To each Person their own Choices

"It's easier for the earth to meet the sky than for two Marl Kahns to agree on anything. Why else do you think our tribal ancestors found it difficult to resist their Cattleyan colonizers? For our revolutionaries to be easily tricked by the Atlanterrans? For Tenkan businessmen to nearly take with them all of our technology after our independence?"

- General Antonio Pierro Lunato, Field Marshall of the Marl Kahn royal army

An excerpt from his memoirs "Bloodstained Pearls of the Orient"


While the contents of King Fernando III and Emperor Tenka's meeting should've been a matter of extreme secrecy, it only took a few hours for the contents of their conversation to be printed, full-on-center and with bold letters on the headlines of many newspapers in the empire.

By the time that morning came for the eastern shores of Ostadonia, its citizens have seen everything under the thinly-veiled term of "rumors".

The most shocking of it was the "rumor" that King Fernando III has threatened to take Marl Kah out of the Ostadonian alliance and effectively, the empire as well.

"Has one of them gone mad again?!"

"Why are they doing this when the empire is this deep in its own problems already?!"

Some people, shocked with the contents of the newspaper reports, thought that the Marl Kahn king is following in the disastrous footsteps of his late father whose mistakes still resounds to this day. However, some of them, likely more informed about the intricacies and technicalities of the case, spoke up in the monarch's defense.

"To be fair, he has a point. The other alliance members save for the Boreans, are being a bunch of d*cks to them. First, there was the increase in tariff taxes that made the prices of essential goods in Marl Kah to soar. Second, they withheld disaster relief and support when a strong typhoon hit Marl Kah months ago, saying that "it wasn't that bad". But probably the greatest insult to them was the fact that when all of that chaos is unfolding in Silesia, they left Marl Kah to defend their own lands instead of backing them up with the Imperial Army."

"Well... when you put it like that..."

"I can see your point about it being straight-up harrassment by the other countries."

Across the empire, news of King Salonga's threat spread and both the political and economic class of the other nations began to panic about what it could lead into.

"What the hell was all of that?! How... how can he cause all of this chaos with in just one night?!"

"Sir! The stock value of Denha Corporation just tanked to nearly negative! Their entire board is bleeding to death!"


Across the empire, countless companies largely dependent on the bleeding-edge MagiTech technologies and techniques in Marl Kah had nearly all of the values of their shares to reach mere double or single digits. At every stock trading office, the pained groans and cries of marketers and brokers can be heard, showing just how much damage the words of the king had to countless companies and organizations.

The same went for the politicians and lords across the empire whose territories and people depended on Marl Kahn technology and personel. At the Faldra-Simone Duchy, Marl Kahn seamen that acted as the backbone of the shipping industry between Ostadonia and nations friendly to it in Yropa, went on a massive week-long strike that took up 90% of their numbers, in support of their king's words. Because of this, shipments became grounded, causing spoilage for perishable goods and significant delays on other packages.

This was followed by Marl Kahn airmen who did the same to their airships, grounding all commercial and freight flights, causing cancellations in business, vacation and delivery trips and clogging up airports for five-days.

However, the greatest labor strike in support of the Marl Kahn king's words is no doubt performed by Marl Kahn nurses who made up 42% of nurses in Ostadonia and 11% in the entirety of Promethea. For three-days, hospitals and clinics became paralyzed as majority of its employees and care-giving staff joined the strike, and declining even the most ludicrous hourly wages that reportedly even reached five-times their usual rate.

All of these things caused massive headaches towards the political leaders in Marl Kah, and a week after that meeting between the Tenkan emperor and King Salonga, the Imperial Senators convened to finally address the situation and decide whether to appease or sanction the monarch for his actions and influencing his subjects to basically hold the empire in a chokehold.

"Before we begin, may we please address first the absence of senators Rejas and Pascual who both belong to Marl Kah?" before the hearing officially began, Tenkan Senator Taigen rose a request to the senate president who replied accordingly.

"Request granted, Senator Taigen. However, our chamber will not sanction nor hold the two absentee senators in contempt."

"May I ask why, sir?"

