Chapter 88: Lockhart’s Road to Becoming a Master

Professor McGonagall's office.


Professor McGonagall was looking at the scores of her own house at her desk. This morning, Gryffindor House scored a total of 30 points, which slightly improved her mood. At least, the points deducted by the pair of little troublemakers earlier were made up for. Just then, suddenly—


Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Professor McGonagall, it's me."


McGonagall was stunned for a moment, then heard a familiar voice and said directly, "Come in, Professor Lockhart." She was a little confused. Why had Lockhart come to see her? There hadn't been any major events recently, and hadn't the application for raw materials for magic amulets been directly rejected last time?


While McGonagall was thinking, Lockhart opened the door and entered the office. Looking at Professor McGonagall, Lockhart greeted her politely, "Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall. A few days ago, some of my friends sent me some gifts, including some magic skin care products. I think I won't be able to use them for the time being, so I'm going to give them to a few colleagues. This is yours, and I'll give another one to Professor Sprout later."


With that said, Lockhart placed the gift box he had prepared in front of Professor McGonagall's desk. McGonagall gently looked at the gift box in front of her, noting the gorgeous decorations outside. Then she reached out to open it and was a little surprised to see the familiar skin care products inside.


"Travers Family's Youth Type III skin care products are not cheap."


Looking at the valuable gifts on the table, Professor McGonagall, known as the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts, suddenly became wary but couldn't help but ask, "Is this the same thing you sent to Professor Sprout?"


Hearing Professor McGonagall's question, Lockhart nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course, Professor McGonagall." Later, he explained, "My friend gave me these as gifts because I had some cooperation with the Travers family. So the price is actually not very expensive. I still have several. If you need them later, through my relationship, you can buy them at 50% of the price."


Professor McGonagall was thoughtful after hearing this. Such a set costs 9 gold galleons and can be used for at least 3 or 4 months. If it's 50%, it's probably about 4 or 5 gold galleons. Calculated in this way, the price is not too expensive. Her monthly salary is 50 gold galleons, not to mention other bonuses and benefits.


Looking at Professor McGonagall who was thinking, Lockhart had a smile on his face. Indeed, he had a connection with the Travers family, which made magic skin care products, but the relationship was not deep. However, the day before yesterday, through his own connections, he provided the Travers family with a copy of Marvel's potion—the Potion of Youth. Soon, he became the object of warm welcome by the other party, and they sprinkled these small gifts on him.


Professor McGonagall quickly came back from her thoughts, looked at Lockhart, and asked in a slightly gentle tone, "Professor Lockhart, thank you for the gift. Why did you come to see me today?" Although the other party brought some gifts, it was still impossible to let go of the caution she had. She has always been known for being strict and serious.


After Lockhart heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Professor McGonagall, some time ago, Principal Dumbledore asked me to organize a duelling club. Recently, I have become familiar with the level of the current students. So we are planning to open it, which may require consuming some resources. The principal asked me to ask you to apply."


As he spoke, Lockhart took out a list of resources and handed it to Professor McGonagall, adding, "Here are some resources that I thought I might need." The professor took the list handed over by Lockhart and did not reply to what Lockhart said. Instead, she carefully observed each resource.


After a while, Professor McGonagall frowned, pointed at the list and asked, "Professor Lockhart, do you need so many vitality potions? Isn't it just a group of young wizards practicing fighting and they can easily rest nearby when they are tired? Why use potions? Also, there are a lot of magic practice targets."


Soon, Professor McGonagall asked some questions with the resource list given by Lockhart. Seeing this, Lockhart sighed inwardly. It would be fine if McGonagall was as easy to talk to as the people in his previous life. Fortunately, he had prepared Plan B in advance. Then he explained, "Professor McGonagall, first of all, the duel itself is a very energy-consuming thing, so they need to quickly adjust their mental state to cultivate relevant experience—this is my personal superficial opinion. Also, in fact, duels cannot only rely on magic spells, wands, and techniques. I think the aspect of potions cannot be ignored either."


Hearing this, Professor McGonagall had a trace of doubt in her eyebrows. What he said was good, but the more she listened, the stranger it sounded.


Then, Lockhart continued to add, "Also, I forgot to tell you, this list is not for a month, but for a quarter. In addition, this is the first time that the duelling Club will be held in school, and I am not sure how much to prepare, so I have relaxed the requirements for the first batch of resources. This is better than having too few resources and leaving some students unable to practice."


After hearing Lockhart's explanation, Professor McGonagall nodded and thought for a moment, feeling that he was right. However, after thinking about it, Professor McGonagall finally said, "Professor Lockhart, there are indeed many resources on the list. In this case, you can give me a month's resource list, and I'll take a look at it and tell you if it's appropriate."


Upon hearing this, Lockhart immediately took out another list and handed it to Professor McGonagall. After Professor McGonagall took it, she looked at Lockhart strangely. Without saying anything, she looked down at the list in her hand. Seeing this, Lockhart looked at Professor McGonagall expectantly.


Sure enough, after a series of back and forth, Professor McGonagall signed the resource list. However—


"Professor Lockhart, I will come back this month to take a look at the general situation of students' use of potions, so that we can supplement resources accordingly later." Hearing Professor McGonagall's first words after signing, Lockhart sighed helplessly, but still nodded with a smile on his face, indicating that it was no problem.


Well, why is Professor McGonagall so difficult to deal with?


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