Chapter 2(Marriage contract 1)

Reign Corporation

Jin Feng sat at his desks as he looked through some documents which is assistant has just passed out to him.

"Young master,the elder just called from the old residence,he said he couldn't reach you and ask that I tell you to come with missus to the old mansion for dinner"Assistant want said as he informed the boss of his phone call a he looked on ast his boss to find that his expression had darkened the next minute.

"Tell him that we are busy"Jin Feng said as he didn't know why the old man was so fixated on the idea of him and Su Li being a normal couple they had only gotten married because of their messed up blind date which he had first refuse to go and was later forced by the old man, he had also threatened him on this matter if not he wouldn't be willing to marry some woman who was older than him by five years.

"Sorry master but the elder had told me that if you refuse to come the land in B district would be given to your uncle ins…

" Tell him that we will ne there"before Assistant wang could finish his sentence Jin Feng said,the area of land in B district was a huge land which the elder master had acquired from the government in his early days as the chairman, the large was huge was close to the urban areas,Jin Feng had showed his interest on that piece of land and had thought of different means to take it from the old man but as he was so greedy the old man had refuse and now he wanted to give it to his youngest uncle.How dubious !

"Young master should I give the missus a call"

"Nope I will pick her up myself, he said and looked at the time on his wrist watch and saw that it was just until an hour for working hours to end.

~ ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~

When working hours had come to an end Su Li dat in her chair as she kept on reviewing some document with an hot coffee in her hands she didn't notice that someone was standing at the entrance she continued with her straight face which didn't seem to carry any emotions she was like a cold ice that couldn't melt,he looked at her for a while before making himself noticed.

Su Li heard footsteps and raised her head to see a talk figure with his well ironed white tailored suit he was looking dashing as always with his fine long legs, this handsome man was her husband who was younger than her by five years both of them had just gotten married everyone thought that it was just a normal we'd between two souls but only the both of them know how it was.

" Tidy up let's head out"Jin Feng said as he walked up to her desk he watched her as she adjusted her glasses and dropped the remaining cup of coffee on her desk.

"Where are we going,Su Li asked because it was very unusual for him to come to pick her up and she didn't mind at all.

"To the old residence the old man has asked me to bring you along for dinner "

Oh so it was the old man and she knew that he might have promised Jin Feng something or he wouldn't be bothered,"ok let me arrange my things I will meet you in the car, she said and Jin Feng nodded and walked out of the office.

They had both taken the same car which was Jin Feng's car they sat at the back sit as the driver drove off,there was silence between them and it wasn't suffocating since the two couple never interacted much, Su Li pressed her phone and Jin Feng was working on his laptop.

The Jin old residence from the Su corporation could wasn't exactly far but since it was closing hours everywhere was busy and there was traffic,before they got to the old mansion an hour had pass.