"The topic of our meeting concerns the country that they are serving and representing. It was by that logic that I have advised them to take a leave for today in order to avoid possible confrontations and altercations."

The audience in attendance nodded along with the senate leader's decision, knowing that it was for the best that the two afforementioned senators are out of the picture for now. With that, they proceeded with the hearing and right out of the introduction, the tone was already set by Qiman Senator Zheng Haoran.

"We must immediately sanction Marl Kah for all of this damages that the empire and its territories have incurred. While it may be among our empire's labor laws to permit workers to gather and assemble a worker's strike, none of the permitted reasons included its use as a sign of support towards a political individual or movement."

"That's right!"

"Sanction them for all of these damages! We cannot afford to let them walk away after all of this mess!"

In the meeting chamber, shouts from people in support of putting sanctions on Marl Kah began to grow in number and volume. It took the senate leader hitting his gavel mallet to make everyone to stay silent.

"Order! I demand order in this chamber! ...Senator Zheng, while I understand your concern and the validity of your demand for his Majesty King Salonga to face appropriate consequences for his actions, I'm afraid that doing so would not only be immoral but also illegal."

"Please, sir. Do explain your reasoning for such. Why do you say that it would not only be immoral but also illegal?"

"...That's because while his decision started off all of this, it was his own people's decision to follow his lead and start those worker strikes. Sanctioning him for what he didn't "directly" do would be an immoral action.. and as for it being illegal..." the senate leader sighed for a moment before continuing with his words. "...No part in the imperial constitution, the Ostadonian alliance accords nor the legal code of conduct stops him from making such a threat in his capacity as a sovereign... If his Majesty wishes to withdraw Marl Kah from Ostadonia, he has all the right to do so."


In the Bougainvillea Viscounty, the normal day-to-day routine of its staff and inhabitants continued like clockwork. With its leadership switching between its head maid and assistant head maid every three days, things have been running smoothly with not much concerns.

"My lord, lady Spica sent me to ask whether you want Yropan or Qiman dishes for tonight's dinner."

"Oh... Let's for for Qiman then. Maybe fried springrolls for Syrene and some xiaolongbao for mother."

"Understood, my lord. What about for you and Jonathan-sama?"

"I'd go for some mapo tofu with some kick. As for Jonathan, I'd reckon he'd appreciate having some fish. I'll leave it up to you guys to choose which it would be."

Ever since they settled into their new lives and responsibilities, Joshua became busy running their territory and Selena with handling their relations with other noble houses. As for Jonathan, he became the new on-hand supervisor of their territories, roaming around the coutryside and the settlements to see how things are going.

At the same time when Joshua was being asked about their dinner, Jonathan was at a village in the former territory of House Belgram that are now under their purview.

"And you say that they made their camps in the woods?" Jonathan asked a group of villagers who approached him earlier with a request.

"Y-Yes, my lord. They've been torching our fields and stealing our livestock. We've wanted to do something about it but unfortunately, most of the men are ill-equipped and the outlaws know the woods like the back of their hands."

"While these fields are our livelihood and our hope for the future, unfortunately, none of us are willing to bet our lives on a blind attack. W-We can only beg that you lend us our aid and—"

"Say no more... By nightfall, gather everyone into your homes and secure every door and window. Make sure that no one will be outside throughout the night lest they get caught up in the battle. Am I understood?"

"""Y-Yes, sir!"""

By evening, the previously silent and dark woods near the village became filled with dancing torchlight and the war cries of bandits that are frothing in the mouth to not only steal from the village but also terrorize its inhabitants.

"WOOWOOWOO—WOOWOOWOO!!!" within the forest's depths, shrill shrieks and primitive screams can be heard, evoking a sense of primal fear from the villagers who began to hold each other in fear and begin praying to whichever deity they believed.

"The lunar goddesses are gracious... The lunar goddesses are merciful..."

"O-Oh hail to the great spirits... yours are power undying and love unwavering."

After nearly ten minutes of reciting their war cries, the bandits left the woodline and approached the village with the intention to once again take their goods and if possible, break into homes in order to torture or assault the villagers.

"...Come forth, my pack..."

