Chapter 37

Need more money

"Have you prepared such a move?"

Qin Fen asked Chang Wenyu in surprise.

He did not expect this scene.

"Of course."

Chang Wenyu said with a proud look on his face: "Fortunately, I took precautions in advance and arranged these on the yacht, otherwise the white ones will be called black by the two of you." "

If it is true. Get out, how can I mess around in the future?"

"These... stop your mouths, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Qin Fen touched his chin at this time and looked at Zhou thoughtfully. Xing said: "It's just this little, it seems a bit not enough."

"I think so, it's just these few, so the foreigners next door saw it and thought we couldn't afford it."

Zhou Xing also said in cooperation.

"Then Lao Chang is so insincere, so don't blame us for being rude."

Qin Fen smiled evilly at Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing also smiled and nodded: "When you get back, help him promote it and keep boys away from him as much as possible."

"Old Qin, Old Zhou, you two are my good brothers, don't do this to me."

Chang Wen Yu's heart collapsed, and he said with a look of grief and anger: "Especially you, Lao Qin, how many years have we known each other, and how long have you and Lao Zhou known each other? You and Lao Zhou have only known each other for so long, and now they start to collude and fuck me together. Have you forgotten that you should You're on my side."

"That's not possible."

Qin Fen shook his head and said, "We are like brothers and love our relatives and friends."

"You have to pay more."

Zhou Xing agreed.

Then they looked at each other, looked at Chang Wenyu who was speechless and laughed.

"Okay, stop teasing Lao Chang."

Qin Fen became serious: "If you keep teasing him, he will probably have a mental problem, Zhou Xing... you can pick one first, someone will accompany you for the activities later. It won't be boring."

As the second generation of rich people, such scenes have long been commonplace.

Zhou Xing was not pretentious and looked at the row of girls.

Then he picked a girl standing in the middle. She was not tall, but had a good figure and a very cute appearance. She had a bun.

"It's her."

Seeing Zhou Xing point to her, the girl's eyes lit up, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and she took the initiative to come to Zhou Xing without anyone else's instructions.

The other girls were a little envious when they saw this.

When they come here, they naturally understand who are the people on the yacht.

The super young man in Shanghai.

Zhou Xing stood out from the crowd like a chicken.

Tall and handsome in appearance.

All of them are eye-catching.

Being able to accompany a handsome, rich, and young young man is naturally much better than others.

"You have such a sharp eye."

Chang Wenyu looked at the girl. He also took a fancy to her, but he didn't expect to be picked out by Zhou Xing.

But he didn't think it was anything. On the contrary, it proved that the two of them had the same vision and were very compatible.

He immediately introduced to the girl: "His surname is Zhou. You can just call him Mr. Zhou. This guy has a lot of background. Take good care of him and make him happy. Your benefits are indispensable." "


The girl was obedient. He responded, then looked at Zhou Xing with big soft eyes, and took the initiative to take his hand: "Young Master Zhou, just call me Tongtong."

Zhou Xing also smiled and handed Tongtong to him. Take him into his arms.

Tongtong looked a little shy, but she didn't put up any resistance. She was hugged by Zhou Xing obediently and at the same time she shrank inwardly.

Looks like a little birdie.

Zhou Xing finished picking.

Qin Fen and the others also started to pick fights, and then it was Chang Tong and Xie Pan's turn.

It can be seen from small details like this.

Regardless of him, after all, this was his first time here, and they released their kindness to him.

So let him choose first.

Chang Wenyu and Qin Fen should have relatively high status in this circle.

Belongs to the position of the dominant person.

Among the rich second generation, the class hierarchy will be even stricter.

Otherwise, how could Huang Mingyuan, who was so arrogant in front of Zhou Xing, not even dare to fart in front of Chang Wenyu?

"Let's go and relax first."

Qin Fen hugged a tall bikini beauty and greeted Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing also took advantage of the situation and walked to the front.


There are many water guns placed.

In this hot weather and on the Pujiang River, playing in the water is of course indispensable.

Qin Fen and others all picked up water guns and filled them with water.

Then they smiled evilly and shot at the girl in unison.

The water hit the girl's body and her clothes were soaked instantly.


"Young Master Qin, how are you?"

"How could it be like this..."

The girls ran away in a hurry, making delicate voices from time to time.

On the deck, it was suddenly beautiful.

Zhou Xing saw this scene.

I couldn't help but change my mind about yachts.

If you have the chance, buy a yacht...and then drive it to the sea and hold a grand party. It will definitely be a different experience.

Compared to them, Zhou Xing still lacks some knowledge.

"Mr. Zhou, aren't you going to play with them?"

Tongtong looked at Zhou Xing standing aside and asked curiously.

"What, you want to join them?"

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows.

Tongtong glanced at the embarrassed girls and shook her head repeatedly: "I'm still following Mr. Zhou. Whatever Mr. Zhou says, that's what it is."

Zhou Xing smiled and didn't reply.

Qin Fen and Chang Wenyu were already a little exhausted after playing for half an hour.

Only then did he choose to stop.

Then they each held a girl in their arms and prepared to walk into the room.

Chang Wenyu came to Zhou Xing and said with a natural expression: "I'm going to the room first. There are many rooms inside. If you go in later, you can find one and go in as long as the door is not locked."

Qin Fen, Chang Tong and the others also chose to say hello to Zhou Xing and then entered the room.

There are fewer and fewer people on the deck.

In the end, only Zhou Xing and Tongtong were left.

Zhou Xing looked at the scenery outside for a while, and then felt that it was not interesting, so he said to Tongtong: "Shall we go in too?"

Tongtong blushed and lowered her head, and responded softly: "Yes."


two hours later.

Zhou Xing came out of the room and found Qin Fen and others already sitting in the living room chatting.

Seeing Zhou Xing come out, all eyes fell on him instantly.

"You must have fallen asleep in the room, right?"

Chang Wenyu said in a teasing tone: "Actually, it doesn't matter. We are all men. There is no need to force ourselves. It is what it should be, and we know it in our hearts. You know."

When Zhou Xing saw this, he just said calmly: "I'm going to the toilet."

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Chang Wenyu also got up and went to the toilet with Zhou Xing.

As a luxury yacht.

The bathroom facilities are also extremely luxurious.

The decoration inside looks the same as that of a five-star hotel, but the capacity is slightly smaller.

There are only two urinals.

Zhou Xing and Chang Wenyu stood side by side.

Chang Wenyu was about to release, but he glanced in Zhou Xing's direction inadvertently.

Then his eyes widened.


"You're a fucking donkey!"