To love someone who doesn't love you back

''No need,'' Mila shook her head. 

''Sister-in-law, even if you pity him for losing his mother at a young age, you can't defend him all the time. This child becomes more and more wild with time.'' 

Mila gazed at the woman, ''It's not that I am defending him. He has been like this since he was young. He cut a gardener's fingers when he was young because the servant accidentally sprayed some water on his shoes when he was passing by.

I wanted him to be grounded but you said he is a Vetrov and if he takes it upon himself to discipline a servant, he can do that.'' 

''He is a Vetrov and he can cut the fingers of a servant or kill the servants at his will. But what he does with outsiders or the servants is different. He cannot behave in this manner in front of us. And Zayden is not even a servant, unless you are suggesting that.''