Unfortunately for them, someone they never expected to be here was standing guard within the darkness and in the next moment, the bandit with the sharpest eyes saw a flash of light coming within the shadows of the village's houses.

"A-Ayoo... what the hell is that light ova' there?"

"Haah? Whatcha' pippin' about ya fool? It's only them folks there all scared and shite—"

Before he can even end his sentence, the bandit's head exploded like a melon that fell from a height, spreading its contents all over his fellows who became frozen in shock.

"Ghhh... What the f***...? Why am I— GUHAK-!"

Only a moment later, the man behind him fell on his knees and began to vomit blood before finally passing out and dying. It was only after realizing that the first man's head was blown by a bullet that then fatally struck the man behind him that the other bandits recognized what situation they are now in.

"R-Run... RUUUUUUNNN!!!" one of them managed to squeeze out that shout and upon hearing it, the other bandits dropped their weapons and sprinted back to the woods to save their own lives.

However, that would be the worst decision of their ever shortening lives.




"W-We're surrounded! W-WE'RE SURROUNDED!!!"

Once they arrived at the forest's woodline, they saw the silhouettes and glowing crimson eyes of a pack of Direwolves, blocking their way back into the thick forest and their chance to escape.

"W-What should we do, boss?!"

"Geh-! I have no ideas to give! We're too deep in this shite!" the bandit group's leader responded to the desperate question of his underling as they began to be pressed together back-to-back by the circle of Direwolves.

A few tense minutes later, the bandits finally heard a human voice as two direwolves let through a young man carrying a rifle and exuding an aura of active magic power around his body.

"I'd suggest surrendering to me... After all, you only have that and becoming Direwolf shit as choices."

"Y-You are—"

"So... what's it gonna be, you outlaws?"

By morning, the village's circle was filled by its populace who was called there by Jonathan with the promise of "justice". At the center of the village was the bandits who surrendered, numbering about 27 men, tied to a post with expressions that showed what kind of torment they went through last night at the hands of their captor.

"People of this village! I bring to you the bandits that have made your lives difficult and terrorized you for the past few months. While some of them has fallen by my hands, I will give you the honor to be the ones to return the favor to them." After Jonathan said those words, a few direwolves passed by and dropped knapsacks filled with stones right in front of the gathered crowd.

"W-Wait... does this mean that we can—"

"Do what you want to do with them... I saw nothing."

After giving them an idea about what they should do to the bandits, Jonathan left the village circle and rode his motorcycle again, only hearing screaming and pure, unadultered hatred coming from the villagers as they began to stone the bandits to their deaths.

Driving towards his family's manor, Jonathan had some alone time to contemplate about the things that have happened since his father's death and to the present day.


When father died, so did a piece of myself that I have never managed to bring back.

After his death, all of the bottled-up frustration, hatred and feeling of injustice that I felt back then, I poured out to the monsters in Mt. Akira's forest that I massacred into extinction... and yet, I felt nothing.

May it be pity, fulfillment or thirst for more bloodshed, it all felt nothing to me... because in the end, that is what it ultimately achieved... nothing... or at least, until I found the right people to turn all of those emotions towards when Spica brought me back to the manor.

I fought and slaughtered the members of the Demesne that has tormented us for years, and once I achieved my goals, I once again felt that same feeling of nothingness... until I discovered the truth behind my family's dark and faded history.

"Truth dies when no one is left to speak it. Lies live by the lips of those who spread to utter it."

When Spica led me back to the ruins of the dungeon where her people were once trapped, she brought me to an ancient structure resembling a library that their people's records say are hiding books and scrolls that was sent with them by our ancestor Duke Gerald Chronia for safe-keeping.

While most of the books and scrolls had its pages eaten by moths or turned to dust by the passage of the centuries, one book cured with mint oil and dried by charcoal remained at a sealed vault and contained part of the truth that I took on as my goal to reunite with its other half and find out what exactly our ancestor did that led us to such a lowly state.

To say that the truth, even in its incomplete form, answered much of my questions and gave me a worthy goal to go after, would be an understatement. At present, every action and decision that I make is hinged on the possibility that once I gain enough prestige and secure connections with those in the right positions of power and influence, I can enter the imperial Izanami library and connect the two halves of our ancestor's autobiography.

