Chapter 28: The Magical Version of Artificial Intelligence!

Lockhart looked at the flying car that was almost hit by the train and at Harry Potter, who almost fell out of the car. He immediately recognized the scene.

He remembered that this seemed to be part of the original plot. Harry Potter couldn't take the Hogwarts Express, so he had to rely on the Weasleys' magical car. As a result, they were almost hit by the train. Fortunately, Ron reacted quickly, and they survived. Otherwise, the two of them would have ended up at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Thinking back to the magic car he had just seen, Lockhart felt a bit of interest spark within him. The Weasleys were a pure-blood family, and pure-blood families generally had their own heritage, often passed down for thousands of years. It was said that Arthur Weasley liked to study Muggle objects, and now Lockhart saw this magical car. Maybe their family's heritage was related to alchemy.

Considering this, Lockhart pondered for a moment, his mind spinning rapidly. He couldn't research the Hogwarts Express, but maybe he could take a look at the car first. And it just so happened that the Weasley family were all fans of his books. Lockhart wouldn't miss such an opportunity.

As for Harry Potter, who had just been in danger, Lockhart didn't take it too seriously. They would turn out okay in the end, and besides, he wasn't Harry Potter's nanny. Why should he care too much? Although Harry's talent wasn't low, in Lockhart's eyes, if it weren't for Harry's connection with Voldemort, Hermione was worth more. At least Hermione had the potential to be a research assistant.

Well, Harry could also participate in his research, just as a research subject. The savior was born from the collision of the magic of love and the unforgivable curse. The research value was immense!

That evening, in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, after stepping off the Hogwarts Express, Lockhart went to his office and lounge to place his luggage and some books. He would most likely settle in at Hogwarts. Don't ask why; if the school hadn't allowed him to do so, he would have settled in the library directly. Maybe he could discuss with Dumbledore about taking a part-time position as a librarian, saying that he noticed the librarian, Ms. Pince, was working too hard and wanted to help. That way, there should be no misunderstanding.

Lost in thought, Lockhart sat in the professor's seat in the Great Hall, watching a large number of young wizards pour in. He sighed slightly. Wasn't this just the freshman assembly? It was the same old thing. As a former university professor, he hated the freshman assembly speeches made by school leaders. They took a long time, used official language, clichés, and big words, and had an impassioned tone. But when it came to asking for more research funds, the passion disappeared. Those great research projects of his had to be abandoned, and Lockhart felt quite regretful.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart continued to focus on the freshman assembly at Hogwarts. Comparing the luxurious auditorium to the university auditorium of his previous life, he had to admit it was better to have magic. In the past, such a scene could have been done, but at a very high cost. At Hogwarts, they could decorate so luxuriously with a wave of a wand. The entire auditorium was very bright, thanks to the tens of thousands of candles floating in the air. There were also some magical chandeliers hanging above. In the middle of the auditorium, long tables were filled with young wizards, with golden plates and silver goblets sparkling in the candlelight. But what amazed Lockhart most was the ceiling of the Great Hall. The entire ceiling seemed to be enchanted. Looking up, he could see a bright and beautiful sky hanging above.

Lockhart was most delighted by this scene of a vast starry sky. The vast universe and tiny human beings could stimulate his thirst for knowledge. Soon, the most classic sorting scene at Hogwarts played out under Lockhart's watchful eyes. Professor McGonagall moved a stool onto the podium, then placed a patched and somewhat worn hat on it. Seeing the Sorting Hat, Lockhart's desire for research suddenly rose again.

It was said that the Sorting Hat was enchanted by the four founders of Hogwarts with magic and infused with their ideas. It could judge the suitable house for a young wizard based on their characteristics. In Lockhart's eyes, judging the ability of the academy was secondary. The most important thing was that it was an intelligent item. Even if there were limitations, it still meant that it had a certain amount of computing power or deduction ability. Lockhart believed that an advanced magical civilization must have matching computing power or deduction capabilities. Only in this way could they continuously innovate magic technology.

In Lockhart's eyes, the Sorting Hat was clearly the prototype of magical artificial intelligence. As a researcher, the conscious use of tools was the most basic quality. The greatest role of tools was to amplify a researcher's capabilities hundreds or thousands of times. Lockhart felt that he urgently needed artificial intelligence to boost his work.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The Sorting Hat loudly sang its exclusive Sorting Song. The sound was a bit hoarse and unpleasant, making Lockhart frown slightly. However, he still stared at the Sorting Hat with great admiration.

After the singing, it was time for the sorting ceremony.

"Next, whoever's name I call will sit on the stool, put on the sorting hat, and wait for the sorting."

"Jody Philip."

As Professor McGonagall's somewhat stern voice sounded, a large number of young wizards found their own house. After watching for a while, Lockhart looked around boredly at the professors sitting around him. Well, Principal Dumbledore hadn't appeared yet. Filius Flitwick, the professor of Charms, was just as he remembered: a little short but exuding a strong aura of magic. He was worthy of being a duel champion in his youth.

The Divination professor, Sybill Trelawney, had somewhat fluffy hair and was wearing a dark green witch robe. A bone hanging in the middle of her neck, possibly used for divination, added to her somewhat arrogant demeanor. She was worthy of being a Divination teacher, but looking at Snape three seats away, Lockhart sighed softly. His face was full of gloom and severity, revealing an aura of indifference and meanness. Just four big characters written all over his face – Stay away from me!

Snape was a master of potions, and Lockhart planned to build a good relationship with him, hoping to obtain potions from him and even learn how to refine them. Judging from Snape's posture, it might be a difficult task.