The Bad News...

A few meters behind Seraphina sat Mia, Felicia, and Elara. Felicia and Elara's husbands, Euwen and Bernard, were engaged in a close discussion nearby.

Mia wore a bored expression. This banquet felt like a tedious chore. She had high hopes for tomorrow, and the anticipation made tonight seem even more dull. Having made her obligatory appearance, she saw no reason to stay any longer.

With a long sigh, she stood up from her seat.

"You're leaving, Sister Mia?" both Felicia and Elara asked simultaneously. Mia, the eldest and most experienced of the four sisters, commanded a certain respect from them.

"Yes, and goodnight. Have fun enjoying the so-called banquet," Mia replied, her tone tinged with irony.

She didn't know why, but a sense of unease had settled over her. An inexplicable bad feeling gnawed at her, making it impossible to sit still and enjoy the evening. The urge to leave grew stronger by the minute.