Goblin Dungeon...

The goblin's footsteps grew closer, its guttural muttering audible above the faint rustling of leaves. Leon held his breath, every muscle tensed as he tried to blend into the shadows under the bridge. He could hear the goblin's labored breathing as it passed overhead, pausing briefly as if sensing something was amiss.

Leon remained still, his fingers aching from the strain of holding his weight. The goblin's dagger scraped against the wooden planks of the bridge, creating an eerie, grating sound. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the goblin continued its patrol, moving away from the bridge.

Releasing a slow, controlled breath, Leon cautiously pulled himself out from under the bridge. He waited a few moments to ensure the goblin was truly gone before stepping onto the bridge. His eyes scanned the small forest ahead, alert for any signs of danger.