chapter not ready-dont unlock yet

Leona did not stop even once as she walked away from Zayden. 

She walked straight inside the mansion without looking back but just as she reached the staircase, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. 

Leona stopped in her tracks.

''Why is my little sister lurking out in the middle of the night?" A playful voice sounded from the distance. 

Leona turned around and glanced at the man who was walking towards her. 

The man was half-naked, having only a pair of trousers on is body that was drenched in sweat. 

But his eyes seemed to look at her like that of a predator gazing at its prey. 

Roman stopped in front of Leona, quirking a brow when he did not get an answer from her. 

Leona crossed her arms in front of her chest as she glanced at the man, ''Forget about me. Let's talk about you first. Don't tell me you brought some uninvited guest home.'' 

''So what if I did? So what if I didn't?" Roman squinted.