Why are you chasing me?

The boy... was he rejecting what they thought he was rejecting? 

Master Vetrov's kindness?

''I don't want to be your adopted son,'' As if they could not understand the meaning behind his words, Zayden continued to speak. 

Everyone help their breaths and waited for Master Vetrov to lose his calm. But the man remained unfazed as if he had already expected it. He nodded and patted the boy's shoulders, ''You have lost your parents recently so it is only natural that you don't want to address anyone as father or mother. That's understandable and I respect your choices.'' 

Hearing the man's words, Zayden said, ''Thank you.'' 

Emil's words clarified everyone's doubts and established Zayden's position as a member of the Vetrov family in everyone's heart. Even though the boy refused to be the adopted son of Emil Vetrov but seeing how the latter was not offended about this matter, it was obvious that he held Zayden in high regards. 

And he even reprimanded his biological son for this boy so they could not help but take another look and convince themselves to be wary of this boy in the future. They could not afford to offend him. 

After Emil declared Zayden as one of their own, the crowd slowly dispersed, discussing this matters amongst themselves. Some of them could not help but analyze who were the parents of Zayden, for them to be able to be so close to the Vetrovs that Emil Vetrov personally took care of their son after their death. But they could not reach a conclusion in the end. 

The party continued as if nothing had happened. 

The kids however were still standing at the same spot as before. 

Roman looked at Zayden and feeling his burning gaze on him, Zayden turned to glance at Roman. 

Roman smiled, looking almost kind. He stepped forward towards Zayden and spoke in a soft voice, ''It doesn't matter with what identity you stay here. If you annoy me again, I will get you skinned and feed you to the dogs.'' 

Seen from a distance, it would seem like the two children were having a friendly discussion but for Leona who was standing next to Zayden, her face changed the moment she heard Roman's words. 

Her face turned slightly pale and she pointed towards him, ''You...'' she felt nauseated. 

Roman blinked at her and smiled sweetly, the smile not aligning with the cruel words that he uttered. Then, he turned around and left, followed by two boys standing behind him. 

Leona was about to stop Roman and warn him that if he said such words again in the future, she would take this matter to their daddy. However, before she could work on her thoughts, the person who was standing beside her moved. 

Once Roman left, Zayden took hurried footsteps in the direction of the end of the hallway where there were barely any people. 

He had just found himself an empty spot when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. 

When he turned around, he spotted Leona. The little girl was holding her long gown up with one hand while her other hand clutched her flowing hair as she ran towards him. 

The sight of it made his lips twitch. 

''Ah... ah...'' Panting and gasping, Leona almost fell and crashed into him when she reached him but she hurriedly grabbed the wall and supported herself. 

Zayden aptly took a step back from the chaotic little girl. 

When she saw his movements, Leona squinted, ''Are you disdaining me?" 

Zayden frowned but did not say anything. 

''You cannot blame me for this,'' she pointed at his nose and looked at his legs as she spoke, ''You have long legs and you away so fast that I had a hard time catching up to you.'' 

Zayden did not respond. 

''Are you not going to say anything?" the little girl straight and limped towards him as if all the energy had left her body when she chased him. 

''Why are you chasing me?" 

''From now on, you are a member of our family,'' As she said that, Leona's eyes sparkled as she stretched her hand towards him, ''So, first things first, I am Leona. I am beautiful, cute, sweet, kind and smart and...'' 

Zayden's lips twitched slightly. The narcissistic girl's vocabulary seemed to have glitched. He stretched his hand and caught hers before she could sing more praises of herself, ''I am Zayden.'' 

Leona nodded and observed him closely.