chapter 24

The drunkard doesn't care about the wine

TAXX entrance.

The early morning wind is cool.

"Young Master Zhou, I'll leave first."

Luo Qianqian waved to Zhou Xing with a smile on her face, and then gave a look that only the two of them could understand.

He turned around and grabbed a colleague with whom he was close, stopped a taxi on the roadside, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Anya looked suspicious.

Luo Qianqian was in the bar, wishing she could bury her whole body in Zhou Xing's arms and never leave.

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

Why did he suddenly change his temper and choose to leave so simply?

Could it be because Zhou Xing explained to her that they were just having a conflict with me just now, but now that the relationship has been repaired, she backed out because she knew there was no chance?

Anya is definitely like this.

After all, Zhou Xing must care about himself the most, otherwise he would not agree to invite them to TAXX.

He pretended to be in love with Luo Qianqian, but he did it for himself when he was angry.

Thinking of this, Anya suddenly became happy.

That's fine... she can enjoy the time alone with Zhou Xing.

Even if it's just to send her back.

With a smile on her face, Anya stepped forward and hugged Zhou Xing's arm, pressing her body closely against his, following step by step.

They look like a couple in love.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Xing lowered his head.

"It's okay."

Anya shook her head and smiled. It was hard to tell that Zhou Xing was still a cold person on the outside but hot on the inside.

His position in his heart is so important.

On the surface, it seemed that she didn't care about her, but secretly she drove Luo Qianqian away.

Thinking of this, Anya's heart was filled with happiness.

If someone like Zhou Xing could do this for her, she would be very satisfied.

At this time.

A black Rolls-Royce Ghost stopped in front of Zhou Xing.

The supervisor got out of the car and opened the door for Zhou Xing: "Mr. Zhou, our boss specially told us before he left that because you were drunk, it might not be very convenient to drive, so he left his car to take you back. "

If you don't mind, please leave your car to me and I'll drive it back."

When Zhou Xing heard this, Chang Wenyu had thought more thoroughly.

He was still thinking about how to go back.

Now it seems there is no need to take a taxi.


Zhou Xing didn't show any pretense and handed the key to the supervisor: "Then I'm welcome."

"This is what we should do."

The supervisor smiled: "Mr. Zhou, you can get in the car first. As long as Just tell the driver your destination."

Zhou Xing nodded, then turned to look at Anya: "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Anya responded obediently, and then got in the car under the envious eyes of her colleagues.

Zhou Xing personally sent it back. Among so many people, she was the only one to have this honor.

Zhou Xing also got in the car.

The door closed automatically. The young driver in a suit in front turned his head and asked respectfully: "Mr. Zhou, where should we go first?"

"Let's go to the All Seasons Hotel first."


The driver stopped talking and then Press the button.

A baffle slowly lowered in the middle.

The seat in the back has become a private space, and the driver can no longer see anything behind him.

The car drove slowly out of the bar entrance.

The supervisor also drove a Lamborghini and followed behind.

The car was quiet.

Anya closed her legs and looked at Zhou Xing quietly, but found that Zhou Xing was looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhou Xing seemed more charming in silence.

Of would be better if Zhou Xing didn't put his hands on his legs.

She's already used to it.

"Zhou Xing, are you busy with anything tomorrow?"

Anya turned her head and looked at Zhou Xingdao.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Xing looked away from the car window.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted me to take you around Shanghai?"

Anya flipped her hair and smiled: "I will return to Jiangcheng the day after tomorrow, and I still have a day off tomorrow, so I thought If it's convenient for you, we can go to the Bund to have a look."

"It's too late today. Although Shanghai is very beautiful at night, I still think it's more fun during the day."

Zhou Xing looked at Anya with a smile on his lips. smile.

Anya felt a little uncomfortable with Zhou Xing's gaze, and there was a trace of blush on her face: "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Xing smiled, and then looked away: "Okay, I have nothing to do tomorrow. Things."

"Then it's settled?"


Anya hugged Zhou Xing's arm with some excitement, as if looking forward to tomorrow's trip.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Of course she also knew that Zhou Xing asked her to help him as a tour guide because of his drunkenness.

However, they all had a tacit understanding not to pierce this layer of window paper.

"Mr. Zhou, we are here."

In the early morning in Shanghai, the roads were smooth.

