Chapter 56: Aunt Mei’s Doubts


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Three days later, at Vientiane Book Cafe.

The sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the book cafe, casting warm rays on Lockhart and the three delicate-looking ladies. Today, Lockhart was preparing to interview managers for the book cafe.

Lockhart sat at his desk, looking up at the three ladies standing in front of him. His eyes twitched as he recalled the resume information that came to mind:

"Name: Emily Johnson, age 29, master's degree in librarianship"

"Name: Windsor Nicole, age 28, master's degree in hotel management"

"Name: May Parker, age 35, MBA"

He had selected these three out of the 56 resumes he felt had good qualifications and asked them to come to his book cafe for the final interview.

Lockhart looked at Natasha, the Black Widow, on the left, with her fiery red hair, dressed very intellectually. Then he looked at Sharon Carter in the middle, who had blond hair, a slim figure, and looked neat and tidy in a formal suit. He couldn't help but want to complain about S.H.I.E.L.D.

He was just recruiting a store manager to manage his cafe, and out of 56 resumes, he had selected three, and two of them were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Tsk tsk tsk! S.H.I.E.L.D. had already thought of a plan to keep monitoring him.

But fortunately, there was still one person who wasn't from S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Lockhart looked at the other person's jet-black hair, tall stature, and somewhat familiar face. The desire to complain arose again. He just wanted to recruit a store manager, so why did he also recruit Spiderman's Aunt May?

But never mind. In short, he just wanted to find some ordinary people to manage the store. After the trial period, the clerk would be asked to leave. The Vientiane Book Cafe in the back, which was his territory, had to be run by a wizard or a sorcerer to be more reliable. Ordinary people were just tools for the transition ahead.

Thinking of this, Lockhart didn't want to bother anymore. Facing the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in front of him who claimed to be Emily Johnson and Windsor Nicole, Lockhart said indifferently, "Miss Emily Johnson, Miss Windsor Nicole, there is no need for interviews anymore. I already have a suitable candidate in mind. Thank you for coming."

Natasha heard what Lockhart said, her expression was a little surprised, and she quickly asked, "Mr. Lockhart, my qualifications should be acceptable. What is the problem?"

Sharon Carter, who was next to her, also quickly said, "Yes, Mr. Lockhart, give me another chance. I will definitely cherish this job and be serious and responsible. I have experience from Kelly's Hotel."

Lockhart listened impatiently as Sharon Carter continued to introduce herself. He reached down and interrupted her, "You two, I know your situation very well. There is no need to introduce yourselves. Please tell Coulson that this is the last time I humor his action."

Hearing this, Aunt May's face next to them was full of doubts, as if she didn't quite understand what her future boss meant. But Sharon Carter and Natasha smiled awkwardly. The two looked at each other without saying anything. They took the resumes in their hands and turned around to leave the Vientiane Book Cafe with somewhat hasty steps.

"Damn it, how can their identities leak so easily? Also, who is the other party? Why didn't the Bureau give them a detailed introduction and just asked them to come over and lurk?" Natasha thought.

Lockhart looked at the two leaving and nodded slightly. He didn't want to continue the act. If these three people were driven away and replaced with others, S.H.I.E.L.D. might keep sending agents. He might as well settle it quickly.

In short, Lockhart knew May's identity, so there wasn't too much trouble. Well, except for the Spiderman. However, he was quite interested in the mutation of Spiderman and wondered if it could be artificially copied.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart explained to May, who was looking confused next to him, "The two people just now have some special identities, so you are the only candidate. Ms. May, is there anything else you need from this position? If there are no problems, you can go through the hiring procedures."

Hearing this, May was stunned. A look of joy flashed on her face, but she hesitated a little, hesitated for a while, and then spoke, "Mr. Lockhart, I am very satisfied with this job. However, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded and motioned for May to continue.

"I have a nephew who comes back from school every day. I have to rush home to cook, so I may not be able to work overtime for long periods."

Then, May promised in a somewhat hasty tone, "But don't worry, Mr. Lockhart, I will take this job seriously and responsibly, and I promise not to delay my work."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded slightly and said gently, "As for overtime, I don't require it. Later, you will be responsible for recruiting store clerks to jointly operate the book cafe. As for your own issues, you should make arrangements in advance. As long as there are no major mistakes, I will agree to it."

A qualified boss focuses on three things: developing a strategy, building a team, and finding resources. He had planned the future development of the book cafe, found May, the store manager for the transitional period, and had the final resources at hand. Therefore, the rest must be left to employees to understand, think, solve, and implement by themselves.

Don't take too much care or interfere too much, which may lead to unnecessary problems. When an employee's problems arise, they should solve them themselves if they can. If it doesn't work, lay off employees and replace them with better and more suitable ones. As long as there are no mistakes in the strategy set by the boss and there is an efficient supervision mechanism, everything will run smoothly.

Although it may seem a bit cold, it can undoubtedly ensure the good operation of a company. Lockhart understood this truth in his previous life.

Meanwhile, at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, in Coulson's office...

"Coulson, the book cafe owner named Lockhart refused my employment. I'm a little curious now, who is he, and why did you give me such little information?" Natasha complained.

Regarding Natasha's complaint, Coulson expressed his helplessness. "The director ordered Lockhart's identity to be kept secret for the time being. If you want to know, you need to ask the director for authorization."

Hearing this, Natasha had a bright smile on her face, took out her mobile phone, found a chair, and sat down, waiting quietly.

After a while, her phone rang. Natasha picked up the phone, showed it to Coulson, and said slowly, "Can you tell me now?"

Coulson looked at the text message on her phone, thought about it, and spoke, "Natasha, the following information is not allowed to be leaked. It is a Level 10 secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. and needs to be kept strictly confidential."

Watching Natasha nod, Coulson continued, "The target person this time is Gilderoy Lockhart, title: Wizard Professor."

"First appeared in..."