Chapter 16Private Secretary

Five hundred million dollars!

Calculated according to the exchange rate, how much is the Chinese currency?

Anya thought for a while and realized that the number was too huge and she would not be able to convert it for a while.

For their airline, a domestic flight only costs tens of millions of dollars per plane.

The most expensive ones are Boeing, Airbus and Gulfstream.

Among them, the Boeing 747 passenger plane with the largest number of passengers costs US$150 million.

And half a billion dollars.

You can buy three of them!

Anya's eyes fell on Zhou Xing, with a look of disbelief on her face.

She knows Zhou Xing is very rich!

But I didn't expect that at such a young age, he would have a fortune of US$500 million!

What does his family do?

Could it be that they print money?

This is completely beyond Anya's cognition.

Not only is he rich, he is completely super rich!She only felt that Zhou Xing was shrouded in a thick veil of mystery.

It's hard to see through.

Not only Anya, but also Zhang Yan, who was sitting next to Lin Yusheng, heard this amount.

Also shocked.

But out of professionalism, she didn't show any air.

Lin Yusheng just said that this time he came to entertain a VIP client from their China Merchants Bank, and that the client was very important to them.

But no details about the other party were mentioned.

Only then did she realize that the handsome young boy in front of her held wealth that would make any bank fall for it.

Zhang Yan looked at Zhou Xing with strong curiosity in her eyes.

Zhou Xing looked indifferent when faced with Lin Yusheng's flattery.

He had already passed the initial excitement when he got the money, and he didn't feel much inside at this time.

"Mr. Zhou, I believe you already know the purpose of inviting you here this time."

Lin Yusheng smiled slightly and said: "Firstly, it is to thank you for your support and trust in our China Merchantsyou tur your suppurata


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"Secondly, it is my unilateral I also want to get to know outstanding young talents like Mr. Zhou."


Lin Yusheng paused: "I just want to invite you, Mr. Zhou, to join our China Merchants Bank and become a member of our bank. Private guest."

Zhou Xing nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Our CMB VIP customers are divided into gold cards worth 50,000 yuan, golden sunflower cards worth 500,000 yuan, diamond cards worth 5 million yuan, private banking cards worth 10 million yuan, and ultra- high-end private banking cards worth 50 million yuan."

Lin Yusheng introduced: " Mr. Zhou's assets naturally belong to the ultra-high-end private bank."

"As a client of the ultra-high-end private bank, every one of them is indispensable to us at China Merchants Bank." "

As long as you join our ultra-high-end private bank, China Merchants Bank will do its best to protect the rights and interests of customers and create your supreme status. You and our China Merchants Bank will achieve mutual success and progress."

Zhou Xing tapped his fingers on the table and said expressionlessly: "With all due respect, Lin Xing None of what you said is very attractive to me."

In Shangyanshang.When it comes to business matters, there is no need to be polite to Lin Yu.

The other party represents the bank.

Zhou Xing has the support of his parents, and he has a status that a bank cannot give him.

Those ordinary privileges may be regarded as honors in the eyes of ordinary people.

If he just wanted it... it would be too easy.

It's enough to communicate with your parents.

Lin Yusheng seemed to have expected it, and said without changing his expression: "I know that with Mr. Zhou's status, there is certainly no shortage of privileged services provided by the bank, and he does not like it." "

But our bank is targeting Customers like Mr. Zhou provide customized solutions."

"You can definitely put forward your demands, and we will discuss them together and strive to make each customer unique and provide the most suitable service."

Lin Yusheng said: "Not only that, we will also integrate our bank's customer resources to provide you with an exclusive communication platform."

"Customer resources... China Merchants is only a private bank, and if I choose the four major banks, their The customer resources will only become stronger."

Zhou Xing chuckled and drank the tea in the cup.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yan immediately stood up andserved him some tea.

Anya was a little embarrassed sitting next to her, but she still showed her timidity after all.

She should be the one to pour the tea.

As a flight attendant, she has no shortage of training in this area.

It was just that the conversation between Zhou Xing and Lin Yusheng was so shocking that she didn't react for a while.

"Mr. Zhou doesn't know anything about this."

Lin Yusheng shook his head and said with pride: "We at China Merchants Bank have the largest number of VIPs among all banks in the country. We have 70,863 private banking customers." "

Super high-end There are nearly 10,000 private clients."

"As far as I know, this number is far ahead of any of the four major banks."

Zhou Xing's eyes flickered.

no doubt.

Network and resources are what he wants most.

In today's society...just money, that won't do.

Without connections and resources, it would be almost impossible to move forward.

Zhou Xing resurrected his life and had the best background and system.He couldn't live in a hazy state, he also had his own plans.

At this time, connections and resources play a decisive role.

