***The Inner sector of the Outskirts of Continent'Eclipse of the Ocean',
***Chingford's Martial Academy..
***Duelling Arena..
The first exchange had taken place though now..
Another arrow shoots out with Nathan rolling away though in a direction closer to Montana.
Reacting to this, Montana immediately moves further apart from Nadan as she re-strings another arrow at an impressive speed.
With herarrow set, Matana rolls sideways while letting her arrow fly through a new angle towards Nathan who has not fully gotten up from his own roll.
Nathan blocks the arrow again though the arrow head gets stuck in his wooden shield with the force pushinh his shield to the side and away from his body by a bit.
With a breathless pace, Montana slides against the sandy ground with another quick arrow flying straight at Nathan's unprotected area.
Nathan manages to push himself away from a hit but he sees as the arrowhead moves close to his body before piercing into the ground.
It is a deathly close one, too close infact.
Its barely been half-a-minute since the gong has been ring yet Nadan's heart is racing unlike anything he've felt before.
The brown sand against his skin feels like ash due to the hot sun and his thigh wound stings badly from the dirt.
He might really die to Motana if things keeps on like this, Nadan thinks to himself while wacthing her fast movements as she repositions to always keep the distance between them.
Unlike the first deathly exchange between them, Motana is finally fighting like an archer.
She seems vulnerable up close so she is keeping her distance. With this thought in his mind, Nadan plans to fix this disadvantage.
His cowboy's lasso gets pulled off his waist he shoots out its circular knot at Motana though after a sharp single roll over his head.
It takes Motana seconds to strike again so nor even a single second can be wasted to attack.
With one knee to the ground the other at a right angle, Nadan shoots the lasso to Motana who immediately avoids the rope with a roll.
Pulling back the lasso, Nadan twirls it around fast in a sharp circle before shooting its knot out at his enemy once more.
Shooting the lasso out has left Nadan vulnerable as he has to drop his shield and sword though it pays out as the rope catches against Montana's running leg.
*GASP!*, Nathan could hear Montana's shocked gasp as she falls to the ground. The double lasso attack were too sudden and she was not in the first instance expecting a long range attack from Nadan.
Immediately it hooks, Nathan twirls the rope tighter against his right fore-arm while pulling Montana down with her back slapping into the dirt.
This is his chance!.
Motana has barely completely fallen down from Nadan's pull against his lasso when Nathan's follows up his attack.
He grabs his shield and sword messily into his left hand before charging to the vulnerable Montana who's just meters away.
Motana is down, she has lost her shooting grip on her bow and she has also lost the arrow she has been about to string.
The lasso has really caught Motana by surprise and the speed at which it has been thrown truly leaves no room for reaction. At this tense moment, Motana has no time or desire to admire her enemy's strenght as she swings the bladed end of her bow at the rope on her leg.
The weak ropes slices off immediately under the sharpness of Motana's weapon as she hurriedly pushes herself backwards then to a kneeling position only to see Nathan's figure charging maniacly at her with the purpose of ending her life.
As soon as the rope had been sliced off, Nathan immediately lets go of the lasso as he grabs his weapons(His sheild and sword) rightly in both hand.
His injured thigh slows his speed a bit but just by a bit as his desperation numbs the pain.
With a deep battle grunt, Nathan raises his sword while charging for Montana's blood but somehow, she pulls off a counter. The dagger in her boots somehow moves into her hand but only for a single second as she throws it straight at Nadan's face.
Nathan shifts to avoid the flying dagger with a fluster that makes him lose a bit of composure on his attack.
With his shift in position, he cannot swing down at Motana anymore though considering how close they are, Nadan changes the attack and kicks Motana crocthed face up with a powerful kick.
Nadan's wood laced boots echoes off Motana's metal helmet with a resounding *BANG!*..
Pushed to her feet then stumbling backwards, Montana's falls with her back slaping onto the ground once more.
Motana feels the sour iron of blood on her tongue with her vision turning blurry for a moment as her head rings through a buzzing hymn.
Without her helmet's shock absorbing capacity, Montana would most likely be passed out from the impact of the charged kick.
Nathan's kick really does pack a good blow and it is nothing but unfortunate that the leg he used with his attack has an injury on its thigh. It is also unfortunate that Nadan has kicked against metal(Motana's helmet)!.
Rolling sideways, Nadan tumbles to the ground while rolling a few feet away as he growls in pain.
His thigh's wound spits out fresh blood from the shock and his foot is cramped in pain within his wooden boots. Despite these sore sensations, Nadan knows very well that he cannot waste any more time.
Nadan speedily crawls to his fallen sword which is only three feet away and then he takes it into his hand. Using it's blade like a staff, Nadan pushes himself back up.
Montana has also stood up from the ground though the effect of the wildkick is still ringing through her head and body as she stumbles like a drunkard with her bow still lying in the dirt.
Nathan has no plans to give Motana time to catch her breath as he charges at her with his sword raised high.
"Aarrrgghhh!..", Nadan yells with a charge while finally gaining the advantage of distance.
*SLASH!*, Nadan slashes at Motana while narrowly missing as Montana dodges backwards before leaning to the side as she rolls away.
Doing thus, Motana pulls out her own sword off her back as running is now out of the option for her.
The next attack from Nathan comes just as brutally as his first. Nadan's major weapon is a sword and adding the shield in his hand, Motana stands no chance at close distance.
Nadan ruthlessly bashes his shield against Motana's chest to push her further off balance as he strikes down at her with his blade.
Motana manages to block the sword strike with her own short sword's blade though her strenght is weak compared to Nadan's as she is made to lose her already bad grip in her weapon due to the collision.
Another harsh jab from Nadan's shield and Motana is stumbling backwards into the diet.
The crowd holds their breath,.. Despite her armour, Motana is going to be atleast seriously injured from the next slash at her undefended body.
Without hesitation, Motana makes an almost subconscious decision. With her fingers digging into the dirt, Montana scoops some up before throwing it directly into Nathan's raging gaze.
With a durst of dust, it impacts.
Nathan stumbles back with a small shout as the dirt burns into his eyes. He cannot lose Montana so he immediately shakes his head rapidly while trying to find her figure and finish the job even with his blurry vision.
The problem now is that Motana is not anywhere near. Unlike Motana, Nadan couldn't afford a full face armour and so the part of his face that's unprotected is currently full of dirt and his eyes are now sore and reddened.
Nadan is already becoming very exhausted from the fast paced battle though he had to keep his eyes open.
Turning his sight around, Nadan tries to find Motana then all of a sudden, Nadan heard the crowd clamouring louder with alarm bells ringing in his head..
An arrow sticks into Nadan's chest while spilling blood on impact. The force if the arrow head stumbles Nadan backwards with pains as he feels liquid pushing up his throat.
The crowd goes silent with wide eyes.
Nadan coughs out black blood and broken organs as his vision gets even more blurry.
A word comes to his mind,..