Chapter 24: Dumbledore’s Surprise

"Harry Potter, you should understand his special identity." A trace of distress flashed across Dumbledore's face, as if he was confiding in Lockhart. "I believe you are an excellent professor. So, I think you should pay more attention to Harry. He is a good seed worth cultivating."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded heavily, agreeing with Dumbledore's point of view. "Indeed, Harry's family has made great contributions to the entire wizarding world."

Then Dumbledore seemed to suddenly think of something and asked, "I remember you met Harry Potter a few days ago. How do you feel about him?"

"Although he is a little reserved, I can feel his bravery," Lockhart praised loudly and unceremoniously. "Harry's magic level is far beyond that of ordinary little wizards."

"As expected of Lily and James Potter, he has perfectly inherited Potter's bloodline and Lily's intelligence."

Lockhart can barely be counted as a classmate of Snape and James Potter, though there is a two-year difference between them. While James Potter was already making a name for himself at Hogwarts, Lockhart was still just a young wizard. As a student of Ravenclaw, he didn't want to have contact with the little lions of Gryffindor and the little snakes of Slytherin. In other words, he was a little jealous of the famous Potter, jealous of his fame throughout Hogwarts. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties can only be described as average.

"In this case, you must pay attention to Harry's safety," Dumbledore mentioned casually. "I heard before that you gave Harry Potter seven copies of your books and a magic amulet. What does this amulet do?" Dumbledore said with a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Can it resist fatal danger like the Shield Spell Protego?"

Lockhart was not surprised when faced with Dumbledore's question. He had previously cast magic spells and presented Harry Potter with magic amulets at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to prepare for this moment. But it's a pity that Dumbledore seems not interested in his wandless spellcasting.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart directly objected. "No, Headmaster, this magic amulet only serves as a warning. I felt Harry had a scent of black magic on him, so I gave him the magic amulet I made, which can dispel this scent of black magic. At the same time, when encountering danger in the future, it can warn him." Hearing Lockhart's explanation, Dumbledore nodded slowly.

He had heard that Lockhart gave Harry Potter a magical item, and he was worried that there might be something wrong. After all, the change in Lockhart gave Dumbledore some warning. So he experimented secretly and found that the effect was exactly as Lockhart said.

"Really? It seems that you have grown a lot over the years and have learned how to make magic items. Can you give me one of your creations?" Dumbledore's face showed just the right amount of curiosity.

In his opinion, there is nothing special about the function of the amulet. Dumbledore himself could also make magic items with similar functions, but the runes engraved on the amulet aroused his curiosity. This rune is completely different from the runes he had studied, but at the moment, he didn't have enough material and couldn't find out what the difference was. But he relied on the intuition he had developed through years of studying. He could feel that it was unusual. Very unusual.

Lockhart heard Dumbledore's request and smiled brightly. Very good, great. If Dumbledore didn't bring it up, he is afraid he would have to find other ways to let him see the runes. How can he promote a new magic system without Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard in the world?

As his thoughts turned, a ray of joy appeared on Lockhart's face, as if he was recognized by Dumbledore. "It is naturally my honor to let you inspect my work." As he spoke, Lockhart waved his wand, and a brown piece of paulownia wood appeared in front of them.

Immediately afterward, a dark blue magic power surged out of Lockhart's body, spreading along his limbs like a wand in his hand. A dark blue light bloomed from the tip of the wand as Lockhart continued to wave it. In front of the two people, two slightly complicated runes emitting dark blue light appeared.

Rune - Purification! Rune - Ward Off Evil Spirits!

Under Lockhart's control, the two dark blue runes slowly merged into the brown paulownia wood chips in front of him. Soon, a magic amulet was formed. With a flick of Lockhart's wand, the amulet floated in front of Dumbledore.

Looking at the amulet in front of him, Dumbledore's eyes revealed a look of thought. Putting the runes aside for now, he would continue to study them later. There was a hint of danger from Lockhart's magic. This was far beyond his expectation. Since Voldemort's death, he hadn't felt the aura of danger for a long time. But today, he actually felt it from a junior, which made him a little surprised.

The doubts in his heart were reduced a lot. If Lockhart had the power to make him feel danger, even if it was very weak, he should not steal or wipe out other people's memories. It's not worth it. With such strength, ordinary snow monsters can be easily dealt with. Why spend so much effort? This is completely illogical.

At this moment, Lockhart had no idea what Dumbledore was thinking. He just hoped that the runes in front of him would be tempting to Dumbledore and make him devote himself to the research of runes. The reason for doing this, on the one hand, is to use Dumbledore's knowledge to speed up the mastery of runes. On the other hand, some subsequent plans can also take advantage of the situation.

Of course, if he knew that Dumbledore's suspicion was reduced just because of the transformed magic power in his body, he would probably be overjoyed. His current magic power is the product of the fusion and transformation of the prototype of the thunder god's power and his own original magic power. Ordinary magic spells can be increased by 80%, while thunder spells can be increased by at least twice. Moreover, the magic spell he cast has a corrosiveness and sensitivity that ordinary wizards' magic power does not have. If a wizard is injured by his spell, and if his magic cannot be removed in time, they will probably spend the rest of their life in extreme pain.

Of course, the power of Asgard's thunder god, even though it is in its embryonic state, still retains the strengthening effect on the body. Although his current physical strength is much weaker than that of Kamar Taj's fighting sorcerer, he is much stronger than the average agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Lockhart, which category of ancient runes do these two runes belong to? Why have I never seen them before?"

Hearing the curiosity in Dumbledore's tone, Lockhart showed a hint of joy in his brows. Finally took the bait!


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