Chapter 86: Dumbledore’s Autobiography

"Lockhart, what are you looking at?" Dumbledore asked with a smile, a hint of kindness in his tone, which quickly brought Lockhart back to his senses.


"Headmaster, I was just watching the young wizards doing flight training, and I suddenly felt nostalgic for my school days," Lockhart replied with some emotion. "Time flies really fast. In the blink of an eye, it has been 10 years since graduation."


After hearing this, Dumbledore said with some nostalgia, "The older I get, the more I miss my childhood. At my age now, I really envy the carefree time of these little wizards."


Hearing Dumbledore's somewhat nostalgic tone, Lockhart nodded sympathetically and said, "Indeed. I was just thinking, should I try riding a magic broomstick myself? I've been busy with work recently, so I haven't tried it for a long time."


Then, Dumbledore smiled and suddenly said, "Lockhart, do you want us to compete? It's been a while since I tried riding a broomstick."


Hearing this, Lockhart was stunned for a moment. He was suddenly confused about what Dumbledore was planning. But after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed, "It's my honor, Headmaster."


"Then you have to give me some handicap," Dumbledore said. "Now that I am old, my reaction speed may not be as fast as that of you young people."


Lockhart jokingly replied, "Haha, at your level, I might not be able to catch up with you even if I try my best. You defeated two Dark Lords in succession back then. How could I possibly defeat you at my level?"


"Haha," Dumbledore laughed at Lockhart's compliment, then quickly took out a broomstick. He mounted it and flew into the air.


Seeing this, Lockhart also smiled and took out a broom from his space bag—this was a magic item prepared for high-altitude escape during his first time traveling. He mounted it as well and controlled the magic broom to fly high into the sky according to his memory.


Soon, he flew next to Dumbledore, and the two flew towards the top of Hogwarts together. Feeling the strong wind blowing on his face, Lockhart flicked the Sling Ring, and a transparent defensive shield appeared in front of him, blocking the strong wind from hitting his face. After seeing it, Dumbledore quietly cast a spell on himself.


Soon, the two of them were flying high in the sky, overlooking Hogwarts below. They saw the tall castle, the pointed tower tops, the column-like tower bodies, and the rising and falling buildings. Finally, Lockhart and Dumbledore found a relatively flat top of the tower, landed on it, and looked at the Black Lake in the distance together. They observed the green lawn, the sparkling lake, and the few students sitting on the edge of the lake playing.


Lockhart suddenly felt that the world was quiet at this moment. He liked the silence, and such a charming picture made it easier for him to become addicted. It allowed him to relax and think more.


"cough!" After a while, Dumbledore coughed lightly, watched Lockhart come back to his senses, and said softly, "How does it feel to be at Hogwarts now?"


"It's beautiful!" Lockhart nodded without hesitation. "I like the atmosphere of the school. It's quiet, safe, and most importantly, there are lots of books."


"Haha!" Dumbledore laughed after hearing this. "Lockhart, I can feel your joy from your words. It seems that my invitation to you to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was right this time. I hope Hogwarts can become an integral part of your beautiful memories."


"Thank you, Headmaster!" Lockhart nodded and said meaningfully, "I'm proud of Hogwarts, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to make Hogwarts proud of me in the future."


"Haha, Lockhart, I look forward to such a day," Dumbledore replied with a smile. Then, as if casually, he asked, "By the way, Lockhart, now that I'm older, I'm going to write an autobiography to record my life. I wonder if I can consult you if I encounter some problems. I see you have written quite a few books."


After hearing this, Lockhart's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a good thing. He could learn more about Dumbledore and even further build a closer relationship between the two. Thinking of this, Lockhart nodded quickly and said, "Headmaster, if you need any help from me, just ask. I dare not say much about other aspects, but I have some experience in writing books."


After hearing this, Dumbledore asked with interest, "Can you tell me about your experience in writing an autobiography? I heard that many of the seven books you wrote are autobiographical."


Hearing this, Lockhart's heart suddenly jumped and he came to his senses. He cursed secretly in his heart. He thought that Dumbledore really asked him to write his autobiography, but he didn't expect that it would be related to the books he had written. He immediately tightened the string in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said, "My personal experience in writing autobiographies actually does not apply to you, Headmaster. Because my original purpose of writing the book was to make money, not to review what I had experienced. So, I tend to write things that readers would like to see, make it humorous, and make the plot interesting. Only in this way can they be popular."


"Including the autobiography you read before, a large part of it is actually slightly exaggerated. Otherwise, it would be a boring story and no one would read it."


Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded in agreement. Seeing this, Lockhart continued, "If you are writing an autobiography, it is to advise the wizards in the future or to leave some traces of your life. In order to be passed down for a long time, we can actually focus more on talking about some of the big things you have experienced, and what changes you have gained from them. I believe that not only will many people read such books, but it will also make it easier to further shape your image in the minds of all wizards. That's my little opinion."


Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded, as if he agreed. "Very valuable point of view. Thank you, Lockhart, for your advice. It seems that I will need more help from you in the future for my autobiography. After all, if a book lacks interest, it will lose many readers."


Hearing this, Lockhart nodded without hesitation and said, "Okay, Headmaster." Then, he made a request of his own: "However, Headmaster, I have been studying ancient runes and runes recently, and I hope to receive your guidance. After all, your achievements in ancient runes are well known."


Regarding Lockhart's request, Dumbledore was thoughtful, thought about it, and said slowly, "Yes, if you need anything, you can make an appointment in advance. I will wait for you in the Headmaster's office. I hope this old bone of mine can still be of some help to you."


Lockhart's face lit up when he heard Dumbledore agree to his request.


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