Of same value as your life

Zayden did not stop until he was standing in front of her. 

His gaze briefly fell to the cat on her lap and his brows tugged together. But his attention soon shifted to Leona. 

Leona leaned to the side and placed her elbow on the prominent armrest of the sofa as she propped her chin on her palm. 

''I don't know if I did not make myself clear when I said that I can't entertain guests?" 

''Your guest left in a rush so I was invited in.'' 

The butler who just regained his composure and walked inside almost tripped when he heard that.

He looked at Leona with a pitiful gaze. 

Seeing the butler's 'Missy, you have to have faith me. You have to!' gaze, Leona's lips twitched. 

This sly man even tried to frame her butler. 

''So, Asher leaving in rush had something to do with you?" 

Hearing the way she addressed that guy by his first name, Zayden's eyes darkened, ''It seems you are rather close.''