Chapter 82: Marvel Magic in the World of Harry Potter

[Search for the solidified world shuttle channel.] 

[Search successful, transfer.] 


[Welcome, host, back to the world of Harry Potter.] 

[Warning: After staying in this world for 30 days, the soul will gradually be imprinted with the mark of this world. You need to leave this world in time to avoid being infected by the breath of the world.]


Late night, Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts Office. 


In a flash of light, Lockhart's figure appeared in his office. In front of him, there were two stacks of books almost as tall as a person floating. These were the books he borrowed from the Kamar Taj Library. This time, he followed his usual routine and ran to Kamar Taj's library in advance before leaving. Due to the bug in the traveling system, he borrowed almost 30 books from Kamar Taj. They were all carefully selected. Although some of the knowledge was repetitive, it was enough for him to learn in this month.


As Lockhart waved his wand gently, the books from Kamar Taj entered his magic suitcase. He felt uneasy placing these books in his office at Hogwarts. It was more suitable to put them on the bookshelf in his suitcase.


After finishing all the chores, Lockhart looked at the Sling Ring in his hand expectantly. Holding the Sling Ring, he gently moved it in a circle. In an instant, a fiery red circular portal appeared in front of him. Opposite the portal was the study room of his home in Hogsmeade. With a gentle step, Lockhart left Hogwarts and returned to his study.




Looking at the dim study, Lockhart snapped his fingers. In an instant, a bright ball of light appeared above the study, filling the entire room with a soft glow. Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction. When he returned to the world of Harry Potter, his first thought was to see if his Kamar Taj magic from the Marvel world worked. If it didn't work, he would need to analyze whether there was any problem. Looking at it now, the effect was still okay, and the Harry Potter world allowed Kamar Taj's magic to be used.


Immediately afterward, Lockhart held the Sling Ring, summoned the magic long rope, and swung it hard.




A loud crack of the whip echoed throughout the study. Feeling the magic and power contained in the long rope, Lockhart's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction. The magic in the Harry Potter world is generally more powerful when used in the Marvel world, as if there is a buff. In the Harry Potter world, even the magic of Kamar Taj is still somewhat suppressed. But its combat effectiveness is pretty good, not weaker than ordinary offensive spells.


Later, Lockhart tried various attack and defense magics learned from Kamar Taj. It was found that although they were all suppressed, the effects were still good, and there were no cases of complete failure or inability to be used.


Lastly, Lockhart looked at the Sling Ring in his hand, a look of anticipation rising in his eyes. There was one last magic spell he wanted to test—Mirror Dimension! It would be great if this spell could be successfully cast in the Harry Potter world. With his thoughts turning, Lockhart held the Sling Ring, made a strange gesture, and then slowly pushed it forward.


Click! Click! Click!


Along with the familiar sound of the mirror shattering, Lockhart's expression changed, and he felt his magic power being consumed crazily. Almost 60% was consumed. Only then did he realize that he had entered the Mirror Dimension. Looking at the familiar scene in front of him and getting a slight sense of the scope, Lockhart sighed slightly. Then, he tried to distort the entire Mirror Dimension again.


The large amount of magic power consumed instantly made Lockhart's face turn pale, and he quickly chose to give up. Sensing this scene, Lockhart gave a wry smile. Sure enough, it was consistent with what he had imagined. According to the relevant books he read, the core reason why it is so easy to use Mirror Dimension in the Marvel world lies in the existence of the mirror dimension. Kamar Taj's magic is equivalent to using the power of dimensions to build its own exclusive Mirror Dimension. It is very easy to operate and seems very powerful.


But the world of Harry Potter is different; there is no mirror dimension at all. As for consumption, although it can still be constructed with a certain amount of power, it consumes a lot of magic power. The final result is that the built Mirror Dimension is smaller in area and difficult to manipulate like in the Marvel world. If the magic power is replenished, the range can be further expanded.


Later, Lockhart returned to his study and took out the magical resources of the Marvel world that he had previously stored to see if there were any changes across the world. After the analysis, a faint smile appeared on his face—there was no problem. The only drawback was that some of the plants looked a little wilted. For example, when Lockhart took out the Magic Ginseng, he found that it might not be suitable for the soil and water and looked a little wilted. He was not worried about this. Although he was not good at magical plants, Hogwarts had professors who were good at it. Let them research and find a solution soon.


As for whether these magical plants would be leaked, Lockhart said he had no worries. Putting aside the character of those professors, even if Dumbledore knew about it, he wouldn't say anything more. The world is so big and there are some unknown magical plants. What's wrong? Dumbledore wouldn't dare say that he knew everything about the wizarding world. Well, provided it doesn't affect some of his plans. Of course, by doing this, he could also demonstrate his financial strength and improve the favorability of Professor Sprout.


A person's image can affect the other person's perception, which in turn affects their behavior, their attitude, and even the intensity of their support. With his thoughts turning, Lockhart waved his wand and took back all the magical resources he had just tested into his own space bag.


Then, he walked to the bookshelf in his study and looked at the black notebook on the far left—Voldemort's Horcrux. He had already made plans for this Horcrux before. If he didn't master the magic to protect his soul, he would never touch it. He knew this was made by Voldemort, who could fight Dumbledore, or it was his soul fragment. In the original work, the opponent even prepared to be resurrected with just this Horcrux. If Harry Potter hadn't destroyed the notebook, Dumbledore and Voldemort might have started fighting early on.


Now, he had mastered a series of mind and soul magic from Kamar Taj, which naturally met the prerequisites for research.


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