The Vice and Valor System...

"I hope nothing bad happens to them," Amelia said, picking up a blanket and wrapping it around Leon. With only one bed available, she laid down in front of Leon and soon fell asleep.

Suddenly, Leon's vision cleared, and he heard a





Criteria for the System activation

has been met...



System in sync with host's




Activating System...



System Activation... Complete



Congratulations, You've awakened...

The Vice and Valor System!


Seeing the notifications appear, Leon frowned, 'A system?'

He was neither happy nor sad, but he knew things would be easier with a system. Noticing the system's name, he frowned again. Then, a string of words materialized in front of him, a voice resounding in his head:

[I'm the creation from the combination of your wish granted by the Goddess of Lust and the ritual of your father...]

'You mean the father of this body, right? 'Cause this body isn't mine.'

[Yes, technically that's what I meant.]

Leon didn't dwell on it but proceeded to ask, 'And how are you the solution to my wish?'

[What if I told you that I can fulfill your wishes, with the system, every girl you conquer will be 100% loyal to you...]

Leon frowned. 'The system is definitely trying to manipulate me.'

'Yes,' he replied in his mind, letting out a sigh.

[For that you'll need to evolve a certain skill of yours]

'Ok...' Leon replied mentally, then fell into deep silence.

The silence in his mind was deafening, so after some time, he asked, 'Do you show stats or something like those systems I've heard about?'

Leon, in his past life, was definitely not a webnovel reader. He found reading boring and rarely had time for it. His father ensured he spent every spare moment training in martial arts, and Leon shared his father's mindset. He found martial arts and rigorous training far more interesting than sitting around reading some webnovel like Jake did.

Yes, Jake was a webnovel lover, an addicted reader at that! He often told Leon stories of the webnovels he had read. Every story Jake brought up was always interesting, sparking Leon's curiosity each time. But that was it; the interest was fleeting. An hour after listening, his curiosity in webnovels would die down, leaving him unmotivated to search the net for something to read.

Now that he had a system in another world, he was reminiscing about some of the stories Jake had told him. And one more thing, Jake was a cultured daoist; almost all the stories he told Leon were harem and smut-related.

Meanwhile, the system responded to Leon's question, [Yes, saying "status" in your mind will make the panel appear...]

Well, Leon didn't need to say "status" this time since he had already asked the system for it.

Moments later, a panel appeared before his eyes:


[The Vice and Valor System]

•─────⋅☾ Host's Details ☽⋅─────•

[Name: Leon ]

[Race: Incubus ??? (Anomalous)]

[Age: 18]

[Title: none]

[Physique: 2]

[Affinity: none]

[Soul: 1]

[Mana Cultivation: ManaCondensing [100 Vice points to go up one stage]

[Body Cultivation: level 1 [ 100 valor points required to level up]

[Hp: 100]

[Mana: 100]

•─────⋅☾ Stats ☽⋅─────•

[Strength: 15]

[Stamina: 15]

[Agility: 15]

[Defense: 15]

[Intelligence: 15]

[Perception (Hunter's Instinct): 7]

[Soul Defense: 0]

[Luck: 0]

•─────⋅☾ Hall of Skills ☽⋅─────•

Hall of Skills (2)

─────⋅☾ Missions ☽⋅─────•

tap to see more



Leon saw this and smiled. "So this is the system panel that Jake has always been rambling about, huh?"

'I also heard him saying that talking systems are annoying and no fun to read because they mock the MCs. Are you sure you're not one of those systems?'

[Cough~ ~Cough~ I can't believe there's a multiverse out there that knows about systems. Does this mean that I'm not the first? But Leon, I swear, I'm not annoying and I don't plan to be. You have ultimate control over me.

Conversing with you takes energy, and once it's depleted, I won't be able to talk casually with you for a very long time—at least a week. You can simply order me not to speak for an entire year, and I won't until you tell me otherwise. I also won't interrupt your sessions with your future girls...]

'Sounds reasonable,' Leon nodded. While it might sound crazy, he actually needed someone to talk to right now, and his introverted self found it very enjoyable to converse with the system. He wasn't planning to mute it anytime soon.

Leon's eyes surveyed his panel with a smile. Though he was trying hard not to think about it, this system panel was actually very cool. He couldn't help but wonder if the systems of the MCs in webnovels back on Earth were as cool as the one in front of him.

'Of course not, how can I compare trash panels to the real deal!' he smiled.

'Anomalous?' Leon thought as his eyes gazed on the [Race, area]. 'What does that mean?'

[It indicates that your current body is not a typical Incubus due to the ritual and the unique circumstances of your transfer.]

'And what about abilities?'

[You will gain abilities as you grow stronger and meet certain conditions.]

Leon sighed, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. 'Alright. What's next?'

[For now, rest. Your body is still weak. Once you're stronger, we'll begin your training and prepare you for what's to come.]

Leon closed his eyes, trying to process everything. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but he couldn't help feeling a spark of excitement. This new world, despite its dangers, was a chance for him to start anew, to find Lucy, and to fulfill his wish. The excitement was palpable and addicting, it was similar to 'something' he have experienced far back in the past, after his time in earth, he had developed an extreme amount of hunger for 'that thing', back on earth he was even willing learning martial arts to experience 'that thing', but still, what he experienced was miniscule, but he shouldn't really experience much of 'that' in a world full of mundanes and were there's no real danger...

The system's voice interrupted his thoughts, oblivious to the fact that Leon was lost in his own musings. [Leon, do you want to start with a mission or explore your Hall of Skills?]

'Hmm,' Leon pondered. 'Let's check the Hall of Skills first.'