Chapter 57

Everything happens for a reason

The sun rises high.

The sun shines through the shades of trees and spreads throughout the campus.

In the principal's office.

The principal was sitting at his desk. He was a soldier. Even though he was in his sixties, his back was still straight and his face was solemn.

The nameplate in front of the desk has his name written on it.

Pay Zhoupu.

"Principal, this year's military training for freshmen has been prepared. Except for students with special circumstances or physical reasons, all other freshmen will participate in military training in an orderly manner." The

school director reported on the work with the report in his hand.

Fu Zhoupu nodded when he heard the words, and said in a loud voice: "General training must be implemented. Military training must not be allowed to become a formalized and process-based thing in our school. At least within these fifteen days, the new students They can feel the benefits that the military training has brought to them."

"Of course..."

Fu Zhoupu changed the topic: "The weather is hot, so we must do a good job in preventing heatstroke to avoid accidents for new students. We will do our best to make the military training go on in a good and smooth manner."


The school director nodded and said, "Medical staff have been deployed. Once a student suffers from heat stroke, they will be rescued as soon as possible. The principal can rest assured."

"That's fine."

A satisfied smile appeared on Fu Zhoupu's serious face.

Just as he was about to dissolve the meeting, the landline phone on the table rang.

Fu Zhoupu picked up the phone: "Hello, this is Fu Zhoupu."

"Xiao Fu, it's me."

A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Old squad leader."

Fu Zhoupu's spirit was shaken, and he immediately said with a smile on his face: "Old squad leader, we haven't seen each other for several years, why are you suddenly free to call me?" "

Xiao Fu, this time The monitor is calling you because he wants to talk to you."

The other end of the phone said: "As the principal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, you must know that the responsibility you have is no lighter than in the army. Those children are the future of our society, and we must not be negligent in the slightest."

Fu Zhoupu was silent for a moment, with doubts in his eyes, and then nodded and said: "Please don't worry, old squad leader, I Of course I know. During the more than ten years I have been the principal, I have always adhered to everyone's teachings and dare not relax in any way."


The old monitor coughed twice. Then he said: "It's not enough for you to have this awareness... The school is a holy place, you have to restrain the people under you, and you must not allow evil spirits and corruption to enter the campus. The school is the final bottom line. , if even the children are affected, what will society do in the future?"

"Old monitor...Did I not do well enough, what happened?"

Fu Zhoupu frowned, what if At this time, he still couldn't understand the meaning of the old monitor's words, so he had stayed in the position of principal for so long in vain.

As a former squad leader in the army, the old squad leader later chose to enter the education system, while he entered politics.

Nowadays, his status is not low.

He doesn't call for no reason and give himself some seemingly meaningless instructions.

Everything happened for a reason.

"It's not that you haven't done a good enough job, but the school is so big that it will inevitably breed some pests. As the principal, how can you have so much energy to control everyone." The

old monitor explained: "There is no responsibility. It's up to you, but you must restrain your subordinates more. Once you find the tip of the spear, you must immediately snuff it out and strangle it in the cradle, so that it will not affect you." "

Old squad leader, what is the reason? What's the matter?"

Fu Zhoupu listened to the old squad leader's words, and the situation seemed to be a bit serious.

"Don't ask any more questions. I only received some messages in advance, so I'd like to remind you that you'd better check for leaks and fill the vacancies now, and expel those who should be fired, and take the appropriate punishment."

The old squad leader sighed and said: "Don't let the superiors send people to conduct inspections. By then it will be too late."

Fu Zhoupu was shocked!

It's not as simple as imagined.

It's just that...

the old squad leader's words were too vague. He didn't hear anything in this huge campus. What happened to the people below could actually alert the inspector.

Suddenly I felt helpless.

Fu Zhoupu could only place his hope in the old squad leader: "Old squad leader, you have been with me since the year I joined the army. I have always remembered your kindness in my heart over the years, but this time... I I really don't know what happened. Can you give me a little hint?"

"You can help me."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Fu Zhoupu also listened patiently and waited for a response.

After a long time.

The old squad leader said: "There is a son from the Zhou family who just came to your school this year. It seems that there was some friction with the dean of their department." "

This matter was originally a trivial matter, but the person in charge of the Zhou family directly Call our superiors."

"Angrily accuse the school of corruption. The superiors are paying great attention to this matter. If you can't solve it, they can only take action."


Fu Zhoupu's eyes widened.

You must know that the superiors have always had zero tolerance for schools and will never allow any form of corruption to appear in schools and harm the future of society.

If it's just a conflict between two people, it's just a trivial matter. Once it escalates to corruption, the nature is completely different.

In this situation, if the superiors come to inspect, they will really find out the clues.

Even if he doesn't have any problems, he will still be jointly and severally responsible.

Not only is the principal's position unavailable...

there are even more serious punishments.

Fu Zhoupu couldn't help but feel a chill in his back, and felt terrified.

This thing is probably true.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from the old squad leader, he would have been kept in the dark.

By the time you find out, it's too late.

"Old squad leader, I really appreciate you. Without you, I would be miserable. When the National Day this year, I will bring two bottles of good wine and visit you to express my gratitude."

Fu Zhoupu thanked him repeatedly.

The old squad leader said, "Put this matter aside for the time being. You'd better deal with the matter at hand before talking about it. The Zhou family put their children in school to show their trust in our Huaxia. You can't let him down."

"Okay." , I understand, and will do it right away."

Fu Zhoupu looked serious: "Just, old squad leader, can you tell me a little bit about the origin of that Zhou family..., I also need to prescribe the right medicine to avoid unnecessary trouble. It makes people dissatisfied."

"The Zhou family, what other Zhou family can there be in China? Go to Jiangcheng and think about it."

The old squad leader hesitated for a while, then whispered: "It's about heavy industry."

"It's him!"

Fu Zhou Pu's heart trembled.