While some of my previous decisions, such as antagonizing prince Toshihiko and refusing to obey the outlandish orders of some imperial senators, would seem to be detrimental to my goal, I know that in the end I will earn all of that prestige and influence with blood, steel and mana... after all, Promethea has no shortage of war and bloodshed, and if ending all of it with even greater violence is the only way to achieve my goal, I am willing to do it till my dying breath.


My internal monologue was cut short once I arrived in Paddleton town where the then-village leader and now town mayor, told me that an advisory was sent towards all settlements via ManaCom to inform me to head back home as soon as possible. With that, I handed off a transport manifest and the sales invoice sent by the 4th Armory Complex in the former Lavento territory to Paddleton for the transport airships that they ordered.

In not even an hour, I arrived back in the manor where I noticed a familiar carriage near our foyer. With the family crest that was painted on its door, I recognized it to be from the Taiga Marquisdom who governs East Serafina. However, a part of its guard convoy that I recognized to not be from these parts told me that there was someone else in the carriage who came over.

"...Martha, report to me." I spoke as soon as Martha came into the garage and gave me a cursory bow. "Why, when and who?"

"They came here bearing a letter signed and sealed by the Imperial Senate. They arrived here just an hour ago and with the coming dusk, they seem to intend to stay here for the night... and..."

"...And? What's wrong, Martha? Why aren't you talking about who our guests are?" after I pressed her for an explanation, Martha eventually sighed and told me something that she thought I was sensitive about.

"The Hiiragi clan's princess is here alongside her prospective fiancee, Lord Kazuto Regalia-Taiga. Given your relationship in the academy, I thought it was only proper that—"

"Lady Hiiragi's life and agendas are her's to live and fulfill. Our friendship might be close but it is hardly intimate enough to be what you expect it to be. Speak clearly, Martha. I don't like surrounding myself with eggshells that you have to be wary of."

"U-Understood, young master."

Once I made it clear that her concerns are unfounded, Martha led me to my room where I changed into appropriate clothes and combed my hair that became ruffled during my trip back home, back to its proper shape. Only then did I step out and walked towards the office where I was met by the gazes of Joshua, Kazuto and Chiori.

"Good afternoon, Lord Regalia-Taiga and Lady Hiiragi. It's a pleasure to be in your presence." I spoke before giving a curt bow and walking a few paces away from the three where I stood straight. Afterwards, Kazuto scolded me and I gave a half-hearted reply.

"And a pleasant return to you too, Baron Fenris Bougainvillea... While I understand that you are busy helping to consolidate and manage the new lands that were given to your family, I would like to advise you to carry a personal ManaCom device or sticking close enough to settlements that has one so you can travel back sooner and faster."

"...I'll keep it in mind, sir."

After the pleasantries was over, Kazuto brought us to a good beginning for tackling what they've been here for.

"I believe you already know about the fiasco that happened recently between His Majesty the Emperor and King Salonga, yes?"

"I do. I heard that as a sign of solidarity, Marl Kahns working overseas went on strike and caused enough damages to their respective states and nations that it effectively damaged and even halted altogether their economies... I believe two of the four duchies are already preparing diplomatic protests against Marl Kah and specifically, its royal house."

"An astute observation, Viscount Bougainvillea... I expected nothing less from you. How about you, Baron? Do you share the same ideas as your elder brother?"

"...I do. Although I can hardly consider it as unwarranted. Yes, it was far too excessive, but it did show how much His Majesty Fernando Salonga was angered over what transpired before."



My answer caused Kazuto and Joshua to stammer for a moment, perhaps surprised that I told them about my actual thoughts without a hint of reservation. Seeing this, I continued on before they can intercede

"During the war in Silesia, the Imperial Army and Navy focused on the fronts that are directly connected to Tenka and its island territories. Because it was further into the continent, Qima did not worry about being directly attacked as a "front line" state... unlike Marl Kah who was in a direct course for an aerial and naval invasion the moment Irma Island was taken over."

