Chapter 51

: I haven't learned how to make three points

The instructor stood in front of everyone with his hands behind his back.

His skin was dark and his age was indistinguishable.

With a straight face, he stared at everyone.

The students calmed down unconsciously and stood up straight subconsciously.

He secretly looked at the instructor in front of him with some fear, but he was more curious and uneasy.

Zhou Xing knew.

The instructor in front of him was not a real soldier.

His name is Huang Hui, a member of the instructor team of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and a junior this year.

Shanghai Conservatory of Music forms a team of instructors every year.

Provide them with military management and daily training.

Then in the coming year... they will be responsible for the military training of the new students.

Most instructors, who are also students, are relatively easy-going and have no airs about their students.

It's also quite pleasant to get along with.

During the fifteen days of military training, you will even develop deep friendships with these people.

You might become good friends after military training.

Likewise, there are some people who

think very highly of themselves.

He did not hesitate to deliberately suppress the new students to show his status.

The new students are becoming more and more embarrassed, but they are extremely proud of themselves.

Huang Hui is an example of this.

In his previous life... when he was in charge of Zhou Xing's formation, he pushed the instructor's skills to the extreme.

On the other hand, relying on his status as an instructor, he suppressed the freshmen vigorously.

If you are not careful, you will be punished like thunder.

The whole class does push-ups and runs on the playground.

It is also extremely common to beat and scold someone, to make someone stand alone to be beaten, to become the laughing stock of everyone, and to damage the other person's self-esteem.

He treats ordinary-looking girls very harshly.

Faced with a slightly attractive person, he took advantage of the opportunity of teaching and openly created opportunities for physical contact.

The students in military training are all freshmen.

He had no idea that the instructor in front of him was just a fellow student.

New here.

I'm timid, so as long as I don't go too far, I basically choose to endure it.

There are also many whose families have extremely good conditions and have been well-fed and clothed since childhood.

When have you ever been treated like this and resisted angrily?

However, Huang Hui would team up with other instructors with whom he had good relationships and punch and kick him.

Then he reported it to the school, but the other party had a bad attitude and refused to cooperate with the military training.

disciplinary action from the school, or even expulsion.

They could only choose to swallow this breath.

Huang Hui, on the other hand, intensified his efforts and made all kinds of difficulties for these so-called "thorny" students without any cover-up.

In response to that sentence.

Those who have a little power want to use their little power all the time.

The three-point style has not been learned, but the seven-point style has been used to the fullest, and the bad habits have been learned extremely proficiently.

After the military training in his previous life, the angry freshmen learned that Huang Hui was just an ordinary junior student. They immediately became furious and felt extremely insulted.

Then... Huang Hui was beaten inexplicably and lay in the hospital for more than a month.

Just after he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he was rushed into the hospital again with his head covered.

Huang Hui was afraid of being beaten...

and chose to drop out of school, and then there was no news about him again.

But that was also after military training.

Zhou Xing thought for a moment and already made a decision in his mind.

After the morning military training is over...

I will think of a way to leave this military training.


Huang Hui stood above, looking at the new students, and was silent for a long time before he said, "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Huang Hui." "

Starting from today, During the fifteen-day military training, I will be your instructor."

"With me... there is no reason or any way. There is only one thing you need to do, and that is to obey me absolutely. The order."

Huang Hui's voice was loud: "I told you to go east, but you can't go west. I said you are pigs, so you can't say you are dogs. Did you hear that?" "You

heard that."

Among the crowd, Several responding voices sounded sparsely.

"It seems that you don't take my words seriously?"

Huang Hui picked his ears with his fingers, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but there was a cold look in his eyes: "In that case... Then everyone is included!"

"Everyone, run around the playground ten times!"

"Right away!"

There was some commotion in the team, and everyone looked at each other. Everyone was young and energetic. As soon as Huang Hui came up, he gave Their power.

Also ran ten laps around the playground.

This is the formal playground of the university, with a circle of 800 meters.

Ten laps down!

You have to shed your skin even if you don't die.


A young man with yellow hair stood up and said with an angry look on his face: "The instructors of other teams ask them to introduce themselves, play some small games, and get to know each other. How did they get to us? I came here to run ten laps."

"There are so many girls in the phalanx, and most of them haven't had breakfast. After ten laps... few people can stand it."

"If this running is useless, then we can continue. What to do with the military training?"

His words were immediately echoed by everyone: "That is, we are here for military training, not to be dogs. Even if you are an instructor, there is no reason to be like this."

Huang Hui's expression changed after hearing this . He suddenly fell silent: "Are you questioning me?"

"Am I the instructor, or are you the instructors!"

"Remember, you are under my command, not in other formations. If you don't want to stay here, , that is your business, you can choose to leave at any time."

Huang Hui said with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Of course, you can also try to see if other formations will choose to accept you. By then, no one will want you. If you can't complete the military training and even the normal start of school will be affected, don't blame me!"

A blatant threat.

For freshmen, the effect is remarkable.

After all... Even if a student from an extremely outstanding family is found out by his family and is expelled from school, he will inevitably be beaten severely when he returns.

Huang Hui saw the students gradually quieting down, and the disdain in his eyes became more intense: "If you stay here with me, you must obey all my orders. I can't control what other people do. At least here, my words are Absolute authority!"

"That little Huang Mao, since you are so willing to show off, then you will be punished on behalf of all the students."

Huang Hui pointed to Huang Mao who spoke first: "Go run ten laps!"

"Why! "

Huang Mao also lost his temper and glared at Huang Hui.

Huang Hui suddenly burst out!

He quickly came to Huang Mao, punched him in the face, and then hit him hard in the leg.

He kicked Huang Mao hard in the stomach.

Huang Mao fell to the ground immediately in pain.

Huang Hui put his hands behind his back and looked at him coldly: "I'll give you two choices, either run ten laps for me now, or get out of the square. I will deal with your refusal to fulfill your military training obligations in every detail. report to the school."