Chapter 66: The System Takes Action! Sign a Contract

Kamar-Taj, Central Hall.

In the heart of Kamar-Taj stands the Bronze Hall, the core of the entire place. It is here that all major and important events are held, such as the initiation ceremonies for sorcerer apprentices held every quarter.

The core of Kamar-Taj's magic system involves using the power of Vishanti to practice and perform magic. Therefore, at the beginning of their training, apprentices must sign a contract with Vishanti. Without this contract, they cannot contact Vishanti or use his power.

There are many ways to gain power, including making contracts with evil gods from hell or dimensional demons from other malevolent realms. These beings love to deceive ordinary people or sorcerers into exchanging their souls for power or even bringing these demons to Earth. According to the records Lockhart had seen in Kamar-Taj's library, the hell demon Mephisto is particularly fond of this tactic, as is Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, who established his initial following through contracts.

Thus, any contract must be taken very seriously to avoid being tricked by malicious dimensional demons. Kamar-Taj is particularly strict about this. The contract between a sorcerer apprentice and Vishanti, relying on power and feedback, must be witnessed by the Eye of Agamotto. This ensures the contract's fairness and leaves no hidden dangers. This is why the Eye of Agamotto is considered Kamar-Taj's most important treasure, guarded by every Sorcerer Supreme until death. As long as the Eye of Agamotto exists, Kamar-Taj's sorcerer power will never be cut off.

The last sorcerer promotion took place a month ago, and the next one would be held in three months. Held four times a year, about 500 people participate annually, with roughly 100 successfully promoted each year, sometimes more. According to Lockhart's analysis, Kamar-Taj's magic requires extremely high qualifications for sorcerers due to Vishanti's high standards. Vishanti does not do business at a loss. Therefore, even with Kamar-Taj selecting the best candidates, the success rate is only about 20%.

However, once they become sorcerers, their strength increases rapidly, enabling them to join Kamar-Taj's efforts to resist dimensional invasions. Lockhart suspected that Kamar-Taj sorcerers' lifespans, often limited to a few hundred years or even less, were restricted by Vishanti to ensure timely rewards. This was another factor that made Lockhart wary. He feared that when he could live for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, Vishanti might claim their due early.

Therefore, Lockhart would rather pay a large price in advance to be able to terminate the contract than risk being tricked by a god later.

As Lockhart followed the Ancient One into the Bronze Hall, his mood became more excited. According to the Ancient One, with Vishanti's power, his magic would be further transformed, undergoing a second transformation after integrating into the prototype of Thor's power. This would undoubtedly further improve his strength.

Lockhart walked into the center of the Bronze Hall, watching the Ancient One ascend the high platform. In a somewhat urgent mood, mixed with a trace of doubt, he asked, "Sorcerer Supreme, what do I need to do next to sign the contract?"

The Ancient One, standing on the high platform, looked down at Lockhart and said gently, "Lockhart, you don't have to do much. When the contract appears, check it, and if there are no problems, sign it. Later, you can ask Morin or Kaecilius for advice, or learn from the books in the library."

Lockhart nodded nervously. At that moment, the Ancient One put her hands on her chest, assuming a strange posture. The Eye of Agamotto, a necklace resembling an eye, slowly opened. Lockhart could see a flash of green light emerge, followed by an immense surge of energy that quickly disappeared.

As the Ancient One stood on the high platform casting a spell to awaken the Eye of Agamotto, a multitude of golden threads appeared on the ground in the center of the hall, forming an intricate and mysterious pattern. Lockhart, standing in the center, felt a tremor in his heart as he perceived the powerful energy fluctuations and strange aura emitted by the magic circle.

Lockhart guessed that this might have something to do with summoning Vishanti. Suddenly, a vast and powerful aura emerged, nearly causing him to lose his footing. An extremely powerful mental force enveloped the surroundings, scanning continuously, seemingly judging something.

The Ancient One on the high platform was bathed in the dazzling emerald green light of the Eye of Agamotto, appearing to be in communication with Vishanti. Soon, a message came to Lockhart's mind:

"Master Gilderoy Lockhart, the contract is as follows:

Article 1: Vishanti will use his power to provide the magic of the sorcerer, but after the sorcerer dies, all his power will return to Vishanti.

Article 2: The contractor is obligated to take part in fighting dimensional invasions and killing evil entities and gods trying to invade.

Article 3: ...

Article 9: The contractor must ensure that Kamar-Taj's magic is spread."

Lockhart frowned slightly, wondering why the contract information he most wanted to see had not yet appeared.

Soon, with the emergence of another powerful spiritual power, the 10th contract rule appeared in Lockhart's mind:

Article 10: The contractor can terminate the contract by paying ten times the energy consumption or by contributing a satisfactory sacrifice."

Lockhart's face lit up with relief. Ten times the energy consumption seemed a reasonable price to pay. But then, something unexpected happened.

"Ding, it is detected that the host's soul is contaminated with another aura. Automatic scanning is performed."

"The scan is complete. This behavior is voluntarily undertaken by the host and has an excellent promotion effect on the host. The system is making a judgment."

"In order to maintain the purity of the host's soul and ensure the smooth execution of the contract, a soul shell is being constructed."

"Constructed successfully by consuming energy!"

"The effect of the soul shell is as follows: transfer the contract payment object and retain the contract effect."

Lockhart was naturally surprised by the information that came to his mind. He had almost forgotten about the system due to his focus on self-study and magic research. But now, the system had suddenly appeared, offering to protect the purity of his soul and help him avoid the contract's punishment.

With this in mind, Lockhart immediately transferred the contract to the soul shell constructed by the system.


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