After driving for more than ten minutes, the car stopped steadily at the entrance of the All Seasons Hotel.

The driver's voice came from behind the fender.

"Then I'm leaving first?"

Anya seemed a little reluctant to leave: "We'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for sending me back."

"But I don't seem to see your sincerity in thanking you."

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows.

Anya sat in her seat, looking a little confused. She looked at Zhou Xing and suddenly felt heartbroken.

With her eyes closed, she kissed Zhou Xing's side face.

But the next moment.

Zhou Xing hugged her.

The direction of kissing the side face quietly changed.

The teeth were pried open.

Zhou Xing's domineering movements made Anya lose her thoughts of resistance, her eyes gradually became blurred, and she just murmured in a low voice.

Several minutes passed.

Anya suddenly woke up when she felt Zhou Xing's hands untying her clothes.

Patting Zhou Xing: "Don't... it can't work here."

Zhou Xing let go of her, Anya breathed in the air, and then looked towards the baffle position, and found that the baffle was tight. The driver breathed a sigh of relief after he couldn't see the scene in the back seat at all.

She raised her head and found Zhou Xing looking at her with a smile: "If it doesn't work in the car, how about other places?"

Anya's face instantly turned red, and she bit her lips: "I didn't say that!"

The other party was soft and weak. The weak look made Zhou Xing's blood immediately surge.

He really wanted to ask the driver to take them back to the Ritz-Carlton without letting Anya get out of the car.

But after much hesitation, I gave up.

Tea tasting still requires patience.

Being too anxious will be counterproductive.

Besides...Luo Qianqian is still staying in his room, which is obviously not a wise decision.

Anya raised her fist high, then lowered it gently, hitting Zhou Xing. She lowered her voice and said, "I knew you had no good intentions from the beginning."

Her tone was angry and shy.

Zhou Xing didn't say anything, just smiled faintly: "I'll pick you up tomorrow."


Anya straightened her wrinkled clothes and got out of the car in a hurry.

I only feel that my legs are a little weak, and the touch of Zhou Xing still seems to be left on my body.

When she thought about staying in the car for so long, and although the driver couldn't see it, he probably guessed what they were doing, Anya wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in.

Zhou Xing watched Anya enter the hotel, and then said to the driver: "Please drive to the Ritz-Carlton."


The driver's tone was still calm, and he did not show any impatience because of the long wait.

The car started again.

The Rolls-Royce drove towards the Ritz-Carlton, followed by a blue Lamborghini.

The deafening sound of the engine was particularly noticeable in the dark night.

It took less than half an hour.

Zhou Xing arrived at his destination.

He got out of the car, and the supervisor parked his car in the parking lot on the hotel road and handed over the keys with both hands.

Zhou Xing took the key, then took out a wad of cash from the car and divided it into two parts.

One of the copies was handed into the hands of the supervisor: "Thank you."

The supervisor did not dare to take the cash and said with a smile on his face: "You are a guest of our bar and a friend of the boss. Small things like this are all important." It's what I should do."

"Take it, you deserve it, let's get it right."

Zhou Xing said calmly.

The supervisor had no choice but to take the cash and thanked him again: "Thank you, Mr. Zhou. If you come to our bar in the future, just tell me in advance. I promise to give you the best seat so that you can have a good time."

Zhou Xing nodded . , then came to the car, put the remaining wad of cash in the car, regardless of the driver's repeated waves.

"Thank you boss for me for your hard work."

After Zhou Xing finished speaking, he walked towards the hotel.

Just entered the gate.

Butler Wang was standing there, bowing slightly to Zhou Xing and saying, "Mr. Zhou, your friend is already waiting for you above." "

I understand."

Zhou Xing took the elevator and arrived at the 51st floor.

Open the room.

It was pitch black inside.

There was silence.

There was no movement.

This made Zhou Xing frown, where did Luo Qianqian go?

next moment.

The lights in the room suddenly turned on.

Then Luo Qianqian walked out of the room wearing a stewardess uniform and high heels.

With a charming look on her face, she approached Zhou Xing.

Then he hugged Zhou Xing with his arms, stood up on tiptoes, and came close to Zhou Xing's ear: "Hello, Captain Zhou, I am Luo Qianqian, the flight attendant for this flight." "

I will cooperate with you throughout the entire flight."

" I hope Captain Zhou will be satisfied with my service on this flight."