Space Breaking Array

Di Tian's lack of knowledge about this detail was actually a good thing that worked to his advantage.

There was an hidden twist to the final three levels.

Although one could directly skip the subsequent levels and appear in the core zone upon claiming a Ghost Heart Rune key, one could actually also go ahead to take the other two trials and claim the other keys.

There were only three keys in the Sarcophagus Dimension Trials. By default, claiming more than one key automatically gave one an edge in the final trial.

Fang Ao did not realize this hidden rule and missed his chance. On the other hand, Di Tian now had an opportunity to claim the last Ghost Heart Rune.

The layout of the fifth level was similar to that of the fourth level. Di Tian randomly appeared on one of the paths on the level.

But he did not immediately start walking down the path. Instead, he remotely observed the Ghost Heart Rune on his hand instead.