Chapter 41: Violating the Laws of Historical Development?

"You just said that Professor Lockhart asked Madam Pince for a catalogue of the library books, right?" Facing Dumbledore's question, Professor McGonagall nodded and asked curiously, "What's wrong, Headmaster? Is there a problem?" "No problem, keep going, Minerva," responded Dumbledore with a gentle smile, motioning to continue the report. During the subsequent reporting time, Professor McGonagall clearly felt that Dumbledore was a little absent-minded, but then he refocused on what Lockhart was doing. She suppressed the thought deep in her heart and simultaneously paid more attention to Lockhart. However, what Professor McGonagall didn't notice was that the portrait of the principal next to her opened its eyes, as if it had also noticed Dumbledore's earlier question. There wasn't much to do at the start of the school, and Professor McGonagall quickly finished her report. After declining Dumbledore's invitation for a glass of honey tea, Professor McGonagall left the principal's office. Boom! With a roar from the stone statue, the door closed. The portrait of Principal Armando Dippet next to Dumbledore made a sound. "Dumbledore, Gilderoy Lockhart wants a list of all the books in the library. This matter is worth investigating. Don't you worry that he might be looking for some dark magic book? You know who the last person was to do this. Although he was looking at the Durmstrang Library." Dumbledore heard Principal Armando Dippet's words but did not reply and remained silent. He just took out a thick book with a dark blue cover, a large number of patterns engraved on it, and a bronze book frame on the edge. Subconsciously touching the lower right corner of the book, there was a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. Where he touched, that is, in the lower right corner of the book, there was dark red signature-like writing: "To my dear friend Albus Dumbledore." The book cover read: "A Brief Discussion on the Development of the Wizarding World" - written by Gellert Grindelwald. At this moment, Lockhart was in his office, reading the list of books he had received from Madam Pince. At the same time, there was a gray notebook placed next to the book, which recorded the ideas he had come up with from the list of books he read.

Wizards in BC rarely used magic wands. They seemed to cast spells easily. Many advanced magic spells were created in BC.

The Patronus Charm has been passed down since ancient times and has great potential for exploration. It is recommended that one must master it to explore its effect.

A disaster may have occurred in the wizarding world in the third century AD because almost no writings were produced during that period.

It seems that the further time passes and the closer to modern times, the lower the frequency of magical works produced. This is not in line with the law of historical development. According to common sense, the closer to modern times, the more advanced magic should be, and the higher the frequency of magical works.

The closer we get to modern times, the newly created spells tend to be attack spells, and they seem to be closely related to emotions and will. Lockhart let out a breath, slowly closed the list of books he had obtained from Madam Pince, then picked up his gray notebook and slowly reviewed the 87 ideas he had compiled. As he looked back, the sense of dissonance in his heart became stronger. He discovered that there were problems in the wizarding world, big problems. He carefully arranged the list of books he had just read and interpreted them from the perspective of the development of the times. As a result, he suddenly discovered something that went against the laws of historical development!

According to common sense, the accumulation of knowledge is gradual at first and will develop explosively later, then return to the cycle of gradual-explosive-gradual. Just like in the past life in the East, knowledge slowly accumulated for hundreds of years, and then suddenly exploded in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. After the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the accumulation of knowledge began to be gradual again. The same is true for the Renaissance in the West. There was accumulation some time ago, and then suddenly reached a period of explosion. Then it enters the stage of gradual accumulation. Moreover, the closer they get to modern times, the intervals between this gradual and explosive cycle will become shorter and shorter. For example, Lockhart's previous life may have initially taken hundreds of years to experience an explosive cycle, but in modern times, it may only take decades or even more than ten years of accumulation to trigger an explosion. It is also commonly known as the Big Bang of Technology.

The wizarding world is completely different. It seems that it has not experienced the cycle of gradualness and explosion at all. In other words, it has been in a gradual state, that is, the wizarding world has been developing slowly. There was no period of rapid growth or magic explosion. In other words, there seemed to be a magic explosion period before BC, but the accumulation of knowledge became flat after AD. Occasionally, some more subversive concepts appeared, but they did not promote a new round of magic explosion. For example, the wand can be said to have updated the way wizards cast spells. But it seems that it has not greatly promoted the research of magic. It only allows wizards to transform from the previous wandless spellcasting to the current wand spellcasting. At best, there were a few books on wand casting during that period, but not much else. Lockhart puzzled over all this, but he was not prepared to delve deeper. He was not a person who wanted to get into trouble. He put this question deep within himself and started preparing for his lesson. In the afternoon, he had a Defense Against the Dark Arts class for second-year wizards. Well, in this class, he would meet the golden trio.

In the afternoon, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the young wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin quickly found their seats and chatted in whispers. This was their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class since they became second-year wizards. There was a new teacher this year - Professor Lockhart. They had high expectations for Professor Lockhart. They had heard from the first-year wizards that Professor Lockhart would show shocking special effects magic. As for the fourth-year seniors, although they complained about Professor Lockhart's first-day quiz, they still talked about the rewards that would be given by the professor. Not only were there snacks, but there were also magic items. All this always made them look forward to it. At this time, Harry, Hermione, and Ron gathered together to discuss quietly. "Hermione, I heard that you saw Professor Lockhart on the Hogwarts Express before. How did you feel?" "Professor Lockhart is a very nice person, very handsome, and very patient in answering questions." "Harry, can you lend me your magical amulet? It was given to you by Professor Lockhart." "Okay, Ron, but you have to be careful not to break it." "Don't worry, Harry." Draco Malfoy, who was not far away, saw Harry and others whispering. He snorted and turned to discuss with his two followers. Although Lockhart seemed to have had a small conflict with his Lucius, this did not affect his expectations for Professor Lockhart's reward. He also really wanted to have his own magical amulet like Harry Potter. Well, no matter what, he couldn't lose to Harry. As the bell rang, they saw Professor Lockhart walking towards the podium carrying a suitcase.