Story Another AU 3

The icy wind howled across the North, a familiar comfort to Aegon Stark, the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. But unlike other children, Aegon wasn't just a child of the North, he was a soul reborn, a man from another world, trapped in a child's body, his memories intact. He was a man from the future, thrust into the past.

His memories were a whirlwind of knowledge, a library of advancements, a blueprint for a better world. He knew the secrets of the Industrial Revolution, the power of trade, the art of warfare. And he was determined to use them to transform the North, to make it a haven, a beacon of prosperity in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.

At the age of five, he began to subtly introduce his knowledge, starting with farming. He showed his uncle, Ned Stark, the benefits of crop rotation and fertilizer, increasing the yield of the North's fields. He then introduced the art of distillation, bringing vodka to the North, a drink that quickly became a popular export, bolstering the North's economy.

He designed ships, inspired by the French galleons of his past life, capable of carrying large quantities of ice, which he then exported to the south, a luxury item that brought him wealth and influence. He even introduced ice cream, a delicacy made from the ice he harvested, and sold it through his own trading company, Arkanas.

By the age of eight, his ideas were transforming the North. He brought in artisans skilled in metalworking, building, and glassblowing, introducing concepts like waterwheels and windmills, revolutionizing the North's industry. He explored the North's mountains, discovering silver, diamond, and iron mines, which he exploited to further enrich the region.

He was not just a visionary, he was also a warrior. He possessed the strength of ten men, a force inherited from his lineage, and a power he discovered within himself, the ability to revive the dead, to control them as shadows, similar to the powerful beings of his previous life.

He used his powers to create a formidable force, training his soldiers in the brutal tactics of the Spartans and the Roman legions. He formed a network of spies, shadows that moved unseen, gathering intelligence across the North and Westeros. He encouraged trade with other lords, bolstering the leather industry of the Boltons and sponsoring Lord Ryswell to breed superior horses by combining them with Dothraki bloodlines.

By the age of ten, Aegon felt the pull of the world beyond the North. He entrusted his uncle Ned with the guardianship of the North, ensuring its prosperity, and set sail for Essos, his eyes set on conquering the vast continent.

In Essos, Aegon's ambition knew no bounds. He used his shadow powers and his knowledge of warfare to conquer the Dothraki, the slave traders, and all those who stood in his way. He established ten new cities, marvels of architecture and innovation, built with the help of his shadow warriors. He allowed the Unsullied to join his army, creating a force unlike any other.

Aegon's reign in Essos was a testament to his vision. He introduced the ideas of his previous life, transforming Essos into a thriving civilization, a beacon of progress in a world steeped in darkness. He had become a legend, a king who rose from the ashes of his past life, shaping the world around him with the power of his knowledge and the strength of his will.

Aegon Stark was not just a man reborn, he was a force of change, a testament to the enduring power of human innovation and ambition. He had conquered the past, and was now shaping the future, one revolution at a time.