Chapter 77

Two billion paid

"Then let's call him Nile Crocodile Venture Capital."

Zhou Xing reported his name.

"Nile Crocodile Venture Capital Co., Ltd.?"

Zhang Yan was a little curious.

Zhou Xing nodded slightly, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Nile crocodile...

the largest crocodile in the world.

The well-deserved overlord among crocodiles.

Since he is a venture capital investor, Zhou Xing is naturally unwilling to settle for mediocrity.

The battlefield of capital is inherently bloody and cruel.

He wants to be a giant in the investment circle.

Break in forcefully.

Take the flesh from the hands of various capitals.

"Okay, I understand."

Zhang Yan responded, and then asked: "How much is the company's registered capital?"

Zhou Xing raised two fingers.

"Twenty million?"

Zhang Yan nodded: "Twenty million registered capital is already very high."


Zhou Xing shook his head and said, "It's not 20 million, it's 2 billion. , paid in!"

"Two billion!"

Zhang Yan exclaimed: "It's still paid in!"

The company's registered capital is divided into subscribed and paid.

The subscription is only reported, and the shareholders determine how much money they have paid together, and they do not choose to transfer the money to the public account.

As long as the company exists, the amount of subscription is entirely decided by the shareholders.

Therefore, many companies will choose to exaggerate their registered capital to make their company appear stronger.

Actual payment is completely different.

When registering a company, you need to put all the real money in it.

Although a company with low paid-in registered capital cannot be 100% sure of its strength, a company with high paid-in registered capital is definitely strong.

Zhang Yan works in a bank and has met many rich people.

She has seen some who paid 100 million or 200 million, and these are enough to be called ruthless people.

As for the actual payment of two billion, she has never seen it in real life.

Zhou Xing didn't have much explanation.

The column of paid-in registered capital can be checked, and the paid-in subscription can be seen at a glance.

As a venture capital firm, it had just been established.

It is extremely difficult to compete with those venture capital giants.

There are simply not many people who would choose to trust a newly established company, so naturally the business will not be able to expand.

But once the two billion was actually paid, it was completely extraordinary.

A company can inject two billion in funds into the company's account.

There is no doubt about the strength.

Even if it is a new company, no one will underestimate it.

Since he wants to be a giant crocodile, how can he not show off his armor and sharp teeth?

Zhang Yan took a long breath and gradually calmed down.

The number of two billion.

It was enough to make her dizzy.

"I understand."

Zhang Yan replied: "There are no other problems. I will handle the next things as soon as possible. Once there is progress, I will report to you." "


Zhou Xing After finishing the company registration matter, I was ready to start the car and leave here.

Just put your foot on the brake.

But stopped again.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Yan, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I need you to help me contact a headhunting company and help me select a few high-end management talents."

The company is still empty at the moment. Apart from him, there is not even a single employee.

A simple and polished commander.

As a venture capital company, naturally we can't take things for granted.

He had limited knowledge in this area, but it didn't matter.

As a company owner, you don't need to know much about the direction of operations.

Just learn how to use people.

Know people and make good use of them.

Just hire a few professional talents and let them take care of the details while Zhou Xinglai takes control of the overall situation.

A boss who won't be a hands-off boss is not a good boss.


Zhang Yan was not surprised by this. The purpose of China Merchants Bank is to solve all financial problems for customers.

Regarding company recruitment, headhunting companies and the like... they have experienced it countless times.

This is also one of the privileged services of bank VIPs.

Zhang Yan said: "No problem at all. I wonder if you have any requirements for the talents you recruit?"

"If so..."

Zhou Xing pondered for a moment and said, "Try to be younger, regardless of gender, as long as If you have the ability, I can accept it."

"Then let me record your requirements first. It happens that China Merchants Bank cooperates with many high-end headhunting companies. If you have any other ideas about employees later, you can feel free to contact us at any time. Contact me and I will help you make adjustments."

Zhang Yan smiled and said, "If the headhunting company has candidates, I will send you the list first. After you confirm it, we will go for the interview." "

Okay, sorry to trouble you. ."

Zhou Xing smiled.

"Mr. Zhou, you're welcome. This is my duty, and my job is to serve you."

Zhang Yan also pursed her lips and smiled.

"Speaking of which, it was because of me that you were transferred to Shanghai City. I wonder if you are used to staying here?" After

settling the matter, Zhou Xing slowly drove the car out of the parking lot while looking at the road ahead. , asked.

"I'm quite used to it. In fact, it's not much different from Jiangcheng. On the contrary, it's because of you that I've been relatively leisurely recently and have nothing to do in the bank."

Zhang Yan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Then I'm relieved, lest you be transferred to Shanghai and leave the familiar environment, you might still blame me in your heart."

Zhou Xing said with a smile.

"How could it be?"

Zhang Yan said: "It is because of you that I have such an opportunity. Coming to the branch in Shanghai can be regarded as a promotion. Both the treatment and salary are better than before. There has been a significant improvement."

"I have to thank you, otherwise... I may never have such an opportunity in my life."

Zhou Xing chuckled: "So, I am still your noble?"

" You can definitely say that."

Zhang Yan couldn't deny it.

"Then now your nobleman has a request."

"You can just say it."

"Just don't talk about you again. It sounds too awkward. Just call me by my name. I already said it on the way here. We all We are peers, just get along as friends."

"Wouldn't this be a little too rude..."

Zhang Yan hesitated.

Zhou Xing turned his head and glanced at the rearview mirror: "I don't mind if you mind anything. We will have to meet more often in the future. It's not good if you make it too awkward." "

Then... Okay, you...just don't mind."

Zhang Yan reluctantly agreed.


Zhou Xing smiled: "It's almost noon. I treat you to a meal as a thank you." "

No need, these are all what I should do."

Zhang Yan He quickly refused.

"Don't refuse too early. After dinner, you have something to do with me in the afternoon."


"Buying a house."