"B-Baron... Let's not divulge on the details that did not happen, let us—"

"While it didn't happen, largely due to the massive sacrifices that the Feudal Army incurred in the defense of Irma Island, it nevertheless plays a large part of why Marl Kah was almost invaded again and why King Salonga gave those threats and his people followed suit with strikes and protests." I insisted before Kazuto can interrupt me. "You were right in saying that it was excessive, but as a leader like him, I can sympathize with his frustration of being left alone in the middle of a crisis, only to be demanded things by those who abandoned him once that crisis is over."

Once I ended my statement, Kazuto went pale while Joshua took a sip from his tea cup, something that he does whenever he becomes too nervous about a certain situation. It was only after all of this that the fourth person in the room spoke from behind her hand fan.

"...Are you saying then, Baron, that if it would be the only way for King Salonga to enact justice, taking Marl Kah out of Ostadonia would be fair?"

"That is... the point where it would be truly excessive, I would say. As the second nation to propose and endorse the formation of the Imperial system, Marl Kah's exit from Ostadonia would effectively undermine the Empire's core values and centuries of history. And yet, I would concur that while this can be viewed in one way as a loss, it can also be seen as a gain."

"Oh-ho? Do elaborate, Baron." she replied which I complied to with words that in hindsight, I should've thought of first before I blurted it.

"In my personal opinion, if Ostadonia, and by that I mean the four other members of the alliance, cannot give Marl Kah its due dignity and respect as a fellow nation and state, then it would be better to break off the Imperial system altogether." I spoke with vigor, not noticing that Chiori thought of something else when I said those words. "It's hopeless to maintain a relationship that is poison to one's well-being, rather than ending it altogether."

After I gave out those words, Joshua finally broke his silence as he stood and faced me.

"...Baron Jonathan Bougainvillea, I demand your silence right this instant." he spoke and I knew already what would follow. "...Leave this room and keep yourself in the vicinity of the manor, I will deal with you later."

"...Understood." With a firm tone, I responded and stood, walking away for a few paces before giving all of them a bow and leaving the room.

Later that evening, Spica led me to Joshua's office where he reprimanded me for what happened earlier.

"...I knew you had those opinions already, but heavens above, Jonathan... You could be hanged for saying those out loud."

"Don't worry, I surprise myself too sometimes. I was going to stop after saying that King Salonga's threat was understandable, but they had to force the subject and ask if it was justified."

"Oh, shut the f*** up... I don't intend to die beside you for this."

Joshua ranted for a few minutes, trying to make me feel guilty about all of the things I said earlier, but he soon got tired and told me what those two were here for.

"You're going to Marl Kah, Jonathan. Whether you like it or not."

"I see that my guess was right... The senate are really keen on sending me wherever they want, huh?"

"While you're right in guessing that the senate is demanding this from you as a form of punishment, let me convince you to do this without making you heed it because they ordered it." Joshua took out a letter from his desk drawer and showed it to me. The letter had the royal seal of Marl Kah's royal family.

"This arrived here through a pigeon carrier earlier today and I kept it a secret from everyone. Except for you, only me and mother know that the royal family sent it. The reason why we had to keep it a secret is because it concerns your goal."

Once Joshua mentioned that, I took the letter and read it carefully. Once I reached its end, I understood why Joshua had to keep it between me, mother and himself.

"I see... I guess that makes sense given the history of Ostadonia and the friendship between our family and the Salongas." I skimmed over the other information and found what I was looking for. "So, in exchange for our help in stifling a socialist rebel movement there, they're willing to give us back the piece of land that belonged to Duke Gerald 500 years ago."

"Right, and it doesn't stop there... Look at the post-script."


It was a small drawing that could've meant nothing, but since this letter was written by Prince Ignacio, it took on a meaning that only I, Joshua and he knows about.

"A tea cup with a black spoon... a guarantee, huh?"

"Exactly... a guarantee from the Salonga royal family, what more can you ask for."

After my meeting, or should I say plotting with Joshua ended, I went outside to the garden to get some air before I turned in for the night. I already suspected that a certain someone would be there... and that someone certainly did not disappoint.

"Oh, Jonathan... I was waiting for you."


At any other time and place, our meeting would've been friendly and joyous... however, this has changed now and unless one of us backs down...