"My university is in Shanghai, and I'm afraid I will stay in Shanghai for the next few years."

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Zhou Xing did not answer Lin Yusheng's words, but suddenly mentioned his university.

Lin Yusheng's eyes brightened and he said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, you can rest assured. I brought Zhang Yan here just to relieve Mr. Zhou's worries." "

As Mr. Zhou's personal secretary, she is here permanently. The branch in Shanghai will help Mr. Zhou solve any problems you need."

"As long as you have requests, just contact her directly."

Zhang Yan also stood up in time and handed over her business card: "Mr. Zhou, if it is convenient, you can add a friend and ask me if you have any questions. I will provide you with services 24 hours a day."

Zhou Xing did not refuse, took out his mobile phone and opened the QR code.

He will be dealing with Zhang Yan for a long time in the future.

"My friend application has been sent. If you have time, please go through it."Zhang Yan sat back with a smile.

"There are very few ultra-high-end clients of China Merchants Bank who are equipped with personal secretaries. Only the best clients like Mr. Zhou can have such treatment."

Lin Yusheng explained.

Zhou Xing didn't speak, the two just looked at each other, then smiled at each other.

We are all smart people, so there is no need to say many things directly.

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to have a few drinks?"

Lin Yusheng picked up the chopsticks, tasted the dishes, and asked Zhou Xing: "I'll ask the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine, or try the wine they have in the store for many years. Maotai?"

"No need."

Zhou Xing waved his hand and said, "I have a moderate capacity for drinking, so I don't want to lose my composure in front of the president later."

Wine table culture is the norm in China.

It's just that Zhou Xing doesn't need to drink to please others.

In the whole of China, there are only a handful of people worthy of being courted by him.

Lin Yusheng stayed on Anya for a moment and understood instantly. He just smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou,try the food here. Is it to your liking? I don't know if you young people like it." "The taste here is

good." It's almost the same as those in Jiangcheng."

"After all, it's close. Mr. Lin is also from Jiangcheng?"

"Of course, a native of Jiangcheng."

"Then we are still fellow villagers."

"As fellow villagers, Mr. Zhou, we will drink tea instead Have a glass of wine!"

This meal lasted two hours.

Guests enjoyed themselves.

By the time they came out of the Liangshe Night Banquet, it was almost ten o'clock.

The excitement of Yehu City has just begun.

Lin Yusheng personally escorted Zhou Xing to the parking lot, holding his hand with a smile on his face: "This time, the preparations were hasty. When Mr. Zhou returns to Jiangcheng, I will make further arrangements to ensure that Mr. Zhou can taste the most authentic food." Jiangcheng food." Zhou

Xing also smiled broadly: "President Lin is too polite. We are all fellow villagers. When I return to Jiangcheng, President Lin should not think that I am bothering you." "Don't

worry, my door will always be open to Mr. Zhou.After greetings for a while.

Zhou Xing pressed the car key, opened the door of the Lamborghini, and took Anya into the car.

"Then I'll leave first."

Zhou Xing lowered the window and said to Lin Yusheng and Zhang Yan.

Lin Yusheng nodded, and Zhang Yan said playfully: "Mr. Zhou, goodbye!"

The two stood there.

They gave up after watching Zhou Xing's car go further and further away, and finally disappeared from their sight.

on the car.

Anya was full of doubts.

Is this how wealthy people talk about things?

They were still talking about inviting Zhou Xing to join the distinguished guests, but suddenly they started talking about home affairs again.

Whether Zhou Xing answered or not...

She felt a little confused and embarrassed to ask.

After all, she looked like she had never seen anything in the world today.

As a stewardess.She is pursued by many people on weekdays.

Also because of his status and profession, in the eyes of some people, it is a bit unattainable.

But in front of Zhou Xing, she felt a little inferior.

"What are you doing here? Send a message to your colleagues. It's time to go out."

Zhou Xing said suddenly.


Anya didn't come back to her senses for a while.

"Didn't I promise your colleagues to invite them out to play in the evening? Let's go over now and they are almost ready to go."

Zhou Xing said calmly.

Inviting them to sit at the bar is nothing to Zhou Xing.

The most important thing is that he also wants to experience it.

He had never experienced what the top bars in Shanghai were like in his previous life.


Anya nodded, took out her mobile phone, and was about to send a message to her colleagues.

Then he raised his head again and looked at Zhou Xing blankly: "Which bar are we going to?"

"TAXX."Zhou Xing thought for a while and found that he didn't know much about the bars in Shanghai. He only knew about the bars in Shanghai. This is more impressive.

Because of this store, the celebrity Little Cheetah has a stake.

Many celebrities will go there to play.

The high prices and star power make this bar quite famous.