is Zhou Xing."

"Hello, you are Anya's boyfriend, right?"

Tingting stood up and said to Zhou Xing with a smile on her face due to her carefree personality.: "My name is Gu Ting, I'm Anya's colleague and best friend! He's so handsome, no wonder he can catch up with our little Anya!" "

Tingting, shut up!"

Gu Ting hadn't finished speaking yet. Anya was anxious.

He quickly stepped forward and covered Gu Ting's mouth, and explained to Zhou Xing with a blushing face: "She just likes to talk nonsense. Don't listen to her nonsense!"

"There is no such thing at all!"yAnya did not She said angrily to Gu Ting: "As I said, we are just ordinary friends!"

"Ordinary friends?"

Gu Ting looked at Zhou Xing and said with a smile on her face: "That proves that we haven't caught up yet, Zhou Xing, you You have to work harder!"

"Why don't you bribe us and take us out to play in the evening? As best friends, we will help you blow your pillow. Won't it be settled?"

Anya was about to continue to cover Gu Ting's mouth., not letting her continue.

Other colleagues also joined in the fun.

"That's right."

"Making us comfortable will ensure that you get twice the result with half the effort. Little Anya will be able to

do it at your fingertips!" "When Anya doesn't agree, we'll tie you up!

"Anya was overwhelmed and could only stamp her feet: "You guys are going to do it again!" This makes me really angry!"


Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Xing's voice came over.

He said with a smile: "When Anya and I finish dinner, go to the bar and book a seat, and we can sit there together."

Anya was speechless immediately.She buried her head in the raging headlights of her car and didn't dare to look up for a long time.

The crystal earlobes have already turned red.

He glanced at Zhou Xing secretly.

By saying this, doesn't it mean that he is pursuing himself by default?

"Is this true?"

Gu Ting's eyes lit up instantly.

Those who can become flight attendants are all young and naturally have a playful heart.

"Of course."

Zhou Xing said, "I will ask Anya to send you the location when the time comes.""

Then it's settled."

Gu Ting pushed the shy Anya to Zhou Xing's side: "Since you are so generous, Then I'll leave Anya to you, and you have to take good care of her!"


Anya was anxious, why was Gu Ting getting more and more embarrassed as she spoke.

But Gu Ting came over, bit her ear and whispered: "Smelly Anya, I'm just helping you, but don't you look at how handsome Mr. Zhou is and how rich he is, how can you not see that several of his colleagues have eyes that are full of tears?" Are you popular?"

"If you relax a little, someone else might take over!""Keep it in check. Don't miss it if you can meet such a high- quality boy! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

Anya remained silent, She looked around.

Sure enough, there were several colleagues who were staring at Zhou Xing without taking their eyes off him.

As a girl, how could she not understand the meaning?

All of them were like hungry wolves, wanting to eat Zhou Xing alive, but they didn't take action due to their own presence.

My heart suddenly tightened.

She also has a good impression of Zhou Xing, otherwise she would not agree to Zhou Xing's request.

It's just that with her character, it's hard to take the initiative.

She could only bite her lip and get into the car in silence.

Seeing this, Zhou Xing waved to Gu Ting and the others, and then started the Lamborghini.

The roar of the engine sounded.

The car drove out of everyone's sight.