A future that included Tian

Feeling the soft rustle of grass under her feet, Cynthia looked at the building of Fairview High School. She glanced at her wristwatch and noted that there were still around fifteen minutes until the rest of her friends would arrive.

She walked back and forth, letting the soft wind fan her face as her thoughts drifted back to her father, who was likely still passed out on the living room couch. She pushed back the guilt that threatened to grip her heart.

There was no need to feel guilty, she reminded herself. She had already placed some fruit on the table along with a face towel and made a pot of soup to help with his inevitable hangover. That should be enough, and it wasn't her responsibility to fix everything for him, especially when he was the one who kept falling into the same destructive patterns.

She took a deep breath, trying to focus on the present. The school grounds were quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos in her heart.

Seeing her father in this state always reminded her of how different her life was compared to what she tried to show the world – a facade she assumed she'd inherited from her mother.

As she found a vacant car to lean against, her thoughts drifted to the past, her eyes taking on the same hollow look they always did whenever she pondered her parents' relationship.

Like every other child, she had dreamed of being spoiled by her parents, witnessing their moments of love, and living in a happy family. For a few years, as she faintly remembered, her life had indeed been like that.

Her lips curled into a small, bittersweet smile, the back of her eyes burning with unshed tears. She refused to let them fall as the happy images blurred, replaced by vivid memories of constant arguments, screams, and the sound of things being smashed.

The voices in her memory grew louder, each scream and crash echoing painfully in her mind. Then, just as suddenly as it had started, everything stopped. Silence. Just like that.

She had witnessed the look of affection in her mother's eyes turn into painful indifference. The love and pride in her father's eyes had vanished, replaced by a constant look of shame whenever he looked at her.

The couple who once made every effort to spend as much time together as possible, ensuring they always had dinner together, now dreaded staying in the same house on the same day—seeking their respective solace in the world of work and alcohol.

The once-loving family she had dreamt of had slipped right through her fingers, leaving her to watch helplessly as it crumbled.

In her heart, Cynthia wrestled with the question of blame. Was it her mother's indifference, her father's descent into shame and alcohol, or had she somehow contributed to the downfall, just as her aunt had cruelly suggested throughout her childhood?

Grabbing her flyaway strands of hair, she tucked them behind her ear as she gazed into the distance. Her mother's stoic indifference to her father's infidelity was always a mystery to her. It was as if the betrayal didn't cut deep, as long as it remained hidden within the confines of their home. Her mother seemed determined to keep the family's image untarnished in the eyes of the world.

They attended every party, every parent-teacher meeting, and every event that required their presence, putting on a flawless façade of a perfect family. They moved with practiced ease, their smiles never wavering, their interactions smooth and convincing. Cynthia, caught in the middle of their performance, struggled to discern which version of her parents was the real one. Was it the loving couple they pretended to be in public or the bitter, distant strangers they became at home?

Maybe this question would always remain unanswered to her, and she wasn't even sure if she was looking for it by now.

Cynthia's eyes flickered toward the distance, catching sight of Tian walking toward her. His strides were confident and steady, cutting a striking figure against the backdrop of the school grounds. The sunlight played on his features, highlighting the easy smile that seemed to be meant just for her.

As he approached, Cynthia felt a warmth spread through her, a sensation she had rarely allowed herself to indulge in. Tian was an unexpected change in her life, a bright spot against the shadows of her past. His presence had a way of dimming the scars left by her tumultuous childhood, soothing the hurt with his kindness and unwavering support.

Every interaction with Tian chipped away at the walls she had built around her heart. She found herself looking forward to their conversations, cherishing the moments of laughter they shared. The way he listened to her, truly listened, made her feel seen and valued in a way she hadn't experienced before.

Cynthia's grip on her emotional defenses loosened ever so slightly each time she saw him. What had started as a simple crush was evolving, almost imperceptibly, into something deeper. She began to notice the little things about him—the way his eyes lit up when he talked about his dreams, the subtle strength in his voice when he spoke of protecting those he cared about.

Her heart fluttered as Tian drew nearer, his smile growing wider. It was a feeling she had fought against for so long, afraid to let herself hope, to let herself feel. But with Tian, it was different. He had a way of making her feel safe, cherished, and important.

As Tian finally reached her, he greeted her with that infectious smile. "Hey, Cynthia," he said, his voice filled with genuine happiness at seeing her.

"Hey, Tian," she replied, her own smile mirroring his.

His presence was a balm to her wounded heart, and she felt herself slowly, almost reluctantly, surrendering to the possibility of love. The subtle liking she felt for him was growing, and for the first time in a long while, Cynthia allowed herself to hope for a future that was brighter, a future that included Tian.