Chapter 8 Ancient Runes! ! Runes! !

In a small villa on the east side of town, the hall on the first floor was a chaotic scene of destruction. Broken glass, shredded paper, fragments of wood, and various metal objects were scattered throughout the living room, making it look like it had been through a battle. Yet, the center of the hall remained untouched.

At that moment, Lockhart stood in the middle of the hall, wielding his wand in complex patterns. As he moved, a dark blue light traced his motions, forming runes in the air. As the rune was completed, tiny bolts of lightning crackled around it, creating a symphony of crisp, electric snaps. However, the runes quickly collapsed, and the thunderous sound vanished.

Lockhart immediately recorded his observations in his notebook:

"Results of Rune Experiment No. 23. Drawing Complexity: Medium, Effect: Summons thunder and lightning, mildly lethal. Interpretation: Likely represents 'thunder'; possibly a means to draw forth thunder. Notes: Can be applied on material objects or sketched in thin air, useful for curse research."

Having moved into the new house just yesterday, Lockhart had been fervently reading and practicing spells, dedicating himself to understanding the runes he had documented. In just two days, he had used a significant amount of magical materials and explored 23 runes, which was nearly one-fifth of the total he had collected. Most required a material base to manifest their effects, like Rune No. 9, which significantly hardened wood to the toughness of steel.

Some runes could be activated in the air, albeit with weaker effects, demonstrating their potential in spell development. Among the explored runes, five remained enigmatic; neither sketched in air nor on materials did they reveal their secrets. Lockhart suspected he might need a professional Asgardian mage to decipher these or perhaps consult an ancient rune master back in the Harry Potter world.

Lockhart had come to see runes as a direct path to the essence of magic. Even without formal training as a rune master, mastering these runes seemed crucial for advancing his magical knowledge and abilities.

Temporarily naming Rune No. 23 "Thunder," Lockhart surveyed his messy living room. With a simple gesture and a whispered incantation, he cast Rune No. 19, "Clean!" The rune emitted a soft blue glow, enveloping the hall and making the surfaces immaculate, though it left the physical disarray untouched. Lockhart sighed and cast a "Reparo," watching as the damaged items reversed their destruction, seamlessly restoring the hall to its original state upon his arrival—neat and pristine.

Lockhart pondered the differences between Asgardian magic and the magic of the Harry Potter world. He theorized that Asgardian magic, steeped in combat, lacked the flexibility of the more comprehensive magical practices from his world, where emotion and will were central to spell effectiveness. The wizarding world was singularly focused on magic, which permeated all aspects of life, from combat to daily chores, unlike Asgard's mixed approach of magic, technology, and divine elements.

That night, as Lockhart reviewed new spells at his desk, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by rapid footsteps and urgent knocking at his door. Tapping his fingers on the table, he cast a simple detection spell with runes, revealing the identities of his visitors through a mental image: it is Eric, Jane, and Daisy!

Curious and slightly alarmed by their late visit, he opened the door with a flick of his wand, momentarily placing his notebook aside. "Eric, what brings you here so urgently?" he inquired calmly.

Before Eric could respond, Jane interjected with evident distress, "Professor Lockhart, it's urgent. Thor tried to retrieve his Mjolnir and has been captured. You're a wizard; surely, you can help us save him, right?"


Understanding the gravity of the situation, Lockhart replied soothingly, "Alright, Jane, let's prepare to leave. You can explain more on the way. What exactly happened?"

As they discussed their next steps, Lockhart donned his coat with a wave of his wand and followed them out the door, ready to tackle the unfolding crisis.