
The moon replaced the evening sun, and it too gave way to the dawn, signaled by the crowing of a chicken.

Hubert awakened from his sleep as the faint sweetness of the scented candle struck his nose. Standing up, he rubbed his eyes, his vision blurry as he looked around the room. Ron's bed across his, neatly made, and Ron was nowhere to be found, as usual

He changed into his uniform, styled his hair as usual, and rechecked any dirt in his body. It was an important day for him, the day that was delayed because of his stay in the infirmary.

It was the day of learning hall selection.

"All good," Hubert said to himself, then turned away from the mirror and faced the door. His hand reached for the knob, hesitantly.

The past few days taught him of the cruelness and reality of the world outside, where he felt unbelonging. He was afraid of the stare of disgust, or the mutterings of rumors, or the curses full of untruthfulness he would receive.

"Be brave Hubert," he muttered.

"Hupp," he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, convincing himself. Reminding himself that he didn't come to the academy because he wanted, but because he was told to.

With that in mind, he knew their curses and lies weren't meaningful.

Then he turned the door knob and left the room, along with it, the gloves that he placed on top of his bedside table. 

He walked through the hallway. Unsurprisingly, the place was empty and as he walked, his sharp eyes glanced. The people that were there were scared of his presence as their nape hair stood and they fled the place.

He heeded them no mind as he continued on his way.


Vinc appeared from a blur once he stepped foot outside the building.

"Hello hello! Good morning, Hubert! Are you ready to choose your learning hall?" Vinc asked, his hair messier than ever and his glasses reflective of the morning sun.

"Good morning, instructor Vinc," Hubert said, his eyes, though blinded by the gleaming of Vinc's glasses, showing resolve.

"I like your eyes! Make sure to choose the third learning hall! I'm really convinced that you will do well there!" Vinc said suggestively. His baggy eyes contradictive of his suggestion.

The two made their way to the field.

The field was bustling. People crowded the place, in hope of opportunities of getting into the learning hall of their choice. It was the fourth day after the awakening ceremony.

The tradition had lasted since the erecting of the academy. Where the four learning halls were allowed to showcase their capabilities and uniqueness for gaining potential talents, thus, elevating their status among the others.

Juniors fought each other, hoping to get recognized by the instructors and seniors of certain learning halls. While instructors and seniors fought for getting the most primal talent of the current 72nd cohort,.

"Whoa…" Hubert swiveled his head upon the crowd. It was the first time he had seen the academy this active, except for the acceptance ceremony.

"Crowded, right? Should we head straight to the third learning hall's booth?" Vinc asked, adjusting his glasses, a smile etched on his face.

"I'm afraid, I must make this boring for you, Vinc!" Javarius came from the middle of the crowd, his tone challenging.

Hubert's eyes, once amazed by the sight, now resolved and focused. He knew, without a single doubt, that his target had appeared. But he knew, it wasn't the time, yet.

He was still powerless, a speck of dust in the power and capabilities of the instructors.

"Ah, hello, instructor Javarius," Hubert smiled greetingly, his tone friendly.

"Good morning, Hubert! It's nice to see you so energetic despite your boring stay in the infirmary!" Javarius exclaimed, his muscly arm rested on his waist, his bicep slightly showing off.

"Of course, today is an important day, after all," Hubert replied, his tone unchanged, showing his excitement for the day.

"Now, should we…" Javarius said, though his words were unfinished and interrupted by Hubert, his intention was clear.

"I get it, instructor, but I would love to look at other learning halls too," Hubert said dismissively.

Javarius's back slouched, his face looking down, and his generic trait of unending optimism dissipated into thin air. Vinc, on the other hand, had his face brightened up, as if already catching a big fish out of the water.

"You too, instructor Vinc," Hubert said, facing Vinc.

Vinc's body language followed in Javarius's footsteps.

"See you later, instructors!" Hubert said, before going away and blending into the crowd.

"Alright~" the two instructors responded in sync, their voices shaking and giving up.

It was then just a matter of seconds that the two instructors went missing from his sight.