"Can we have a chat about—"

"Why are you here this late at night, Lady Hiiragi?"

...we will never get back to what we were before.

"T-that... I see... Good evening, Baron Fenris Bougainvillea."

After realizing that I am not going to interact with her as a friend, she sighed and turned into her formal, noble self.

"...And good evening too, Lady Hiiragi Chiori. I am concerned why you are still outside this late at night. Are our accommodations unfit for you?" I asked, matching her tone and politeness.

"No, no. Hardly, Baron. Your guest rooms are ample and the weather is fair... I'm afraid that the one who is currently "unfit" is one's self."

"If the lady doesn't mind, may she elaborate?"

Chiori looked away to the moon for a moment before replying without looking at me.

"I am feeling... uneasy, you see. If you don't mind lending me your ear, I would like to gripe for a moment about certain people around me who has given me a lot of trouble recently."

"Please, it would be my duty."

For a few minutes, we talked in a formal and polite tone that can be considered distant, but the content of our conversation showed our closeness as friends.

She told me how the women of the Hiiragi clan congratulated her for securing the heir of East Serafina as her fiancee and how the men, which included her elder brothers and cousins, kept on pressuring her to propose a military pact to Marquis Taiga.

She then continued on towards the people in the Marquisdom's mansion who are either too enamored or cold towards her. She said that some of the maids and ladies of Knight houses kept on pestering her about helping them secure connections with noble clans in Tenka while some government bureaucrats and soldiers can barely stand her mere presence due to it adding a lot more work onto their pile, likely because they're handling her expenses, daily itinerary and personal security.

However, just as I expected, she left one person for last that could only be one person that I know about.

"I have... or should I say, I had a friend who I seem to have had a falling out recently. Just months ago, we were still close enough to eat and do club activities together, but after some time apart, they have changed and they don't even want to talk to me like we used to... Honestly, it should only annoy me, but as it continued on, it began to frustrate me."

"Why does this "friend" seem distant? Have you asked them about it or tried to find out what it could be?"

"...They gave me the answer to it in the form of a letter. Honestly, I would've liked to know how they looked like while writing it, because I would never know if they really meant it or not... with asking me to make a choice, that is."

For a moment, the two of us became silent. The only sound around was the singing of crickets and the distant howls of the direwolves at the distant woods. After a few seconds, she turned to me and gave a bow, excusing herself for the night.

"Thank you for hearing me out, Baron. I have to turn in for the night now. I advise that you do the same too soon."

"I will..." I replied as she turned to leave, then something inside me told me that this might be the last time that I could say these words. "Good night, senpai. I wish you luck and happiness with your choice."

Even without turning to her, I knew that what I said stopped her in her tracks for a moment before she continued to walk away slightly faster this time.

A few moments later, a familiar voice came from my side as she looked up to the sky like I did.

"...That was cruel of you, my liege." she spoke as if scolding me.

"I had to do what must be done, Spica... Unless I do this, I may never be able to follow through with my decision when the right time comes."

"I understand, my liege... Although it doesn't change the fact that you could've done this without involving her."

"She made her choice... I will respect it and act according to it. I wouldn't dare to call it mercy... I guess "for old time's sake" would be more proper." I replied and let the following silence simmer for a few moments before I turned to Spica and asked her a question. "How are the preparations going?"

"Perfectly, sir. From House Robinson, we have assembled 30 Wizards and from House Elliot, we have 24. House Dahlia, having made up all of the Barony forces from the Demesne war and the reinforcement in Silesia, has taken the back pedal and can only give 16 Wizards. Are these acceptable?"

"More than enough. How about our airships? Except for my personal warship, who else can come?"

"2 airships, my liege. One for aerial command and one for rescue operations, both of them can also act as supply ships."

"Excellent. As soon as we get Joshua's approval and the permit from Marl Kah, we will leave. Inform Renzo and Gunther that they will join me."

"As you command, my liege..."

Chiori made a choice. For the sake of her family, clan and country, she has turned herself into a bargaining chip in order to secure their futures... we aren't that different, I am doing the same.

"All of this for the sake of my goal... and the fulfillment of our promise..."

I will have it. No matter what it takes... no matter what it costs.