Once away, Hubert thought to himself, now slightly doubting the information he was given by the church. Though he soon realized, his contemplation was of no use. He came to the place for one thing and he intended on sticking by it.

"What is the best learning hall…?" he asked himself, glancing through the multiple booths.

There was one booth that caught his attention. The fourth booth, designed by the fourth learning hall. As he thought of his ability, he knew that the hall suited him the most.

Soon, he found himself one with the crowd as he pushed his way into it and tried making his way to the front row. The crowd was packed, their putrid smell of sweat in the air and their clothes drenched by the wetness of their sweat.

Though soon, Hubert reached the front row and plucked his head out akin to a rabbit from its burrow. He looked around the booth, the sight of various items filled his vision.

The fourth booth was of the fourth learning hall that specialized in magics and spells. The booth exhibited various scrolls of magics and instructors explained its uses, it also boasted a wide selections of staffs, magic stones and attire befitting a magician.

"Hello, there! Are you interested in joining the fourth learning hall?" one of the men that stood in the booth asked. He wore a student uniform, but it was evident from his gestures, confidence, that he was a senior.

"Ah, me?" Hubert asked, pointing to himself with his index finger.

"Of course, after all, the rest are so preoccupied with pushing each other in their way that we haven't really gotten a chance of explaining the procedure," the man continued, rubbing his hair with a servicing awkward smile painted on his face.

"Does that mean you will accept everyone who applied?" Hubert asked once again, curious of the procedure.

"Of course! Almost every hall does that, the fact that you have been accepted into the academy and advanced to grade two is a reliable proof of your talents!" the man said, excitement on his face.

"I see…" Hubert muttered as he curiously scoured his eyes upon the collections of items.

"So, what is your name and your dorm room? Ah, this is so that we can find you in case of any urgency, so don't think we're actually stalkers, hahaha," the man joked, though his joke went over Hubert's head.

Hubert appreciated the man's effort with a slight chuckle.

"Haha… if you insist… my name is Hubert, and my room is in building C, number 125," Hubert mentioned.

"Alright, let me write it down," the man then grabbed a piece of paper, and pulled a quill that was dipped in ink.

"Hube…" he muttered as he wrote. Just as he barely started, he was interupted by his own realization.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Hubert asked, though he already knew what the problem was.

"Th-that Hubert?" the man stuttered.

"If you mean the one that made a mess three days ago in the ground, yes," Hubert affirmed.

At this point, once the chattering crowd turned silent and all eyes were on Hubert. The newly awakened, the seniors and even the instructors watched upon him.

"Ah, wait, let me discuss it with my instructor," the man hurriedly exclaimed before walking to the man beside him.

Hubert stood, everybody distanced themself and watched with sharpened and cautious eyes.

It was as if he had an invisible sphere that made the people frightened by his presence.

"Ehm," he coughed.

And the people flinched.

He nailed his head straight, hands in his pocket.

Then the mutterings started

"Lo-look, it's that Hubert, right?"


"Out of all the places, why would he come here?"

"I don't know… but"

"What but?"

"Let's just… go,"

"What? No!"

"I came here to be a magician, I won't let this chance go away,"

"Same with me!"



The mutterings grew louder.

"Relax, all! We got the situation under control!" one of the instructors from behind the booth shouted, his voice roaring through the air, though it was futile.

"No way! We can't be sure until he goes away!"


"Drive him away!"

"What are you instructors doing?!"

The crowd asked defiantly.

The instructor looked at Hubert, his eyes showed hopelessness as he shook his head side to side.

Hubert stood alone, his expression souring. He had expected this sort of reaction when he came to the field. But even then, it hurted him.

"Drive him away, or else,"

"No, let's just do it ourselves! We are all awakened after all, right, guys?"


The students chanted while the seniors and instructors watched. Beads of sweat ran down their faces as they knew they couldn't do anything.

"No! There will not be infighting with spells in this place! Either one of you who casts a spell will be blacklisted from entering the fourth learning hall!" another instructor's voice echoed through the air, the instructor had grayer hair than before.

"Then… take this, demon!" a voice came from in between the crowd.



An apple made an impact with Hubert's head.